Ach Du Liebe Zeit!

German Coal Plant Runs Completely Out Of Coal

In recent weeks, utilities across Europe have fired up more coal-powered generation as natural gas prices continue to surge.

Even the UK, which has pledged to phase out coal-fired power generation by October 2024, had to fire up earlier this month an old coal plant that was on standby in order to meet its electricity demand. The share of coal in Britain’s electricity mix during some periods in September—albeit below 3 percent—was more than double compared to the below-1-percent share in September 2020.

Have they tried burning solar panels?

36 Replies to “Ach Du Liebe Zeit!”

  1. Yep, my mother’s family ran out of coal; Oct 1944 in Frankenstein, Silesia and it was -45 Celsius outside.
    She woke up with frost on her down comforter…not to mention explosions in the distance.

    Tell me about Europe with no coal…Ha! 🙂

    We should laugh more often. Ach Du Lieber…


    Hans Rupprecht, Commander in Chief

    1st Saint Nicolaas Army
    Army Group “True North”

    1. Germany used to say … Ich have eine grosse sterke … “I have a Big ‘stick’”. As in manhood. Now they whimper in the dark … freezing … broke … but 🙂 “Green”! Yeayyy! And all the frozen corpses in the winter will be called a win-win!

      Wasn’t some DICK on these pages … down the page … once again call for us old Dinosaurs who don’t believe in homosexuals uber alles and Global,Warming … to just die already? Because we’re ollllld and so out of touch? Well … I’d rather die than live in his hellish dystopia.

      I actually thank and bless my elders for having the knowledge, work ethic, and vision to create the beautiful man-tamed unnatural environment we inherited. They are the genius visionary BUILDERS … unlike the dim witted dolts who are doing everything possible to … tear it all down ma’aaan

  2. ZERO …Actually MINUS ZERO fks given for morons who prostrate themselves before the altar of the Climate SCAM….Let them Freeze in the Coming Darkness.

    The SAME applies to those in MorOntario….regular commentators excepted OF COURSE..!!

    It has been over 13 years since I had gone down to the Pincher Creek area on our way to Waterton National Park….onthe way there on Alberta Hwy 3, I was totally gobsmacked by literally Hundreds upon Hundreds of turbines destroying the landscape….and very few actually turning to produce in effect, SFA for power.

    Likely the same kind of % as Buddy Showed the other day with that Ontario APP.

    When SUN TV put out their movie: Downwind…it. should have become MANDATORY Watching for ALL North Americans.

    Well worth a watch if you’ve never seen it:

    1. Reminds me of that Albertan fellow that said ” Let them eastern bastards freeze in the dark “.

      1. Yep…..plagiarized writ large…they can say what they will, but when Ralph ran the Province, things,were good, damned good.

        Kinda like how the US was with Trump in Charge…and God willing, Will be again in 2024.!!

    2. Steakman,
      Me and the wife did that highway 3 drive to highway1 from B.C. to Ontario in 2018.
      The turbines were sickening, from BC, throughout the prairies. Most not turning.
      We arrived in Goulais Bay, on Lake Superior, where my cousin lives, and there was yet another array of turbines along the bay.
      It made me puke.

      1. In California they cannibalize bearings from the broken turbines to keep the ones visible from the highway spinning. Not to produce power of course, it just makes commuters feel good.

      2. Sickening…without a doubt Stevie. Pure Bullshit in a province that could easily Provide for the entire country with a few Trillion bbls of oil to spare…with jobs for Damn near all.

        Communists have no sense of destiny nor greatness, just low life pilfering – plundering.
        Aka: Liberals-NDP-CONservatives-Greens….as per Watcher, fucking shitheads all round.

  3. Like Friedman said “ You put the government in charge of the Sahara Desert, you will have a sand shortage in 5 years”

  4. At some point, reality has to grasp them but the neck and smash their heads into a wall of understanding.

    1. Actually, buffalo jumps could work. Bring all the fun people in their favourite t-shirts to a rally near the buffalo jump bluff in Southern Alberta and just wear some similar outfits. Maybe lots of electric buses that can make it without refueling.

      Bring megaphones: “This way, this way to the green promised land” Hurry, run and take down any vestiges of wasteful civilization”.

      It worked for the buffalo, so should work for Canadian baboons.

  5. Who knew that unreliable power producers were, erh, well, unreliable. Elected sociopaths make lousy substitutes for economists and electrical engineers. A lesson the voting Eloi will compel us to witness over and over and over and……….

    1. Huddling together with other bodies in one room will do more to heat the room and keep you warm. Layer the clothes and wear a hat and scarf. Sit on a blanket. Put the quilt around you and your close friends.

      The pot around the candle could maybe help in keeping the candle from burning down your house. The hole in the bottom (now top) of the pot will allow the heat and some light to escape. Think of it as an opaque lamp chimney.

      Keep a trickle of water flowing to keep the pipes from freezing. Fill the bathtub, a bunch of pots, buckets or trash cans with water. You may need it for flushing and washing. If the water stops, Drain the Pipes, drain the water heater and turn it off if the water or heat do not come back on in a few hours.

      1. The trickle thing works very well in the say the southern USA if temps drop to a few degrees below zero for a couple of hours near dawn. It fails quickly and completely in Canada in winter. Canadians need to know how to shut off their water main and drain the system if they don’t have an independent source of heat to avoid having their pipes freeze up in a prolonged power outage. And don’t forget the toilet because that water will also freeze and bust the ceramic in the toilet. Of course you’ll probably be dead of hypothermia by that point anyway.

        People in climates where that water drip methods is useful in also need to know how to shut off their water at the point where it leaves the main city pipe and has a separate pipe going into their house and how to drain that. Lots of Texans discovered how much damage that pipe can cause. Canadians have that pipe already buried below the frost line so they don’t have to worry about that.

        There is only one real solution. Prepping. Have your own independent from the grid heating system. A wood stove, a proper vented propane heater and lots of propane, a fireplace, something totally independent from hooked up utilities. I live in a rural area. In the last five years we have had our power cut off for days at a time twice in the face of adverse weather events once in winter. I have multiple mechanisms for heat and light I have 100% control over. If you don’t have something prepared you’re just screwed. If you’re not prepped, at least make sure you will is in good working order.

        While we’re prepping keep a few shark bite fitted pipe things handy in your house. They are great for quickie repairs once the power comes back on to fix the waterfall coming out your dining room ceiling. After a power failure everyone wants them so forget buying them.

        1. Oh yes and a bunch of your fuel. I read of people in Texas chopping up Grandma’s heirloom dining room furniture to burn in the fireplace in order to avoid freezing. Wood keeps for years in a proper wood pile not exposed to the weather.

  6. Lucky for the Krauts Gazprom’s Nordstream 2 pipeline from Russia is complete so it’s just a small matter of Zee paperverk to get the valves opened.
    But Russia isn’t giving it away so the Lieblings will have to pay market prices. Hmmmm…Coal vs. Gas. Oh my, what does one do?

  7. What we’ve got here is failure to communicate.
    Some men you just can’t reach. So you get what we had here last week, which is the way he wants it… well, he gets it.
    I don’t like it any more than you

  8. We’ll see how thin the excuses of the green crowd wear after several months of rolling blackouts. If the average person gets hit too hard and too soon with these climate sacrifices, there are going to be a whole lot of people who will think we should start asking prohibited questions. A mere theory may not be enough to justify the misery so harder proofs will be demanded.

    1. It’s actually more complex because they need to buy cleaner (Canadian, US, and others) coal to blend with the local (high sulfur) coal in order to meet emissions standards. That’s part of why Canada exports thermal coal – because it burns so clean and helps keep the pollutants under control.

      Cheap and dependable. Until the controls and laws finally break the camel’s back.

      1. Mostly wrong. Canada produced 62 million tonnes of coal in 2018, half of it metallurgical and half of it steam coal. The metallurgical coal was what constituted all of Canada’s coal exports. There were NO thermal coal exports; rather there were thermal coal imports.

        Canada is a tiny coal supplier on world markets. Australia, Russia, Indonesia among them account for more than 70% of world coal exports. Canada has less than 4%. Canada imports a large quantity of steam coal, specifically into Atlantic Canada, as Nova Scotia and New Brunswick are dependent upon imported coal from overseas.

        1. I’m sure that that will come as a surprise to Coal Valley Mine in Alberta (now that they’re reopened), as their Bituminous coal doesn’t make coke.

  9. All it would take to get their attention would be to wrap some TNT around the base of the odd tower and…

  10. Europe and the world would have been spared untold misery had the Germans simply paid the Russians a fair price for their oil all along.

    The Germans are a lot like the Chinese—tight-fisted and convinced of their own superiority on the basis of nothing but their own vanity.

  11. Germany has that huge Bucket Wheel Excavator Schaufelradbagger. Did they shut that thing down?

  12. The enlightened Europeans will now find new uses for trees. First they absorb CO2 while growing, then you can hang eco fascists from them and finally you can burn them. The trees, not the eco fascists although that does raise possibilities. Maybe there is a use for those rent seekers. Any idea of the BTU capacity assuming they are organic and vegetarian. The eco fascists, not the trees.

    1. Me likey the idea of Soylent Green.
      Those eco-turds should keep the furnaces well lit.

  13. We mudlark a bit of relic steamer coal down at the harbour, to throw in a bit with the firewood every bundle. Am I about to be punished?
