31 Replies to “We March At Dawn!”

  1. Can’t wait for Little Fidel to borrow the page from Nicolae Ceaușescu and declare that Canada is a vegetarian nation.

    1. I understand boy blunder and the regressives are putting the finishing touches on their effective weight loss Venezuelan diet.

  2. Been fattening up our squirrels with peanuts…
    Starting to look a little porky.
    Bacon…mouth is starting to water.

  3. Ummmm in 2020 there is an overabundance of hogs. However, due to the lesser demand farmers were forced to thin herds for the coming year. Guess what…it’s the coming year now and there is a hog shortage because that’s how the meat industry rolls. I don’t know how they can keep a straight face and blame the increased costs on wild fires and droughts. I guess someone wanted the “climate change” angle for a paper of something.

    Simply put…supply and demand, and a poor choice by herders towards the end of 2020. That, and the inflation increase due to the retard in the White House.

    1. It’s not poor choices; it’s just choices made, and then situations changed. Hog markets move in cycles.

      My freezer has about 20 lbs of bacon in it. That should last close to a year, and I’m sure the situation may have changed since then.

      1. OK everyone, let’s organize a raid on KevinB’s freezer. I’m in, anyone else wanna join me?

    2. Okay, but how much of the increase are hog producers actually realising? When food prices increase, the producers rarely see any of it.

  4. How much of what is left of the Canadian pork industry is now run by “foreign” interests?

    How tightly is the entire chain “vertically integrated”?

    How much of what is produced is being exported in bulk to the country that OWNS the industry?

    Not unlike the rapidly developing situation with the Australian beef industry.

      1. Bummer. It’s a pack of 7 wild pigs crossing the front lawn of a suburban neighborhood near me. The wild pigs in the area have dug up and completely ruined an entire brand new ball field: 2 soccer fields and a little league diamond.

        My opinion? Go FULL Ted Nugent on the wild pigs. Bow hunt those piggies onto your breakfast plate. I had a client give me wild boar sausage he had his butcher prepare. Best sausage I’ve ever tasted.

  5. That reminds me of the Makin Bacon t shirt with the pigs gettin it on – kinda like what carbon taxes due to consumers – fuck them dry.

  6. You have to look at this issue from the perspective that politicians basically gutted the restaurant industry. I read somewhere that some metro areas have lost 60% of their restaurants due to the shut downs. Those folks used to buy bulk from the distributor…who would buy bulk from the processor. As I said, supply and demand. The industry was gutted by over reacting do-gooders…and with all economics shit flows downhill. Farmers were forced to thin herds in anticipation of a smaller market. Guessing correctly, however, is not an exact science. It will even out as usual once there is a sense of stability and recovery in the industry (read: start up restaurants).

    Consumer confidence right now is piss poor and the politicians continue to throw gasoline on that particular fire.

    If the article writer was honest (and they aren’t) they would have at least alluded to the facts.

  7. “We March At Dawn!”

    Heh. It’d be just like our absurd time if bacon prices were what drove us to revolution. Future historians would tie themselves into knots trying to explain it all.

    1. It’d be just like our absurd time if bacon prices were what drove us to revolution.

      Well, there already has been a Bacon’s Rebellion. In 1676.

  8. I get my bacon from local farms, just like I get my veg & milk & meat. No supply chain issues and it’s light years better than supermarket crap.

    1. Plus it’s better bacon than the fatty stringy garbage the other big chains sell. How long before we see pigs with peg legs?
      The joke – a farmer tells a friend who’s wondering why his pet pig only has three legs that this piggie save them all from a fire.
      The friend remarked what a great story but it doesn’t explain the peg leg. “A good pig like that; you can’t eat him all at once.”

  9. L – General Kevin Bacon is outfitting expeditionary forces, as we speak, this in order to liberate Canada’s hog-tied economy.

    Herds of wild boars are being rounded up and turned into fighting rashers of bacon and sausage. Until then, hungry Canadian recruits will have to make do with spit-roasted pig served with apple sauce made from crab-apples.

    Federal mismanagement of the economy and currency has led to demands that weekly wages be paid in something more valuable than inflated Trudeau passing of the bucks. Bringing home the bacon returns to the weekly lexicon.

  10. It’s hard to count as I am reading this on a cellphone but how many paragraphs in was it before they mentioned the Pandemic?
    As if that’s not the main driving force behind inflation.

  11. Depends, at Illichmann’s (illichmann’s) butcher shop in Calgary you can get 12 slice of maximum superior quality bacon made by the butcher, thick sliced black forest smoked bacon for about $9.
    We are talking bacon here.

  12. Canadians don’t care about high prices, they vote to pay carbon taxes on top of everything else, it makes zero difference to the average Canadian.

    “Idiot in the street” interviews, the ones that get aired anyhow, are all the same – the idiot journalist asks some idiot if she’s willing to pay more for health care – and both idiots always vigorously agree – paying more tax is always a good thing.

    1. Started my Net time with a hearty laugh courtesy Kenji, now ending it with another thanks to you, Cap’n. 😀

  13. Even when Canadians are dropping dead from hunger in the streets it won’t matter. As long as our betters do the bidding of Beijing and Bay Street, they will continue to enjoy all the fine food they want.

    Colonialista mentioned Ceausescu. The Genius of the Carpathians was overthrown and killed not for starving his people (he had gotten away with that for nearly a decade), but for paying off Romania’s debts and threatening to start competing with Wall Street for the Third World debt racket.

    The House of Kim, of course, still rule north Korea, decades of hunger be damned. Fatboy Kim go when it suits Beijing, not his people.

    1. If the Swiss would just show some balls and cut off his Emmental supply, he’d starve in a couple of weeks. Or maybe it’s ersatz cheese made from soylent green, and his handlers are afraid to tell him. They saw what he did to his own uncle just for falling asleep. 😀
