136 Replies to “54% Vaccinated”

  1. It’s all the fault of the filthy non-!vaxxed. Next step, to unlock society is rounding up the non-!vaxxed and shoving them into concentration camps north of Montreal where they can build their own barracks and boil their own shoe leather for soup.

    1. It’s the children’s fault!
      We need to immediately vaccinate the little bastards from infecting the rest of us!
      And only Pfizer his the cure jab to do this job!

      Our next fearporn campaign…

    2. 89% received first dose, 84% received second dose……that shoots a hole through the herd immunity guvmint lies.

      This innoculation of experimental gene therapy is not working very well-is it?

      1. Yep. And “herd immunity” comes from large numbers of people getting and recovering from the virus, not through forced injections to millions not at risk of contracting it with a potentially dangerous experimental “vaccine”.


  2. Look at the bottom of it, 30 times as likely to be hospitalized if unvaccinated vs vaccinated.

    Just guessing, but I suspect that number is derived by taking the total number of hospitalizations since the beginning of this, from even before the vaccines were available.
    Their numbers don’t jibe otherwise.

    Their ‘vaccinations yesterday’ numbers don’t add up either unless I’m missing something.

    1. The 54% is vaccination status of new hospitalizations in one day. That number will change wildly from day to day, and most of the time it will be 0.

        1. Over a larger time frame the relative risk is 30.9x greater.

          On this one day quoted in the SDA post it was 5x. Still a huge difference, but this was at the low end of the scale.

          I bet most days there’s zero vaccinated being hospitalized.

          1. Nice self own.

            Try being honest and admitting what that ’30X’ number really means.
            Or do you have something to gain personally by being dishonest about it?

          2. I’m sorry what?

            Do you understand what relative risk means?

            You also understand it will fluctuate day to day, and the only way to get a meaningful number is to calculate it day by day over a large time period, then average the results?

      1. Why do I suspect if it were the other way around you’d be crowing about the SDA bunch antivaxers killing people?

      2. Perhaps you’re right. Small sample size? It’s good to check.
        Please provide us with data from the last 30 to 60 days so we can confirm or refute your hypothesis.

    2. STan…Bullshit..LOL

      The hospitals wont admit ANY that are unvaxxed…!!
      Thats the Calgary Experience….

  3. I’ll go with 60% vaccinated. Surely ONE shot offers SOME protection? If only ONE more booster shot will SAVE your life … then surely your ONE first shot must offer some protection as well?

    Nice to know my vaccination is useless.

    I guess those are 4-hours of my life spent in the vaccination car-queue, Ill never get back.

    1. One shot is almost identical in terms of efficacy as two doses. They tested this and found one shot of Pfizer was 90% effective and two doses were 94% effective. Not significant. The double dose was one of the very first lies they told wrt to vaccination. And the useless media industry (who just love that kind of meaningless convolution) immediately jumped on % of people with one dose, % of people with two doses. If you are selling vaccines to the government by the dose, it’s a no brainer to make the requirement two doses.

    1. Hell no! Get in the line for your booster NOW, or the Vaxport expires!

      Every 6-8 months, get another dose of experimental mRNA jab, with a chance that one reacts, things go awry, and you’re just another statistic.

      The slaves can embrace a system with the risk of ADE of taking endless doses of this crap, increasing their chance of death more than if they didnt take the jab.

      And jabbing kids is the extreme. How many kids have to die, so that Teachers can be protected? Using kids as shields. CRIMINAL.

      1. The Israelis are discovering, a clot shot will be needed every 4 months now.
        So 3 boosters per year for life and some Pfizermectin Pills thrown in for good measure, if you want to keep that VexPort up to date and functional.
        Don’t want the sheep suddenly expiring on us , do we.

  4. Unvacinated plus those vaxxed less than 14 days is 40 %, it means that completely unvacinated is less, they don’t mention it, it could be much less.

    1. There’s data suggesting that those first 14 days post shot #1 are your “worry window”. Get infected then and you seem to be in real trouble, especially if you are already at elevated risk. It’s been written off by western authorities as “the vaccine isn’t effective yet” but there is a disturbing correlation in death rates to first shot rates.

      1. This is true, there is a small window around 7-10 days where the risk of getting infected from exposure is much higher. I think this contributed to nursing home deaths, likely the residents were vaccinated at the same time. They should’ve been staggered as much as possible and anyone within that window isolated.

        1. What contributed to, the overwhelming factor imho was, unlike SARS and MERs, COVID-19 wasn’t effectively contained, not solely due to its transmissibility, but because China had taken that opportunity away from us, with their lab leak, failure to disclose and subsequent obfuscation buttressed by the usual collectivist disinformation and claim of others’ fault.

          The abject failure of government to properly protect vulnerables exacerbated that epidemic to pandemic levels.

          Instead of telling fat people they must protect themselves, they made us all protect ourselves needlessly. This would all be over if they have done a proper job of containment and PPE protocols.

          But they don’t actually care so the idea of not quarantining healthy society never entered their collectivist cretin craniums, rulers they be.

          1. Don’t forget weakening everyone’s immune system by having them wear masks everywhere. After 5 minute there’s ~10,000 PPM CO2 behind the mask. It’s still breathable air (that’s part of why CPR works) but it’s not the full O2 percentage that you would get every breath without the mask.

            Better air exchange is a good reason to grow a beard if you live in a masky-fascistic area.

          2. SHAM….come on…there was NO LAB Leak – this was let out, 100% on Purpose. One does not predict 6 years prior with 100% CLARITY this kind of SCAM. Well, Peter Daszak, CEO of Eco Health Alliance, the Planetary Promoter of the lab Leak theory had this to say in 2015:

            ..Reported by the National Acadamies Press Release Feb 12, 2016

            “…We need to increase Public understanding of the need for medical Counter Measures for things such as Pan Corona Virus Vaccine. A Key Driver is the Media and the Economics will follow the hype. We need to use that hype to get to the REAL ISSUES. “Investors” will respond if they see “Profit” at the end of the Process…”

            LAB LEAK MY (_i_)….

    1. Yes, the reference book “1984” has a whole government ministry for that. “Newspeak”. Because some ideas just don’t deserve to exist anymore. Like that idea that vaccines have ever had anything to do with immunity, or should be benign.

    2. “Fully vaccinated” = 4 shots.

      3 shots means “Partially vaccinated”

      0, 1 or 2 shots: “unvaxxed”.

      You KNOW it’s coming.

  5. Canada may be just starting to feel the waning vaccine effects. The next month or two will really start to tell the tale.

    Not that anyone in the authority will ever admit as much. We’ll get a full court booster push by Christmas I imagine, just as Israel did.

    1. You are most correct. This will be Canada’s ‘Winter of discontent’ for sure. With RSV and the flu returning this winter, timed with the expiration of the non-vaccines, we are in for a world of hurt in the next few months. Perhaps the idiots in charge may want to reconsider terminating healthcare workers since we are likely going to need a lot of them in the near future.

      1. The flu didn’t disappear last year, it was renamed covid because the PCR tests are crap, hence I call them PieceofCRap tests

    2. Then they will start pushing booster shots ad infinitum. The government and medical establishment have become drug pushers.

    3. Bonnie Bullshit held up her graphs the other day, extolling the 90plus % of various jab combinations, and how wonderful she is.

      Of course she neglected to mention that the jabs effectiveness is rendered to far less effectiveness, in some case, lower than 20% after 6 months.

      This will be an ugly winter, hospitals will be overwhelmed with those who were jabbed and thought they were safe, cuz gubmint said so! Schadenfreude!

      1. Meanwhile they will confine the purebloods, and force us to work online. And THEN who the fuck the scum gonna blame?

        There comes a point when ANY man begins to reconsider his position on the morality of terrorist attacks

        Just remember, the German Government of 1943 considered the Danish, French, Dutch, Norwegian and Polish resistance movements as “terrorists” as well. Would that we could all live to some day be counted amongst such worthy company!

        And they were ALWAYS in the tiny minority. The VAST majority of civilians under Nazi occupation, acquiesced to martial law, business closures, interrogations.

  6. Manitoba has a serious outbreak of leprosy and they’re acting accordingly.

  7. Look a bit closer. Thats the 35 that went in over one day, not current hospitalizations. I’m sure there will be fluctuation day to day, and that day it swung one way very hard.

    1. All over the world in places that started administering the shots ahead of us, it has swung that way very hard.
      And yes, in each instance you probably could point to one day when that happened.

      1. Go ahead and give me good examples other than 2 weeks in Israel. Ones that do not include the China vax.

        BTW even the 54% means a reduction, because the population is 85% vaccinated. So that means 15% of the population accounts for 46% of new admissions.

        Even on that one day, it was a 5x risk reduction.

        1. I don’t have to give anything.
          You can fiddle the numbers any way you like but it doesn’t change the fact that the shots are not working.

        2. Ahhh yess our resident shithead spews his BS as per usual

          VAERS & EUDRA
          Conservatively reporting…
          65,000 Dead
          3.5 Million Severe Adverse Reactions
          Reiner Fuellmich is saying over 500,000 DEAD world wide..I don’t think he’s one for Bullshit ,unlike you eh..??

    2. Imagine a vaccine so good that it doesn’t stop hospitalistions, doesn’t confer lifelong immunity, has orders of magnitude more life-destroying side effects than any prior distributed vaccine, and that a significant proportion of citizens have to be forced into taking.

      That’s why we don’t trust you fuckers anymore.

  8. Debbie is soon to find out that her entire worldview is falling apart. She trusted the government. She trusted Bill Gates. She trusted the WHO. She trusted Dr. Theresa Tam. She’s about to find out that none of them are trustworthy. They have perpetuated a myth about a safe and effective vaccine program for COVID. The vaccine is not truly safe. The rate of adverse events related to the vaccine is higher than all other vaccines put together. Further, the vaccine is not particularly effective. It loses its efficacy rapidly. It’s not effective at all against the newest variants. Natural immunity to COVID by getting COVID is vastly superior to vaccine-induced immunity. So there are really good reasons not to get the jab, particularly if you are under 65 and in decent health. For people like that, COVID is a negligible peril. How do I know all this? It’s not that difficult. Just look at government databases. They tell a story which is quite different than the one told by politicians.

    1. Waiting for StUnnedMe’s wise observation that Malone’s contribution to MRNA is equivalent to AlGore’s “inventing” the internet in 3… 2… 1…


  9. Assume a population of 1000 to make the numbers easier to work with. The end result will be the same.

    Unvaccinated population:

    150 people (15%)
    46 hospitalizations

    46 / 150 = 30.6666%

    Vaccinated population:

    850 people (85%)
    54 hospitalizations

    54 / 850 = 6.35%

    So on that ONE DAY the unvaccinated were 5x more likely to be hospitalized. That one day is probably the lowest end of the scale. Most days will be much higher.


    1. You have only ‘proven’ that you can pull numbers out of your derriere to make an equation that you like.
      The facts are in that graph Dear Debbie and AllanBS.

    2. Say it with us now.

      That’s OK…there are other things we can do.

      1. They are working, and very well.

        Your lack of understanding relative risk ratios does not change that.

        1. The fact that you’re basing your assessment on relative risk ratios at all tells me you understand even less.

        2. Tell that to the 60% JABBED in MOE Reyall, Allah!

          So effective……NOT! And its only going to get worse, Allah, for the Jabbed!

        1. Why are you comparing this when Delta didn’t exist? Talk about confounding variables.

          1. Are you saying that the vaccines caused Delta to come into existence and are the cause of the current problems? Interesting idea.

          2. The same India that has states of 240 million with no covid and extremely low vaccination? That India?

            I’m shocked that you would want to bring it up when that’s the nation that best shows your primary argument (in favour of vaccination to prevent the spread of the disease) is utter crap.

      1. Yes, that is a pretty straw man. It might keep the crows away.

        Or the crows might use it as a porta-potty when they’re done eating the crops.

    3. And of the 46 hospitalizations among the “unvaccinated” 26 are adverse reactions to the vaccine they received in the last week? The numbers collected are stored that way. If that is 50 of the “unvaccinated” that just got the clot shot, then what does that say about the safety and the efficiency of the vaccine? Or if they’re in Australia and 40 of the “unvaccinated” are admitted with head wounds after the police assault freedom protesters (and a 50 cycle PCR test says that they have covid), what does that say about your analogy? Or if the average age of the unvaccinated is 88 and the average age of the hospitalized vaccinated is 35?

      See, I can pull numbers out of thin air also. We don’t have granular enough data to properly play “what if?”

  10. As I lean from my arm chair I suspect they have changed the criteria on who is hospitalized and who is sent home. That is why hospitalizations are up. When someone goes to the ER because they are symptomatic but not deathly ill. They are automatically admitted to the Covid ward regardless on how severer their symptoms are compared to others and even before they get the lab results of a confirmed covid case. Before, like 6-8 months ago, they would have sent the person home to wait for the test results and to recover after assessing they are not sick enough to take a hospital bed. Now they stay in the hospital regardless, all the way until they test negative. Those who are vaccinated could be going home in 3 days fully recovered but they count on the list as being hospitalized.

    1. Or TJ they could be keeping the sick in hospital long enough to ensure they are fully infected.
      For hospitals are traditionally that place where the sick go to die.

      Of course that is the nature of serious illness,but add in a State Bureaucracy and the “treatment” will serve the policy.
      Which is why our old and infirm can get “mercy Killed” but are not worthy of a new hip.

    2. I think you are absolutely right. It comes down to the fact that 3/4 of the “hospitalized” should not be there and are there only out of fear and also because The Authority are much more sophisticated now in terms of PR. They understand that we can’t have nurses filming TikTok videos in empty hospitals ever again.

  11. I liked one comment in the tweets -“The rising number of vax cases in hospital refelct the rising number of p[eople vaxxed”. Well, is the commentor suggesting vaxxing makes no difference?

    1. In a way that slips by the censors, yes. Saying it outright would cause a visit from the Ministry of Badthink. (Disappearing the tweet, possibly the tweeter.)

  12. As a cynic,once the true nature of the vaccines sinks in,do the fooled get to wear the “Plague Carrier” Badge?
    As it now appears the “vaccinated” are a danger to all,even their fellow travellers.
    Or will we have to identify the zombies by ourselves?
    What test will we use?
    Unshakeable faith in Mother Government?
    The trail of sick and dying they leave behind them?
    Or by their insatiable desire to “help” all who refuse their services?.
    What treatment will we use?
    We should be running a betting pool on how many years before our useless government minion admit they have panicked and made some horrible mistakes?
    Of course ,barring criminal trials,most of us will never live so long.

    Everyday,more evidence the “Magic Vaccine” solution was wishful thinking by fools and bandits..
    The fools being over exposed and the bandits becoming billionaires.

    We must reward them.

    1. Yes we must reward them all.
      I have some excellent manilla rope that can serve in that function.

  13. Oh look, just what happened in Israel. Quick, break out the boosters.

    While we’re thinking about vaccines… if the person ended up in hospital between seven and fourteen days of the vaccine how do we know it was not the vaccine?

      1. Because all human helath care boils down to just three variables:

        Age (cts)
        Vaxxed status (binary? Or at least categorical)

        Why don’t we fire the doctors, and build an AI engine that tells you what pills to take very day of the year, based on just these 3 states?!

        Here is something I’d like you to do next time you visit the doctor for an ailment, AllanS. State only your age, sex, and whether you were vaxxed. Deny him/her ALL other info and data. Just that.

        Come on. Go all in with your health risk assessment model.

        You clearly don’t do serious healthcare data analytics for a living.

    1. We don’t know. But how they are listed is telling, all adverse reactions are used to make the disease (not the treatment miss-named as a vaccine) look worse.

      1. Bingo! See if you get any adverse reaction or have a reaction within the defined time frame that’s due to COVID, not the vaccine. It’s all in how you define what COVID is and what vaccinated is.

  14. Everyone here understands that the body of people who are vaccinated is something like 4x as large as those not vaccinated, right? I mean we’re the side of the political spectrum that understands per capita, aren’t we? So if unvaccinated group is 1/4 of the size of the vaccinated, but still producing the same number of hospitalizations… um…. this “flip” is not meaningful.

    1. Doesn’t matter.
      The best you could say at this point is the vaccines aren’t working.

    2. You are assuming physicians are not biasing towards unnecessary admittance, whether autonomously or not. I nearly died of H1N1 a few years ago. It was touch and go. We were told by the ER NOT to come in, but shelter in place, treat with Budesonide (Symbicort), lots of fluids, vitamin C and zinc bombardment and NO Tylenol. This was February, 2019.

      Took 7 days. Recovered after 4, then day 5 a relapse, and 6 and 7 were the worst. Day 8 I could finally walk again.

      Today? Unvaxxed? What’s the bet they send a chopper in, complete with following news team and gloating f@g-anchor, and whisk me right off to hosptial with a satisfied “told ya so” moment.

      AllanS: I really need you and your lying, corrupt jackboot pals to get the FUCK outta my life. Permanently. Or we are going to have a much worse problem than Covid.

      1. ‘biasing towards unnecessary admittance.’ Well put. This is what I’ve believed for a long time. Ever since the hospital administrators learned that nurses filming TikTok videos in empty hospitals was a bad bad look. They learned their lesson well. And now there is incredible pressure on everyone in the health system to make this mole hill into a mountain. I agree totally.

        But that illness you said you had sounds a lot like what I had (round the same time). I didn’t have a relapse or anything, but it hit me as hard as anything in my life. I was bed ridden for two full days. I remember how fast it came on too. I went to a Christmas party (sick.. heh) and felt ok, but by the time I left, my joints seemed to be seizing up and I could NOT button up my pants after going to the bathroom because I had no strength in any of my joints (or tendons maybe?). I never even considered going to the hospital though… just hit the bed and let my body heal itself. Rest and sleep does the immune system wonders.

        1. It was H1N1/A, aka Swine Flu, aka Spanish Flu (yes, THAT Spanish Flu…), as a more recent variant.

          There are 1 or 2 papers out there examining H1N1 vs Covid. It suggested if you get both concurrently, you are done. Bye bye. Since currently they aren’t widely ALSO testing Covid patients for H1N1 (too expensive amd tome consuming) we don’t know for sure how many “Covid deaths” are because of Covid + H1N1.

          They also theorised (again, some data supports this, but more research needs to be done) that a prior H1N1 infection at least about 6-12 months before Covid hit, seems to have provided a T-cell supercharger against Covid as well.

          I find myself wondering how many “Covid deaths,” actually were. And how much widespread immunity has already been achieved.

          The ridiculously low hospitalisation rates suggest mass, widespread immunity was achieved by about January/February 2021.

          Canada is an outlier at being almost universally shitty at doing real science. (It’s due largely to your need to treat varsity as a business and keep bums on seats no matter what). You are also incredibly shitty at managing a healthcare system – which is why you spent the early 2000’s closing hosptials and ICU beds all over the country, amd now you are panicking about a virus with a north of 99.7% recovery rate.

          The Black Plague Covid most definitely ain’t. Imagine the flu was particularly rough for about two years. That is what the Covid death count looks like.

  15. Wanna know why they are desperate to vaccine all of society?? Because without a control group they can’t do trials on new drugs, which means the current vaccines will be the only choice the people have. Yep it reeks of the government working with big pharma to ensure they have absolute control over the population?

  16. Today’s Ontario Covid numbers as reported in the Toronto Sun
    704 Total
    198 are fully vaxxed
    Hmmm…28% of the cases are among the double jabbed. And the vaccine works?!?!?!?

    1. 71% are fully vaxxed. So 29% of the population accounts for 72% of new cases. That’s a massive difference.


      1. You sound like those ninny news anchors who, before Covid came along, used to report all those research articles that showed you had a 10-fold increase in your risk of getting ALS if you read a black and white ink newspaper backwards on Saturdays while sipping coffee.

        Here is a statistical fact: On 9/12 you were suddenly about 3200 times more likely to die in a terrorist attack in the US (I am assuming that 1 person died in the 1993 WTC bombing).

        You and your government have catastrophically failed to understand the difference between statistical significance and practical significance.

        It’s a common problem with the unskilled in stats and data analysis.

        1. Here is another fun little fact you guys keep screwing up. It’s elemntary Bayes’ (so you can follow):
          U <- "unvaxxed", H <- "hositalised"
          P(U|H) ~ 0.75 say. Read the vertical bar as "given the fact that".

          So P(U|H) is the probability that a randomly-chosen patient hospitalised with Covid was unvaxxed. This is past data. It is in NO WAY predictive reliably for the 'converse', that is P(H|U), ie what percentage of the unvaxxed WILL end up in hospital. They can't tell you this, since they don't even have P(H), the likelihood that any of you will end up in hospital with Covid. Because they have not shared the right kind of data with their analytics teams.

          FWIW, it is Bayes' theorem that gives:

          P(H|U) = P(U|H)* P(H)/P(U) = 0.75*?/0.30.

          It seems P(H) is rather small. It is the total, unconditional probabilty that you will end up in hospital. Replace that (H) with D (death or severe life-altering outcome from Covid and we are at P(D) around, what 0.50%? Then P(D|U) gets a LOT lower than the odds for driving, or even golfing!

          Now if you end up in hosptial, and you were unvaxxed, so what? Isn't that what healthcare is for? For two decades healthcare bureaucracies were warning they qere not recruiting enough nurses, amd were closing too many ICU beds! One day we were bound to run into something like Covid.

          If you hate the possibility that people might make choices that IN YOUR OPINION cause more hospital visits than other people (football-players, skydivers, smokers, drinkers, sweet-tooths) well then how is locking those people out that much worse a policy than just privatizing healthcare completely, and letting the price discovery process sort that all out? Including the unvaxxed? Seems strange, the inconsistency, no?

          1. Probably, but it makes no difference because allan s is less significant as an individual as he is a symptom of the totalitarian Left: he likely has buyer’s remorse over his Fraudci jabs and wants everyone in the same boat, at risk of serious side effects of the experimental vaccine. And – like a good German – he will use social pressure, obfuscated stats, Big Government and outright lies to achieve his ends. QED.

            Nice Bayes reference, btw. Not one leftist mouth-breather in a hundred will understand conditional probability, much less Bayes Rule. I posted here last week that you can smoke out statistical analytic illiterates by asking them the probability of somebody having a disease that affects 1 in 1000 people, after they show positive in a test that is 99.9% accurate. The answer via Bayes is 50% if the two probabilities add to 100%.


  17. What about all the various remedies!!!???

    ‘If the freedom of speech is taken away then dumb and silent we may be led, like sheep to the slaughter.’

    “Cures for covid are hidden because they want to vaccinate you.”
    – Biophysicist Andreas Kalcker

    Biophysicist Andreas Kalcker is an internationally leading scientist who works with over 5,000 medical doctors in almost 30 nations. He has developed a 100% effective cure for COVID-19 and all its variations. This treatment has lowered the daily death rate in several Latin American nations from 100 deaths a day to virtually none. It was first tried by the police and military, and because of the life saving results it was then given to millions, who recovered in a matter of days. A clinical study has confirmed the effectiveness of this treatment. Biophysicist Kalcker was however censored on all platforms: his book was removed from Amazon, his Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and PayPal accounts were deleted, and even his scientfic account was taken down from ResearchGate. As a result his safe, effective and cheap cure for covid was hidden from humanity.

    COVID-19 is not a death sentence, because there are cures for covid. Coronaviruses have existed for many decades and SARS-CoV-2 is just one of them. The term ‘novel’ coronavirus doesn’t mean it’s a brand new pathogen, but it simply means that this is the next coronavirus in a series of many coronaviruses that have been around for a very long time. They are all categorized as influenza or flu viruses, which can be treated successfully.

    This report shows an overview of scientifically proven cures or treatments for COVID-19. Everyone of these treatments is used by many thousands of medical doctors worldwide, and is backed by extensive scientific research. They are advised by some of the world’s leading scientific minds.
    There is for example professor Didier Raoult, the world’s leading expert on infectious diseases, whose protocol is used by countless physicians worldwide, saving millions of lives. There is also the biophysicist Andreas Kalcker, the world’s authority on chlorine dioxide, a substance which is used by over five thousand physicians to cure covid patients. Then there is Professor McCullough who is the most published scientist in his field of expertise, who provided early treatment for COVID-19 to about 25% of all covid patients in the United States. We also have Dr Pierre Kory whose group of scientists have published over 2,000 peer reviewed scientific papers and who succesfully treated innumerous covid patients.
    We have to ask ourselves the important question why the cures for covid are not massively promoted by the news media, or by the so called ‘health organizations’.
    99,99% of all covid deaths could easily have been prevented, if only the people were allowed treatment with one of these drugs.

    At the end of this report you can read stories of medical doctors all over the world who were literally forbidden by the government to treat covid patients. These physicians were censored, slandered and even threatened, simply because they used their medical expertise to save the lives of patients. Also the above mentioned world leaders in medicine are being slandered all over the internet. Why is this happening? Shouldn’t scientists who have solutions for a world health crisis be allowed to share their answer to humanity?


    1. It’s a gross abuse of government authority they are preventing doctors from treating their patients as individuals and forcing government policies via patient care. What they are doing should be criminal, liable and illegal.

    2. “They are all categorized as influenza or flu viruses, which can be treated successfully. ”

      Full stop

      Coronavirus is very different from influenza. This is just stupid.

      1. Yes. Coronaviri are part of the suite of viri that we know of as the common cold. That’s why they cannot effectively be vaccinated against (using the up-until-last-year definition of “vaccine” as “a treatment that incurs immunization for most against a contagion”).

        Inducing generation of pathogens (that are the reason that the virus is deadly) in people to trigger the immune system? This is just stupid.

        If the vaccine protects you as well as you think it does then why won’t you leave the rest of us alone? The clot shot doesn’t prevent the spread of the coronavirus, if the clot shot works like you keep insisting it does then it arguably increases the spread of the disease. If people don’t feel bad, they don’t stay home, and they’re more likely to be out and about while they’re contagious.

      2. Yes it is. The flu is naturally occurring and covid was a man-made virus, cooked up in a ChiCom bioweapons lab.

        For once, you aren’t wrong. Blind squirrels and acorns, of course.


    1. Give it a rest Allan.

      More importantly, tell me why we need a Vaccine Passport ?
      I am all ears.

      1. Well, gee, that’s obvious. Because although an experimental and potentially-harmful “vaccine” won’t prevent you from catching and spreading the WuFlu, a vaccine passport will.



    2. So potentially 848 severe adverse reactions to the clot shot in the last 120 days. Pretty damning for the vaccine.

    3. The vaccines work so well we’re still all wearing stupid useless masks.

      Makes sense.

    4. Deaths in Alberta, August 2021 – 60 total – 32 unvaccinated, 27 vaccinated, 1 unspecified (difference on tables). 75% of those deaths were of people over 70 years of age, the vast majority with multiple comorbidities. More specifically, ages at death: 20s=-1, 30s=0 , 40s=-2, 50s =5 , 60s = 13 , 70s = 18, 80s = 27.

      Cases in Alberta, September 2021 = 45,557. Deaths in Alberta, September 2021 – 348 total – 224 unvaccinated, 124 vaccinated – 64.4% & 35.6% respectively. 72% of those deaths were of people over 70 years of age, the vast majority with multiple comorbidities.More specifially, ages at death: 18years-1, 20s-2, 30s-6, 40s-12, 50s-24, 60s-52, 70s-100, 80s-151.

      Cases under 40 in Alberta in September – 28,953. 9 deaths. That is roughly 1 death for every 3200 cases.

      Explain to my why my 28 year old son, who has no comorbidities and who HAS had 3 former adverse vaccine reactions, 1 causing a febrile seizure that was life effecting, should risk the vaccine? As his reactions have not been anaphylactic he does not qualify an exemption. To add, he has already had Covid-19. He works from home as well.

    1. Better yet, those healthy people needlessly vaccinated mid-pandemic are contributing to the new virus strains.

