52 Replies to “Trust Your Doctor”

  1. Shameful not only that she can but that she’d want to profit off of all this. Isn’t she already getting upwards of $300K/year plus pension, benefits, etc.? Not kind. Anyways I’d rather hang myself in an outhouse than read this tripe.

    1. The “book deals ” and sales are a way for TPTB to launder money to their chosen ones for a job well done .

      Wonder when Fat Ford will write a book too.
      Guess his Label company is still making money from the government.

  2. Dr Mengele didn’t want to lose his job and snazzy SS uniform either. Just sayin’

  3. “How can I make my tenure here as effortless and as profitable as possible?” said every govt hack ever.

    1. Yes, John. You nailed it.
      If that is really a legitimate excerpt from Bonnie Henry’s book, then she is explicitly saying that she would rather take the money instead of doing what is right. Better that, than be “ rendered ineffective and fired altogether.”
      That is choosing money over truth.
      Just following orders…for money.
      Is it any wonder that her eyes have that dead look?
      I hope for the trials….
      I may even buy her book, just to see how it feels to burn her book.
      Time for conflagration, eh?
      Horgan, Dix, Henry, Trudeau (when done surfing), and all the ugly little quislings, all in a row.
      The time is coming.

  4. I wish I could show this to my idiot brother, but he thinks that I’m “sick”, and “corrupted by right-wing influences,” as if I’ve been absorbed into some kind of a cult, and in need of an “intervention.”

    My idiot brother and I are no longer on speaking terms, and I have three other siblings that agree with him, so I’m not talking to them either.

    In my last correspondence to him, I told him that I’d rather be “sick” than deluded.

    I’m not the one that’s going to stand in a prisoners box at Nuremburg 2.0.

      1. So you’re the guy who’s figured out how to cheat death, eh?

        Good luck with that – fucking idiot.

    1. I am one of 11…the other ten had the jab…most willingly, some forced by paranoid family.
      3 stopped talking to me last January.
      3 ‘tolerate’ some discussion with me.
      1 is dying of cancer…survived wuhan flu at 79 years old in the middle of chemo. Some ‘doctor’ advised him to have the jab…that just about killed him.

      This was never about health, it is propaganda, and tyranny.

      1. My sympathies, anon, for your sibling suffering from cancer.

        Although I have a feeling that we are not alone… that many families have been driven apart over this.

        I don’t think this rift between my family and myself will heal, and although I’m not proud to say this, I admit, I could do without them.

        1. Ditto, sad to say.
          Rifts abound among family and friends.
          The divisiveness is our undoing unless we somehow get past it.
          I am not optimistic, though.
          Hang tough with the like minded, they are your real kin.

        2. Same here, I have avoided most family functions, don’t want to be blamed for anyone’s illness and don’t need their judgemental ignorance! Impossible to have a rational discussion because of the deeply embedded fear and hysteria they’ve so eagerly consumed. However It bothers me greatly that isolating people from their families is part of the plan, but what else is one to do?!

          1. I can’t speak for everyone, but I sought out like-minded individuals, and formed my own little social network. Again, I’m sorry to say that I care more for my “new family” than for my blood relatives.

            I don’t “hate” my family outright. I still have some respect for them, but as far as what happens from here on out, I can’t say that I’d be concerned for their welfare. After all, they voted for this nonsense, and even though I tried to warn them what’s coming down the pipe, they won’t listen. They rather drink the Kool-aid coming from their TV screens.

        3. I’m lucky that it hasn’t divided me from my children or blood family but friends is another matter. The lockdowns meant we couldn’t meet up which probably helped some friendships survive.

  5. Again, the public health officers should not have been in charge of this or even public facing other than for educational purposes. The emergency management authorities should have been in charge and in front because they are trained to manage pandemics, including balancing substantive priorities and messaging. That incomprehensible decision made by virtually eveyr government is a large part of the reason we are where we are.

  6. Wow, and here I thought she was so terribly busy saving us all from Covid, where did she find the time to write a book? What a saint!

    1. Her sister helped her to write that shit.
      She was busy trying to tell her sister how to massage the lies.

  7. A public health officer should be aware of public policy which has to be formulated by elected government. I’m not sure what the issue is there, does anyone prefer that public health officers take no guidance from elected governments? That would probably be worse than the current situation.

    Not making any apologies for NDP policy in BC, but I can’t imagine that an alternative (“Liberal” which here means centrist-conservative) government would have given Bonnie Henry any significantly different guidelines.

    Anyway, the process is obviously collaborative behind the scenes, they are not going to debate public policy at a press conference.

    Having said that I think they all made the wrong decisions in general but that is just one voter out of several million expressing an opinion.

    As a political question, I would say Horgan has played his hand better than most premiers, unlike almost every other province he is not the “big gun” but has sort of stayed on the sidelines and let his health minister and Bonnie Henry run the show. As a result he is not the hated ogre figure in BC that most other premiers have become in other provinces (from what I hear, and read). Health Minister Adrian Dix was the NDP leader before Horgan although never the premier during his brief stint, but he was a sort of deputy leader figure before this all set in.

    Personally, I keep my opposition to the policies selected in a certain balance — I don’t have access to enough reliable information to make me sure of my ground in this, it’s more like a process of inductive reasoning based on two main foundations — one, the propensity of current governments to lie to the public about other issues, or perhaps more charitably, to allow themselves to be hoodwinked by an expert class (as with green energy, climate change, sexual orientation issues, native concerns, etc); and two, the simple observation that even using their own suspect numbers, this is not the plague that some would have us believe.

    As to writing a book and profiting, that seems very libertarian to me, are we going to ban public sector workers from self-interest? They might seek revenge and close more doors in our faces. Nobody is forced to buy the damned thing.

    1. Some doctors are just a ideology or political demented as anyone else. Take the Rachel Notley loving and supporting doctor in Calgary who was out with his band of idiots, black lives matter, Antifa and an assortment retreads protesting for another provincial lock down this summer.

    2. Oliver Klozov:

      She has an M.D. but in my books is not a medical doctor.
      Nor is Fraudy Fauci (M.D. 1966)
      Just as Trump is not a president (now).

      And Bonnie, no not just messaging in the interest of the gubmint AT FIRST but all the way right up to today October 1, 2:10 pm PST.

      And tomorrow and tomorrow and …..

    3. You sure sound like a bureaucrat. What she’s done to ruin millions of lives is unconscionable. Her book deal is her payoff for towing the line and helping big pharma rack up billions for a disease that has a 99.997% survival rate. She should be on trial along with Whoregan and Dicks

    4. Peter O’Donnell.
      Nice apologetics on behalf of our betters.
      Are you a policy wonk for the BC government?
      Libertarian….ha ha ha ha…etc.
      Are we going to ban public sector workers from self interest, you say?
      You are either a public servant, or self interested.
      Otherwise, you have a conflict of interest.
      Get it?

  8. She is fully qualified government bureaucrat: A completely dishonest gutless thug.
    A normal person would have resigned rather than lie.

    But honesty is not a liberal value.

    Could you even explain the concept of honesty to her?

    1. Exactly….and the idiotic media likes to call people like her (and Tam, Fauci, etc) as the “Top Doctor”. They are NOT the top doctors. In fact, they are probably in their positions simply because they are mediocre at their profession. The top doctors are up to their elbows in research. These government hacks are just that…..nothing but bureaucrats who whore out their medical degrees.

  9. Wrong. Physicians, public health officers in particular, should be advising the government of the day and not running public policy or dictating what does or does not happen in the province or country. PHOs are government employees who provide an expertise and service to the government. They are not elected and thus, if incompetent or doing the bidding of the WEF shall we say, they cannot be voted out, only fired. Premier Horgan and the government of British Columbia are answerable to the populace and it is his duty to fire Dr. Henry if she does appear to be not acting in BC’s best interest or, if she truly believes she is acting in BC’s best interest, it is Horgan’s duty to temper those medical dictates and tell Bonnie that the citizens of the province won’t stand for or should not suffer the extremes of medical advice. If Horgan makes the wrong call, he gets voted out. If Henry makes the wrong call. Well. Just look around.

    What is happening today is Henry and Horgan are lovin’ them some Covid Pandemic. Henry is the face of the response and the Heroine of the day, with Horgan getting 2nd hand applause. Henry is enjoying her Rule by Technocrat and Horgan is getting his “track and monitor every damn BCer in the province” database. They are both Government and Advisor at exactly the same time. Eventually, when the whole Covid thing collapses, Henry will be seeing the bus from underneath, while Horgan will sing “It wasn’t me” and still have his database.

  10. And it should NEVER be one “doctor”. They should create a panel of doctors and they absolutely must NOT be of the same mind. They should adopt the “tenth man rule”.. The idiots are all walking in lock step like the Borg.

    1. Yup. She may have thought that her admission would cover her ass, but it will come back to bite her.

  11. I call her the Stay Puft marshmallow man… we have chosen the form of our destructor.., with a hat tip to Dan Akroyd

  12. If she were principled and ethical, she would have spoken to the political masters, not write a book. I once had to stand up th my federal boss and tell him that what he was asking me to do violated my code of ethics as a psychologist. He knew that I was right and we changed course. There was a bit of sanity left in the1990’s.

    He actually respected my stance, and knew that I was correct.

    Bonny, you had a choice. Instead of taking a professional stance, you capitulated and wrote a book instead.

    And now my grade one grand child will not be free of wearing masks all day, and will not be able to see her teacher’s face, while trying to learn a second language. THIS IS AN INSANE POLICY!!!

    1. I love the failed link to the buy the book site! Brilliant! No one should buy this book written by a wimpy fool who did not take her ethical responsibilities seriously, and she expects royalties! Let’s make it a “worst seller”. She enabled the death of many businesses in BC. Vacs passports, mandated masks for little kids and shots for kids are an evil government intervention, and probably worse for Canadians than stuff that happened in 1877.

      I demand real truth and reconciliations, as I am a lockdown victim and my grand children are guinea pigs for big pharma. The govt of Canada and BC owes me compensation for messing up my life for two years and more to come with useless tests and rules. Lesson from the FNs heard: cry VICTIM. All of the gov’ts should BUTT out (and that includes you, G. Butts).

      Goodbye Trudeau. Find another holiday spot. Does anyone in Tofino own a well-trained German shepherd or border collie to herd undesirables off our beaches? Add Whistler with some targeting huskies.

      Have fun getting your minions to make another fake budget for a sometime, maybe Parliament, with dysfunctional committees, with fraidy cats who will still want to work from home in their Pjs, for safety of course, with our ethically – challenged, unelected Health gurus in charge of minding the sheeple.

      Meanwhile, maybe you could take more vacays for “private talks” and consultations with like-minded folks. Oops, I guess Australia is out, as they have terrible rules and do not like you .. France, maybe not fun now, Britain too cold, so maybe the Caribbean or Florida (but you really should not have meetings there, though, as they have a smart governor who can smell idiots miles away).

    2. That’s right. On any issue where she disagreed on principle with the party line, as a so-called professional, she should have deferred to Adrian Dix to speak on behalf of government. Then people would have seen first hand how and why, under his leadership, the BC Liberals could beat the NDP.

  13. Oh, Oliver Klozov, be careful what you wish for. The whole point of electing governments – were it done honestly and without unearned advantage .. but, oh well – is to have big decisions handled by our trusted representatives (under advice, of course). Beware “expert” cabals – such as the Legal Guild – for they just might betray us for their own fun and profit.

  14. “If you want to buy the book.”

    Thanks, but we’ve already weathered The Great Toilet Paper Shortage of 2020.

    BTW who the eff is Lynn Henry?.

  15. “The masses deserve and need to be micturated upon…..frequently.”
