38 Replies to “Early Treatment?”

  1. Well, the peak deaths/day in Florida in this last wave is double any of the previous waves.

      1. No, but misleading the public makes me unhappy. Florida is #1 in Covid deaths over the summer.

        1. And VAERS reports vaccination causing 8000 deaths in the US in the last 3 months. At 1% to 10% of adverse reactions being reported to VAERS, that means that the death toll caused by the vaccinations is between 80,000 and 800,000. The doctors I’ve been watching figure that 2% is probably a reasonable estimate. That means around 400,000 deaths in the last 3 months.

          How many of the Florida deaths of those under 80 are caused by the vaccination, Allan? Why are those numbers (for the number of deaths within 2 weeks of vaccination) not readily available Allan? Why are deaths caused by the first vaccination listed as though the victim is unvaccinated, Allan?

          Are you in favour of personal choice to decide whether one should take the clot shot or whether it should be mandated Allan?

          1. Hey, Allan S:

            “VAERS does not establish causation. Did they die FROM the vaccine or WITH the vaccine?”

            Without autopsies, Covid-blamed deaths do not establish causation. Did they die FROM Covid or WITH Covid?

            That sword has two edges.

          2. Thats entirely what I was referring to, you dope. Death certificates use all available information to medically establish a cause of death.

            VAERS simply means an event happened after vaccination. Even if it is obvious that the vaccination in no way contributed. Anyone can make a report. Anyone can make multiple reports of the same incident. Anyone can make multiple reports out of thin air.

        2. Maybe Biden shouldn’t illegally be shipping so many un-“vaccinated” illegal “immigrants” to that horrible death state. What a monster.

        3. And yet somehow Florida’s CFR is *still* better than locked-down cringing masked-up passported Canada’s.

          Spin away, lying fuckwit. Spin away.

        4. Allan, you still pooh-pooh Ivermectin. Truth will be the end of the pharma trolls.

      2. Allan is a fool and still doesn’t understand the numbers are lies. yes, a real fool.

    1. Oh my Lord, please, just stop. OK, despite what you think, you just aren’t that good at stats and analytics. Really. Sometimes you really DO have to leave the number-crunching to the professionals.

      1. Sorry to have to reiterate this statistic, Allan S/bdsm, but Florida and its Governor, Ron DeSantis, have been far more successful in preventing Covid fatalities, both on the whole, and among the vulnerable elderly population, than the liberal-run cesspits like New York State.

        You really need to stop spewing the leftist propaganda broadcast by “Democracy Now!”, and their ilk in the legacy media, and turn instead to an honest discussion of the truth.

        You and all the other leftists should stop peddling the big lie. Your lie is costing hundreds of thousands – and counting- of innocent human lives. Shame on you.

        1. Thats mostly due to WHEN the pandemic was at its worst in each state. That completely nullifies your pathetic attempt at an argument.

          Thousands of deaths could’ve been prevented in Florida over the past summer. 18 months after the pandemic started.

          1. We could prevent a ton of deaths by car accident each year by simply closing down all the roads.

            Your logic is childish. Life must go on, and considering the number of at risk residents live in Florida, things are looking pretty good.

            Anyone who wants to stay at home and avoid social contact can do so. Most people need to make a living and don’t want to live like that.

    2. Yes August 28, 2021, 399 deaths and 52% fully vaccinated and 62% with at least one dose.
      For comparison, August 28, 2020, 139 deaths and 0% vaccinated.

      Clearly vaccines prevented the deaths and the spread as we were told they would.

    1. The monoclonal antibodies in question are an antibody cocktail produced by Regeneron Pharmaceuticals and they have been very successful in reducing Covid deaths. This company also produces an antibody cocktail to treat Ebola.

      Biden tried to cut Florida and other southern states off from supplies of this life-saving drug earlier in September. Gov. DeSantis got around this by contracting directly with Regeneron for supplies for Florida.

      Hopefully, Florida’s Congressman are preparing articles of impeachment on Biden for this heinous denial of medical care to Americans.

        1. It is authorized for mild to moderate stage Covid cases in individuals who have high risk for progression to severe Covid. For example, an acquaintance who was given this was fairly young ( 40s ), but obese. They were hospitalized, but have since recovered full health after the Regeneron treatment.

    2. Robert of O – it’s the treatment Donald Trump used to treat his Covid 19 infection. The very elderly parents of a friend also found it to be very effective. They paid about $2000 USD each for their treatment. Cheaper than dieing.

      This “therapy for COVID-19 works best when given early in the COVID-19 illness. This is only recommended for those considered high risk for severe illness.”.


      1. Thanks for the further info; Ivermectin is cheaper but this is for older people or those with a weaker immune system? The costs are orders of magnitude different. BTW Again Trump was right.

  2. Reading the tweats, talk about a politicized disease; even worse the politicization of treatmeant. Rather like Lusenko’s Russia’

  3. F#ck Joe Biden! F#ck Fauci! DeSantis is brilliant! Early treatment works but here in Canada we will have to self-medicate with horse paste Ivermectin.

    1. Bonnie- I think Ivermectin has been attacked because Pfizer has a drug of the same chemical class as Ivermectin which they are trying to obtain a patent for. The criticism of it, and the deprecating term “ horsepaste “may stem from its effectiveness against Covid and its cheapness versus the new “ Pfizermectin”.

      And, of course, we all know the left attacks Ivermectin – and all other effective treatments, because they threaten their grip , and socialist “solutions “on western societies.

  4. HCQ + Antihistamines seem to work as well.

    As does for those unvaxxed, that partake in all those things needed for a robust immune system – still to me, the very best defense of them all.

    1. Correct. Apparently beer is quite effective as I have not been ill for some time now.

      1. In all of the huffing and puffing not once have I heard a reference to the use of Buckleys Mixture. No stone should be left unturned.

      2. “Apparently beer is quite effective as I have not been ill for some time now.”

        Dammit! I knew I forgot something yesterday. Multiples thereof today…

  5. The decline in hospitalizations coincides with the announcement of Florida’s vaccine passport policy, enforced with severe fines.

    Sept 2 “Florida will start issuing US$5,000 fines to businesses, schools and government agencies that require people to show proof of a COVID-19 vaccination.”

  6. Big Pharma is squirming now.
    The cat is out of the bag. That’s why big Pharma is making announcements about their “new” pills for Covid. Got to get it on the market before the general population figures out the scam. Phizermecton and
    Merkvecton, with a small tweak of the formula, I’m sure will cost a hell of a lot more than the generic Ivermectin. Just how stupid do they think we are?
    It’s easier to convince people of a lie than to convince them they’ve been lied to. Don’t know who said that but it will be fun watching the race. Public knowledge about Ivermectin and Big Pharma. What odds would you place on this race?
    India’s program funded by WHO and CDC.
    The plot thickens.
    India now prosecuting their WHO rep who told one of their provinces that Ivermectin didn’t work, causing thousands of deaths. Too bad there is no accountability for the same scammers here.

  7. An Alberta ER doctor tweeted recently about treatment for Covid patients in ICU. They are being given monoclonal antibody treatments. The problem is that these people typically wind up in ICU at least two weeks after infection, so the treatments have limited effectiveness. The obvious solution would be to make these treatments available upon presentation of symptoms, but the narrative of medical nihilism gets in the way.
