26 Replies to “2+2=5”

  1. Physics? 🙂 Looks like Social Studies or Inclusivity and Equity, certainly not Physics.

    1. Yeah then they’ll be building woke pedestrian overpasses that collapse onto traffic.

    2. Just wait for them to finally get to the Engineering department.

      That started soon after the 1989 shooting incident in Montreal.

      I noticed that as a grad student. I finished my M. Sc. in 1982. By the time I returned to university in 1991, things had changed drastically at my alma mater.

  2. Meanwhile, China and India are churning out real physicists and engineers by the millions. I wonder who the future belongs to???

  3. Physics departments in universities are notorious for excluding the flat out stupid. This must change!

  4. If you wish to learn something in the west, and not be indoctrinated, you’d better be a good autodidact. You can buy a lot of good lab equipment and books for the price of a year’s tuition.

  5. Once this goes through all education, it will be a boon to business bottom lines.
    $10/hour for 40 hours/week, you will be paid gross pre deductions of $300 every Friday…….
    Just don’t let them near anything to do with money coming in or out.

  6. How is it that they can cull anyone from campus who chooses not to take the experimental jab under such an inclusivity regime?

  7. All that inclusion on the website and they can’t make it accommodate a mobile screen.

    I’m triggered!

  8. Last time I studied physics in Engineering, I wasn’t aware that gravity gave a damn about color, race or creed – it is totally ambivalent. If anyone jumps off of a roof, they accelerate at a known rate towards the ground. So why should those studying physics care either?

    1. The only ones that accelerate the best are the Queenies that get an ” assisted ” push from high places by our Muslim ” friends ” .
      So say the Haddiths, trust that science they tell the Believers.

  9. “Values Statement”?

    You have no values, you have a finger in the wind and a nice comfy spot in the middle of the hysterical ‘woke’ mob.

    An organizations with values would reject the mob mentality.

  10. Despite our loved ones who I hope somehow miraculously survive…

    I’m really hoping this is a fast acting depopulation shot….

  11. Higher learning has flipped the script – They’re now instructing you “what to think” as opposed to “how to think”. This will end badly.
    Gov’t funded cult centres that will unleash their little brownshirts on the rest of us.

  12. “The Department of Physics shares McGill University’s commitment to academic excellence, inclusion, and respect. ”

    Well at least they remembered they were at one point a physics department.

  13. Recognizing that McGill University and the greater MontrĂ©al area are situated on unceded territory of Indigenous peoples. Identifying areas in which we can support Indigenous peoples, and including Indigenous peoples in our research, learning, and teaching. We value education on Indigenous sovereignty, support of Indigenous culture and joy, and exploration of both McGill’s history and contemporary policies relating to the mistreatment of Indigenous peoples; …

    I’m sorry … what does any of this have to do with Newtonian mechanics? And if you “recognize” your University is located in “unceded territory” … then why haven’t you vacated said Territory and ceded it back to those “joyful” Indigenous Peoples ? Your University (esp. the Physics Dept.) would make a nice Casino. Or marijuana nursery.

    How DARE you mouth all these feel-good, guilt-assuaging words … but change nothing. How about donating all your Professorial salaries to poor Indigenous People? That, my friend, is TRUE “equity” you know … not “equal” … but painfully in-equal … as you OWE the Indigenous ALL your “white privilege”. All of it.

    Nothing but empty words and muddled meaning.

    1. Why stop there? Why not pay reparations for the discoveries that were “stolen” by having been made on Indian land? (“If it wasn’t for our land, you wouldn’t have discovered the cure for cancer.”)

      After I got my Ph. D., I was disappointed that I never got a faculty position. With all the current politically-correct equine excrement that’s going on, I’m glad I didn’t.

      I certainly don’t feel sorry for the people I knew from grad school who now have tenure. They wanted their jobs for life–well, they’re welcome to them, inclusivity statements, equity policies, gender-bending compliances, and all.
