42 Replies to “Infection Party!”

  1. HIV mostly affected gays, drug users, & sex workers, not Karens. The Karens of all 57 genders, on the other hand, have swallowed the government-owned media’s propaganda that they’re all going to die unless we destroy our societies. And what Karens want, they get.

    1. The mishandling of HIV in the 80s – insisting heteros were as much at risk as gays and IV drug users to avoid a painful reality – was Dr. Fraudci’s first botched public health crisis.

      He remains useless per his pedigree, today.


    2. “sex workers”

      you mean “prostitutes”, aka “whores” stop using newspeak.

    3. I recall one day quite a while back, Reading a MacLeans article I do believe, that the initial HIV scourge in 1982-83 was due to 4 senior Air Canada Stewards….hitting all the Gay bathhouses across North America – and in the EU.

      Didn’t surprise me in the slightest…

  2. The US Karens and femAAnests want equal rights… they got it.

    Enjoy the newly coming Selective Service registration for gals!

    Go ahead.. fight it to SCOTUS.
    You’ll lose…..

    Got my popcorn

  3. All the ideas that liberals embrace – none of them ever fit together ethically into a morally consistent whole. It’s like anyone who uses the word ‘ hypocritical ‘ to describe them automatically identifies himself as a right wing nut job and the left knows it.
    The left doesn’t even try to assemble what they believe into a nice tight package. They can get away with just dumping it all out on the floor and having their media fools tell you what it all means and why you must like it.

  4. Well … other than some random faggot (can I type that?) throwing a vial of his tainted blood in my face … the law doesn’t apply to me because no ladyboy will be penetrating my body. Ever.

    Sayyyyy … you don’t suppose CA wrote this little change of law JUST to protect the Trannies? Of course they did.

    1. wow… interesting to see if the mods delete your comments.

      As for your comment… you are a dinosaur waiting to go extinct while higher forms of life sits back and watch.

      1. you are a dinosaur waiting to go extinct while higher forms of life sits back and watch

        Funny, I’ve never considered perversion as a higher form of evolution. How do such mutants improve the species?

      2. Wow Billy or Bully boy.

        Your indoctrination has worked very well in the schools, I clap back at you.
        You should hear what I call them Queenies and I ain’t no dinosaur.
        I doubt you are any higher then in your own mind while puffing a big bowl of bud.

      3. Hey Billy; pro tip … ALL life, from ALL generations fall out of fashion and begin to look Dinosauric. All forms of “evolved” humans believe they are the enlightened ones. Until they aren’t. Through all fashion sequences there remains … truth. Sometimes painful, truth.

        Why is it that a certain (radical) segment of the gay community proudly call themselves ‘Queers’ so as to differentiate themselves from the common, garden variety gay men? As Joe Jackson sang … “… don’t call me a faggot, not unless you are a friend …”. ?

        I’m not unfriendly … so long as you you truly want an EQUAL and NORMAL life. Well, as normal as is possible, when you’re already an aberration of nature.

        1. that is not what you said and I assume not what you meant.

          if a black person calls another black person a n$^%%er, that is a term of endearment. A white person says it he it either stupid or racist (most often just stupid).

          you calling gays faggots is either stupid or bigoted (you don’t sound stupid).

          You don’t have to be indoctrinated to not hate or not be afraid of a group of people who really don’t bother me on a day to day basis.

          Didn’t President Trump openly welcome the gay community to the Republican party… is he indoctrinated? No he is not, just a more evolved form of conservative!!!

          1. I choose my words carefully. By definition, a gay man who would dare to throw his tainted blood in my face, is a faggot. Yes, a derisive term. And yes … some faggots HAVE done just that (not to me, thankfully). Knowingly exposing someone to HIV.

            My terminology refers also to my anger and frustration that such a heinous act as “knowingly exposing someone to HIV” being essentially decriminalized could even be contemplated. It speaks of “special treatment” of a certain special interest group that deserves NO such special treatment (or interest, for that matter). Esp. not special interest to deliberately infect others with a deadly disease. Yet I have to wear a mask in my local Safeway … because I MIGHT carry the COVID. THAT … speaks of a government which is completely INSANE.

            So if you are a gay man who would NEVER “knowingly expose someone to HIV” … then you have no worry of me terming you a faggott.

            And I referenced Joe Jackson’s lyric for two reasons: 1) because it is absurd that either a fa&&ott or a ni&&ah could be able to use the term as “endearment” … while preventing anyone else from using it. You see, that is one of the TRUTHS I was attempting to warn you about. Because … hypocrisy … eventually gets “outed” and is dumped into the fashion bargain bin. The time will come. And 2. Nobody can tell me what I can and can’t say. I have the 1st Amendment. I don’t care if every cowardly corporation in America would skirt the 1st Amendment and FIRE me should I speak the 8th of George Carlin’s “Seven Forbidden Words” … (and really … “tits” is such a happy sounding word!). I don’t work for any corporation (and never would). They’re cowards and fascists. So stop acting-up so outraged when someone uses a word YOU don’t like. FUCK you. Huh? Imagine that … nobody bats an eye anymore when “other” offensive words are used. In fact, they’ve been somehow sanitized for TV use.

      4. Hey Billy Boy,
        If you’re counting yourself among the higher forms of life, I have bad new for ya. Progressives are the most reactionary, primitive and depraved beings alive. By all means, celebrate mental illness if you like, but don’t puff yourself up with pride at being enlightened, because you ain’t. You’re just a sad smear on the road of life.

      5. “… while higher forms of life sits back and watch”

        Maybe. But that ain’t you.


      6. Actually FUCKING FAGGOTS works that much better….dontcha think ..??
        Them and their Anally Injected Death Serum….

        Funny, I’ve yet to meet one that was a Pipefitter, Welder, Electrician, Carpenter, Scaffolder, Labourer, Long Haul Trucker or even an Engineer….

        Nope…not one in 45 FAG FREE Years….I loved my Carreer..!!

  5. Ooops. Bad news for Californian young men trying to get a bit of “consensual” love with no disclosure.

    Stay away girls! Is that what you voted for? Time to re-think that referendum or move to places with smarter laws.

    1. Without question … innocent women are the MOST vulnerable after they learn their bisexual boyfriend hasn’t been … faithful. First the Trannies DESTROY women’s sports …man’s now this.

      Speaking of “enlightenment”

  6. You seem to see the world in black and white, right or wrong, good or evil….anyone who does not share your view on something MUST be the extreme opposite on EVERYTHING.

    The extreme left believe the some thing.

    You can be conservative and not be homophobic.

    1. We are NOT homophobic.
      Only until THEY try to push THEIR lifestyles upon us do we get riled up .
      I subscribe to live and let live, the Golden Rule.
      Once you cross that line ALL bets are OFF.

      1. They don’t want to push their lifestyle on you or turn you… they want you to become numb to them so you won’t give them a second glance or thought… they want to not be called names or discriminated against.

        I think you are referring to trans which is another conversation. That is a mental illness which requires…I don’t know what that requires.

        1. Bullshit. It went from “we’re not bothering you, why can’t you leave us alone?” to “in your face! straight boy, kiss my butt or we’re going to the human rights commissions!”

        2. “…they want you to become numb to them so you won’t give them a second glance or thought… they want to not be called names or discriminated against.”
          Then why do they mince about so?

        3. Sorry but nope.
          Ever hear of the Camel and its nose in the tent, give an inch take a mile or slippery slope.
          The more we give in ,the closer we get to Sodom and Gommorah.
          BTW , that was a cautionary tale of what NOT to become.

        1. Then perhaps we are referring to the mental ones.
          The ones who come in as drag Queens at the local libraries and try to teach our little ones it is okay to be that way while bouncing them like Santa Claus on their laps.
          Or the indoctrination at schools in some books that it is okay for little Johnny to suck some guys dick or have questions about wanting to.

          No , that’s what gets our tongues a wagging in frustration .

          1. very, very true but that is not the mainstream gay community as a whole… there is mental illness in every group. Those are cross dressers.

            I have heard a cross dresser group say this is wrong and yes they are a pervert group… but a private and consensual group.

        2. I don’t particularly CARE what you believe, but I am NOT homophobic. And I continue to have long term business relationships with several gay men. By choice. My choice. But we’ve had many OPEN conversations … mostly about gay “marriage”. Sorry. It’s not a “marriage” … because that word has as much if not MORE meaning than you are ascribing to “faggott”. My gay friends know me, and we agree to disagree … but they know I don’t HATE them … just because I don’t believe they should be able to “marry”.

          I used the term … as I described above in detail. The idea that a gay man may now “knowingly” infect someone with HIV in CA … without so much as a traffic ticket … elicits the nastiest word I can conjure.

          And the idea that using the word is “bullying” is just so weak. I don’t live in the weakling world you live in … where your “feelings” can be hurt when a pre-selected censored word comes your way. Here’s an idea! Grow a set. You know … your vital man-parts.

    2. You STILL here? Get a life, you repulsive inconsequential little dweeb! Go stick your fist up some guy’s rectum or whatever you did in your spare time before you discovered us, but seriously: fuck off.

      1. wow…didn’t realize the truths hurts that much.

        Been coming here for about 5 years… turned into a troll Jan 6th 2021 when my eyes were opened and I realized my shame of who I associated with.

        1. Then go join a leftist site. There you can proclaim your enlightenment to cheers of silence.

          1. They would probably say exactly the same thing as you.

            Does that make you think hmm, maybe my views are extreme and hurtfull.

        2. Hahahahaha ha ha … now you’ve outed yourself as an apparatchik of the Democrat Plantation. How? Why?

          Because nobody gives a husky shit about “Jan. 6”. Is that YOU, Nancy!? Shouldn’t you be negotiating the financial destruction of America or something?

          You internet operatives are a hoot. Oh! And Donald J. Trump WON the 2020 Presidential election.

        3. Trolls are by definition sociopaths, and you’re proud of this? I don’t care how long you’ve been coming here, you don’t and never did belong, and it’s only a complete lack of dignity that keeps bringing you back.

          As for the idea that you’re helping educate us that our views are “extreme and hurtful,” words fail me. Just please go get a life.

    3. Billy bob.

      FUCK you & your “HOMOPHOBIC” BULLSHIT. .!

      Militant marxist Faggots have penetrated the school systems (& Media), throughout the Western Hemisphere and ENSURED that their Disgusting Perverted LIFEStyle was one to be Admired and even Emulated – All aimed at 7/8 year old FFs…..and that led DIRECTLY to this insanity of TRANSGENDER BS. So Now that parental rights seem to have been dissolved, the last bastion will be pedophilia no.?? – I suspect that after a few yrs of conditioning, you and your ilk will sign off on that too.

      Bottom Line.?? Fuck you Completely with your acceptance of PERVERTED Filth.
      It’s Millenial indoctrinated MORONS like you that have allowed these perversions of normalcy to continue….helping the cultural marxists to destroy our civilization bit by bit.

  7. I assume all the other STD’s knowingly being carried and passed is of no consequence either.
    Funny that a gun enemy state is such a willing accomplice to what is essentially assault and battery, if not worse.
    Knowingly inflicting harm on others for your own pleasure seems criminal to me and if enabled by the state, really quite depressing.

  8. Gay-Related Immunodeficiency Syndrome should have been the cue to remove the threat posed by organized faggotry to western civilization.

    Just as Wuhan flu should have been the cue to remove the threat posed by China to western civilization.

    Neither of these things happened.

    On the contrary, the Chinese and the faggots are both more powerful than ever.

  9. kinda perfect really,Inflicting aids is no longer a deadly assault,but spreading Covid in violation of the Health Bureaucrats dictates is.
    When Aids is still a life sentence,except now you must medicate for life..And 98.9% of Covid sufferers recover..

    Do not forget to reward your helpers.

  10. Sez Billy…..
    “They don’t want to push their lifestyle on you or turn you… they want you to become numb to them so you won’t give them a second glance or thought… they want to not be called names or discriminated against.”
    BULLSHIT!! Ever witnessed a Pride Parade in Toronto?? “Never give them a second glance or thought?” That blows your argument all to ratshit!!
