Passport To Nowhere


We found no significant difference in cycle threshold values between vaccinated and unvaccinated, asymptomatic and symptomatic groups infected with SARS-CoV-2 Delta. Given the substantial proportion of asymptomatic vaccine breakthrough cases with high viral levels, interventions, including masking and testing, should be considered for all in settings with elevated COVID-19 transmission.

39 Replies to “Passport To Nowhere”

  1. No such thing as a “breakthrough” case. It implies that mRNA confers immunity on those who take it. That’s simply not true.

    Study funded by the Zuckerbergs, make of that what you will.

    1. True, and I have been of that opinion since the word breakthrough was used. We know the goal and we know that the vaxxes are now killing people. The stage is set for further destruction of our health, our lives and our freedom.

      1. Always follow the money. This is part of the dominant narrative. I hope the truth comes out about the number of deaths caused by the vax but there is so much manipulation of the data that I’m not sure it will. Have you see the data of the 139,000 pregnant women who were vaccinated?

  2. Swell you carry a viral load, vaxxed or unvaxxed, mask or no mask.

    And the point of all the precautions was what exactly? 🙂


    Hans Rupprecht, Commander in Chief

    1st Saint Nicolaas Army
    Army Group “True North”

    1. Dramatically reduced chance of infection, hospitalization, ICU, and deaths.

      Also as the study states, the period of infectiousness for vaccinated individuals is much shorter.

          1. So what, don’ they have a “Dramatically reduced chance of infection, hospitalization, ICU, and deaths.”

          2. That’s not an answer, numbnuts.
            But the unvaccinated do pay taxes, just like drinkers, smokers, fat bastards and the sexually promiscuous.

          3. Our ICUs are clogged only because we have steadily diminished ICU capacity in our province for decades, and our health services did not act to significantly increase that capacity in the face of this pandemic until very late into the game. Our health care system can’t handle the numbers while they are well handled in other first world countries.

            Our ICU capacity in Alberta, and across Canada, is far lower than that of most U.S. states.

            It is not palatable to normalize the blaming of patients for a failing/failed health care system. What is the motivation to buy into this blame game?

            The idea that I can ‘tell’ which individual is possibly carrying a viral load by vaccine status is preposterous. All I can do is choose to handle that virus with the help of a vaccine, or without. I chose to vaccinate. In light of the knowledge that both vaccinated and unvaccinated can carry a viral load, other people have every right to choose differently and EXPECT a health care system that is at least as supportive as we see in most first world countries.

            The word ‘may’ is also important to note – “Interestingly, the viral loads decreased more rapidly in vaccinated than unvaccinated individuals in Singapore [3], suggesting that vaccinated individuals may remain infectious for shorter periods of time.”

          4. Look at what in Alberta?
            The real numbers or the misinformation government numbers on ICUs?

      1. Maybe deaths from Covid, but not necessarily deaths ftom other causes — you know, blood clots, heart attack, aggressive cancers, etc.. In most countries that have ambitious vaccine implementation, the overall death rates are skyrocketing. Plus we have no long term studies of the vaccines, so at this point I would say things do not look very good.

  3. FEAR the unvaccinated! FEAR the viral load! FEAR the super-spreader scofflaw anti-vaxxers. FEAR FEAR FEAR …

    1. Kenji, RN posted the following yesterday and it is is deadly accurate, no pun intended. “It has been an 18 month attack on every person’s limbic system, and it is by design. It has worked superbly. The evidence of rational thought is being destroyed everywhere”. FEAR FEAR FEAR.

  4. I don’t know what’s crazier, this zombie apocalypse or the fact that given a choice, only 5% of Canadians would vote against it.

      1. A pill could end Shutdowns? Masking? Passports?
        “If you’re feeling poopy, pop a pill.”
        Are anti-virals dangerous?

  5. Supported by Chan Zuckerberg Biohub, Healthy Yolo Together, the University of California, San Francisco, the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative, and The University of California, Davis.

    Healthy Yolo together? Wtf? That list sounds like the ‘we want to control everyone forever out of fear’ list.

  6. If You Have Not Suffered Enough. It Is Your God Given Right To Suffer Some More. Peaceful Demonstration are not working. They do not care. If you want to end the insanity. You have to prepare in the thousands, the tens of thousands to show up at your Provincial Capital with baseball bats and pitchforks etc and take back your rights by all means necessary. These people although elected no longer have your health or safety in mind. They mean you and your children harm. Remove them if they are harming you or your family remove them from power over you at all levels of government.

    1. Watcher, that is what is needed, but, Canadians are cowards. They would sooner believe lies than truth and will gladly work to destroy the country, and their friends, neighbors and families. It is sad disturbing time we find ourselves living in.

    2. Norway, Thailand, Singapore are choosing to drop all restrictions and live with Covid.
      10 minute video. Kim Iversen from The Hill covers the nuts and bolts of it in the first 6 minutes. Panelist discussion after that.

  7. This is more spitting into the wind. Just in general, American covid statistics are problematic, maybe even subjective, since they are collected across multiple jurisdictions with ambiguous criteria, not to mention that the detection of covid was incentivized. The public health officials decided early on they wanted to err on the side of capturing all the possible covid cases because they didn’t want to miss or overlook cases. So, yes they were intentionally skewed toward false positives. This isn’t necessarily sinister. Even the pcr testing is a problem, it’s unclear if they are detecting active virus or dead virus, whole viruses or virus fragments.

    1. The latest Leftist Big Lie is that we are currently experiencing “a pandemic of the unvaccinated” and that it is “unvaccinated” people who are “keeping COVID alive.” The truth, of course, is the exact opposite. The majority of hospitalizations and deaths this year are actually from vaccine injuries, not SARS-CoV-2 infections. It is the VACCINATED who have been harmed the most by these experimental jabs. This document verifies that this is indeed what has been happening.

    1. Canadian leaders are just going where the Canadian people want to go. The people want this. They want to Cast Out the UnClean. They want that feeling of smug moral superiority; it’s their catnip.

      Our new premier a couple of days ago compared the Covid vaccine to the smallpox vaccine. He also said he didn’t care how many YouTube videos he was sent, how many conspiracy theories he is told about, he does not agree with those who choose not to take the shots, and that he will never agree. He is convinced more than ever that proof of vaccination is right and it is necessary and so here we go on Monday.

      A citizenry gets the leaders it deserves. Canadians are smug, lazy and entitled and do not want freedom. They want that safety blanket of big government and they want nobody to threaten that.

      1. There are thousands and thousands incoming future Canadians who liked the corrupt systems in their own countries.
        Thinking here that that is what they want, the only difference being “the free stuff and free money” and the first would be “free healthcare”. Then they can go back to the shithole they came from and be set for life.
        Bet you they can’t believe their luck.

  8. “interventions, including masking and testing, should be considered for all in settings…”

    So more USELESS face diapers and wildly oversensitive testing to attempt to prove a negative is what they come up with? Fuck off!
    The ONLY test I will accept at this point is an antibody test to prove prior infection. And then upon a positive result, I will resume my normal life.

  9. Phizervectin and Merkvectin on its way (Merck makes Ivermectin). How expensive do you think it will be?

    1. How expensive do you think it will be?

      Sky is the limit, but if the government pays. Well then. Who cares.


      Someone is getting damn rich

  10. This is the script for the reset.
    Directly from the deep swamp of the government of Saskatchewan.

    IMPORTANT MESSAGE FOR ALL CANADIANS! This won’t be up for long

    The commentary is not as important as the content of the document received on September 13 2021 by the clerk of executive council of the government of Saskatchewan by order of the lieutenant governor in council.

    The totalitarians of the twentieth century had nothing on these people.

  11. The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary. – H. L. Mencken
