Dr. RollerGator PhD

Takes a look at some vaccine efficacy data that came out in the U.K. a few weeks ago.

Grab a beverage.

If all you want to know is if the graph in the tweet is accurate, it is. It reflects the data of the report. There is a lot more to get into though, to understand a broader picture, along with some important implications to discuss.

Click on graph to enlarge

Be careful jumping to conclusions
These results, in some manner of speaking, are good. Everyone wishes for fewer people to die. But there are still many factors involved that do not permit us to simply say the vaccines cause a reduction in COVID death after infection. There are ways the vaccines could be the cause of a reduction in COVID death, and many they would not be.

35 Replies to “Dr. RollerGator PhD”

  1. “It may be surprising that despite the older population having such a high percentage vaccination rate that there is still such a large opportunity available to save lives simply by vaccinating people in those age groups. But COVID is simply not as lethal to younger people.

    Deaths that do occur in younger age groups typically have multiple comorbidities4 and other markers that aid in identifying who among those age groups may be most at risk of death from COVID. Not everyone in those age groups is equally susceptible to death if they get COVID. It may certainly be possible to identify those sub populations and encourage them to get vaccinated, instead of hoping they get vaccinated in the attempt to vaccinate the entire population. There is probably a lot of low hanging fruit in the form of lives saved if people focus their attention and efforts. Saving those 710 kids under 18 years old may be a much smaller project than vaccinating 12 million people. You may be able to narrow it down to a few thousand likely candidates.”

    1. Today’s politically correct governments are incapable/afraid/blind to those issues for fear of singling out the vulnerable, as if they were being picked on. Government has been ridiculous in this regard, failing to state the obvious and guarding/protecting the truly vulnerable. The Bonnie Henrys of the world want the public to believe that everyone is equally vulnerable to Covid. Nothing could be further from the truth, and that’s been known for well over a year now
      The overweight
      The diabetics
      The cancer survivors
      Auto-immune disorders
      Lung conditions, etc
      Instead, we have this ridiculous regime underway, with government victimizing innocent people.
      The latest travesty is the demand to jab the kids. So that Teachers can use them as shields. MONSTERS!

  2. one needs the curves to integrate them . its not a matter of the derivative . its the integral. look for a peak and integrate forward.

    it always works out to 1;50000 , thats the kill rate . flatten the curve . the area underneath is the same.

  3. The Alberta data shows under 40 have a 75 fold reduction in ICU visits when they are double vaccinated.

    Lots of interesting data out there.

    1. My daughter got very sick eight hours after her first shot. She recovered after three days. She was very firmly told her illness was caused by the virus because the vaccines don’t do what she experienced. She obviously got infected by the virus just before she had her shot. The symptoms of the infection appeared after the shot. She was advised to go get a PCR test and self isolate for 14 days or until she got a negative PCR test. Her PCR test was negative. Her situation is defined as unvaccinated false negative COVID case.

      Government is lying with the statistics. Your number are empty meaningless lies.

      1. Wife’s bff works as a nurse. Doc mentioned, upon the death of her husband “get a PRIVATE autopsy done. They are lying about causes of death right now”. He died a few days after his second shot. Heart failure.

        Fascinating stuff.

        1. One of the many docs I follow (I think it was Dr Ryan Cole) said this:
          The first response by medical profession is there is no proof the jab caused his death.
          They should be told: Then prove that is was not the cause.

      2. I’m glad to hear that she recovered. There’s a lot of that going around. Not everyone (unfortunately) but no one can live forever.

    2. I’m sorry, but when numbers are small to begin with, a 75% reduction is pretty meaningless.

      1. Bam. LindaL nails it. To the fucking wall (sorry for the Anglo-Saxon).

        Statistical significance is IRRELEVANT when there is no practical significance.

        To the vaxxiNazis … FOAD.

    3. If adverse reactions from the vaccine were clearly listed instead of being added to the “unvaccinated” then you might have a point. Or are you arguing that the double-vaccinated are super-spreaders because they’re out and about in society when they are the most contagious?

      Will you make up your mind, I thought that herd immunity was no longer sought?

  4. Biggest flaw in this data analysis is no consideration given to early therapeutic treatment. The underlying assumption is that Covid vaccine is the only way to avoid hospitalization and death. Ignorance of vaccine injury is the 2nd biggest flaw. Carpet bagging sales rubbish.

    1. Yes. And I have trouble getting upset about pressures on hospitals when Mexico City was able to bring down their rate of hospitalization by about 60% with Ivermectin. The blocking of this drug in Canada and elsewhere tells you something else is afoot.

  5. Good analysis, but something similar should be done to include adverse reactions, and of course long term reactions cannot be known.

    For young people, the uncertainty around long term adverse reactions should give one pause.

    An interview between Dan Astin-Gregory and Mattias Desmet, Professor of Clinical Psychology at Ghent University in Belgium, and his observations over the past 18 months have led him to conclude that the overwhelming majority have indeed fallen under a kind of spell.

    1. I am reminded of the “repressed memories” hysteria of the mid to late 80’s. Did anyone even do hard time for the lives they ruined with that one?

    2. Because buying into the narrative (a soothing lie) is much preferable to the alternative – that we’re ruled by sociopaths (uncomfortable truth).

  7. The guy sure likes the numbers.
    Interesting analysis.

    Just one takeaway:
    No studies yet with these variables.
    Unvaccinated never infected
    Unvaccinated previously infected
    Vaccinated never infected
    Vaccinated previously infected

  8. Martin….My thoughts EXACTLY.

    Just another Sleazy attempt at soft Coercion.
    Not gonna work….there are millions of us, who have travelled in circles with those that have been Vaccinated 2-3 times, those who were supposedly sick and Im betting 99% of us had ZERO ILL EFFECTS….ZERO.

    One just has to look back to Mar- Apr 2020 what to me, TELLS the ENTIRE SORDID TALE.

    Diamond Princess: Cruise ship: 3665 Pass/Crew.
    Quarantined: 14 Die….(A ship with what I would argue was full of over 50 yr old folks….for the most part. 14 / 3665 = .004% Death rate

    USN CVN71 Roosevelt Aircraft Carrier: 5885 Officers & Crew Mostly men & women under 30 yrs of age. 1 died. 1 / 5885 = .0002% death rate.

    Were this a TRUE DEADLY Pandemic…?? I would expect at least a 15-20% Death rate flat across all age/demographic groups…..NOT SO.

    1. This is and continues to NOT BE the BLACK DEATH.
    2. Allowed Usage of PROVEN Prophylactics should have & MUST be allowed.
    3. LOCKDOWNS were and continue to be counter Effective and NAZI like in their implementation as are VAXPORTS and mandatory Vaxxination…all literally DESTROYING the Entire Global Economy.
    4. Supposed Vaxxines which when previously ANIMAL tested: ex 300 rhesus monkeys – they ALL DIED.

    But I’m supposed to buy into the NARRATIVE to go get vaXXed so as to return to NORMAL…????

    I know what “ARBEIT MACHT FRIE” means….So, for those of you who come here to spy & see what we have to say:

    WE DO NOT BUY YOUR Daily vomit of LIES.
    Are fully aware that US Patent history doesn’t lie:
    …and know that Your VAX is a BIO-WEAPON

    1. Simply OUTSTANDING brother, preach it to the High Heavens and to the heathens below.
      I need to buy you a beer, screw it , a case some day.

    2. One needs to remember that this is a clinical trial meaning placebos ( saline solution) we’re also administer along with different dosages … go to clinical trials at Pfizer at it says they used 5ug 10ug 20ug and 30ug as part of the trial to figure out the dosage … so one might not have a reaction to those who have a irreversible adverse reactions or death within 48 hours ..
      just saying …

      1. Truds…..PRECISELY..!!!

        AS I’ve mentioned a few times here already, Under an EUA, Pharmas are under zero obligation to ensure ea vial/lot has the same ingredients mix….they can put whatever the fk they like and tell you squat.

        Seems to me it would be advantageous in the long run to first come out with say 75-80% saline. Just to demonstrate: ” See, Its perfectly safe”…and at the same time, fill the remaining ~20% with their Bio-Weapon.

        Need to think like an EVIL mofo to get into their heads…no??

    3. Steakman, when a fraction is converted to a percentage, it must be multiplied by 100%. So, for your first example, 14/3665 = 0.4% (0.38 to two significant figures).

      This does not diminish your points. Point #4 is perhaps the most worrying.

  9. It’s amazing how you post graph after graph that you seem to believe proves something or other and there is never enough information in those graphs to support your conclusion. Breakthrough symptomatic infections are far rarer than symptomatic infections of the unvaccinated, so there might be some immune system related reason that the vaccine didn’t work in these relatively rare cases, for example.

    BTW, a study of coronavirus reinfection was done in 1990 with a different strain, one that causes the common cold, and people with “natural immunity” were still infected when they deliberately tried to reinfect them, just as with the current vaccine, and just like with the COVID vaccine, they had milder symptoms and shed virus for a shorter period of time. Natural immunity is not “sterilizing immunity,” at least with human beings and coronaviruses.


    1. “you seem to believe proves something or other and there is never enough information in those graphs to support your conclusion”
      I’m guessing you didn’t read the part about “Be careful jumping to conclusions”?

    2. “Natural immunity is not “sterilizing immunity,”

      How much less so then is Unnatural Immunity!

  10. Vax or No Vax; Either way, I suggest you use Vitamin C, Vitamin D, Zinc, and a good multivitamin to add a layer of protection.


    “COVID-19 mortality risk correlates inversely with vitamin D3 status, and a mortality rate close to zero could theoretically be achieved at 50 ng/ml 25(OH)D3: Results of a systematic review and meta-analysis”

    “Much research shows that blood calcidiol (25(OH)D3) levels correlate strongly with SARS-CoV-2 infection severity. There is open discussion regarding whether low D3 is caused by the infection or if deficiency negatively affects immune defense. The aim of this study was to collect further evidence on this topic.”

    Conclusions “The two datasets provide strong evidence that low D3 is a predictor rather than a side effect of the infection. Despite ongoing vaccinations, we recommend raising serum 25(OH)D levels to above 50 ng/ml to prevent or mitigate new outbreaks due to escape mutations or decreasing antibody activity.”

    1. By adding Quercetin to that mix, zinc’s ability is enhanced, opening the door into the cell for zinc to kill the virus.
      HCQ, IVM and Quercetin share that ability with IVM being the best if the 3. Quercetin is readily available at any Vitamin and supplement counter, Amazon too.
      Buy some cheap insurance, Canada’s “world class” medical system won’t look after you, nor prescribe anything for you until , your lips are turning blue, then admit you and plug you full of everything that doesn’t work……..did I say world class?

  11. Just got to the part about how we need to vaccinate to save the children. This guy knows a lot about viruses and absolutely squat about epidemiology. The risks to kids from the vaccine from short term effects far exceed the risks of COVID. The Kids narrative is just a narrative. It has no merit.

    The current hospitalization rate of children is largely due to RSV with COVID as a side infection they picked up after they got in hospital.

  12. His comments on ivermectin are straight up Big Pharma propaganda. No mention of anything like the results from India and Mexico. His pooh pooh ing of multiple other studies is wrong as well and indicates a towering ignorance of epidemiology. There is far more evidence for ivermectin safety and efficacy than for the safety and efficacy of these damned vaccine treatments.

    His comments about the new Merck drug are correct. Ivermectin however blocks and shut downs that inflammatory response as well as viral replication at multiple points in the infected cell’s life cycle. This means there is an astronomically tiny chance of resistance developing to ivermectin.

  13. “We know the vaccines prevent you from dying.” Completely ignoring antibody dependent enhancement. That’s shameful in someone purporting to be an expert in viruses. But I suppose it is possible one can be an expert in viruses while not knowing one thing about the immune system.

    Oh and ivermectin, because of its multipoint effects on the cellular machinery in the cell is going to remain effective on any viral variant.

    I have concluded this guy is one of those experts who think because he is an expert in one area he is an expert in all areas. He is also lazy and has a closed mind. He is basing much of his response on what other experts he believe are telling him the truth are saying. He is not doing his own investigations. On other words he’s full of shit.

  14. The last three comments should have been in the Vincent Racaniello: Viruses and Vaccines section. Sorry about that. If a mod could remove those three comments I’d be grateful.
