25 Replies to “George Orwell call your office”

  1. Maybe we can start selling t-shirts.
    “Why am I not the special pig”
    Yet, the masses that voted for our groper in chief will applaud, they need their entertainment after all.

  2. I’m just going to come out and say it: If you attend professional sporting events that flagrantly waives off rules or receives exemptions from the gov’t that you’re obliged to obey and while simultaneously shutting out those fans who don’t comply, you’re a bigger part of the problem than you’ll ever know. You’re a fng Poodle. Nothing more nothing less.
    I get it that people are sports fans and that’s ok…I’m one myself. But to pay for overpriced seats and drink overpriced beer and root for millionaires while millionaire owners laugh at you from their box seats is the nadir of idiocy. I absolutely see no difference between you and the slow kid on school playgrounds who gets extorted for money on a daily basis just so he can sit with the cool kids at lunch time.
    Wake up and have some god damned self respect.
    Empty arenas, stadiums, soccer fields and Bball courts will make this “pandemic” disappear overnight.

    1. Flexible values, flexible morals, flexible science, flexible logic.

      “Yabbut, I want to go watch sportsball.”

    2. Ain’t gonna happen. For the final week of the MLB regular season, Rogers and the Blue Jays opened the Rogers Centre to an additional 15,000 (total 30,000) “vaxxed” fans. Lots of people in the stands, still WEARING MASKS! You just can’t fix stupid in Toronto. Or Canada, for that matter.

  3. If they didn’t do this then the Raptors would have to play in the USA again and MLSE is a powerful force in Toronto/Ontario politics. Plus, this pandemic has never applied to the elite in any field.

  4. The Santa Claus Virus knows if you’ve been good or bad.
    Basketball = good.
    Going to work = bad.

  5. If it’s in Toronto’s or Quebec’s interest, it’s in the national interest. Just shut up, wear a mask, pay your taxes and show us your passport.

  6. Full capacity Jets games = national interest.

    Massive reconciliation day march in Winnipeg = national interest

    Santa Claus parade = cancel that

  7. The true believers in the SN comments are still rabidly insistent on forcing the poison jab.

    1. All Black Multi-Millionaire Athlete Lives Matter!

      Don’t hate. Most of these players have multiple children to provide for. Sometimes all with the same woman.

  8. You can trust Big Pharma 2021.
    Big Pharma 2021 loves you and wants you to be happy.


    “In the last few years pharmaceutical companies have agreed to pay over $13 billion to resolve U.S. Department of Justice allegations of fraudulent marketing practices, including the promotion of medicines for uses that were not approved by the Food and Drug Administration. Here are summaries of some recent large settlements.”

    “GlaxoSmithKline agreed to pay a fine of $3 billion to resolve civil and criminal liabilities regarding its promotion of drugs, as well as its failure to report safety data. “

  9. Andrew wiggins as unvaxed cant play home games in california but no problem playing in the other 30 venues. He is even able to cross the canadian border to play in toronto. The unvaxxed players have got to be pointing out the stupidity of these arbitrary rules

  10. Come all ye unvaxed, weary and contaminated, sick and infected across our southern border.
    But on the other hand you healthy Canadian snowbirds ….

  11. In Queensland, an exemption has been made for tomorrow’s (?) major sporting event there… Foot darts? Water chess? Basket triangles? Head tennis? Can’t remember what it is; no interest at all.

    What is amusing is that, with wuflu infection cases rising there, EVERYONE, regardless of their stances on other matters, is cynically absolutely certain that lockdowns and restrictions will be reimposed the following day, despite promises from the state government to the contrary…

    Exemptions have NOT been made for our military, or for compassionate reasons in serious domestic situations, although they have been made for the Premieress herself and certain other ‘famous’ personages…
