Losing my Religion

Taibbi- The News is America’s New Religion, and We’re in a Religious War

This is the result of narrative-driven coverage that focuses huge amounts of resources on the wrongness of the rival faith. Blue audiences love stories about the deathbed recantations of red-state Covid deniers, some of which are real, some more dubious. A typical Fox story, meanwhile, might involve a woman who passed out and crashed into a telephone pole while wearing a mask alone in her car. Tales of each other’s stupidity are the new national religion, and especially among erstwhile liberals, we take them more seriously than any religion has been taken in the smart set in a long, long time.

10 Replies to “Losing my Religion”

  1. “some of which are real, some more dubious”

    LOL. There are fully verifiable stories posted by covid deniers/antivaxxers getting covid and then dying ON THEIR OWN SOCIAL MEDIA FEEDS being found by the minute. Not to mention a slew of right-wing talkshow hosts dead or dying, including your favorite cartoonist. https://gizmodo.com/anti-vaccine-cartoonist-ben-garrison-says-hes-got-covid-1847749901

    Meanwhile you folks have shown absolutely NOTHING to back up your vaccine FUD.

      1. Well, yeah. Every time I see one of these LOL people I just think, “well, here’s a 19-year old fuckwit who’s never worked a day in their life, probably smokes chronic more or less non-stop through each pointless day, yet they expect to be taken seriously by we adults. How pathetic is that?”

        To say nothing of their inability to comprehend the point, which is taking personal responsibility for one’s own health and not being ordered by the state to line up and obey or be clubbed senseless. Then I mentally perform the act of flicking a bit of lint off my shirt and move on.

  2. Perhaps most interesting is that Taibbi is a contributing editor to Rolling Stone magazine as per Wikipedia ….. Is it possible a Middle Ground (although an island at the moment) is developing?
