22 Replies to “Islamophobia Running Rampant In Western Countries”

  1. Well, if you look like a Dalek and go around saying “Exterminate! Exterminate!”, people might get a mite upset.

  2. Hag in a bag. There are a few countries where you can live like that without being mistaken for a enemy of western civilization, so please, feel free to enjoy the freedoms of Saudi Arabia.

    1. What the Hell is she doing out of the house without a male relative escorting her? That is where all the anger and insults are coming from.

    1. Live close to Westminster which is one of the wealthiest boroughs in London. More women covered head to toe on the north bank of the Thames than on the south bank. All public transport has cameras monitoring people. Never happened.

  3. What’s to be said other than can anyone say that’s surprising or wonder why?
    Canada of course is the exception, we are open to any and all who set foot on our land.

  4. I was at a shopping centre where I saw a child of perhaps six wearing these awful bags.

    Who does that to a six year old?

    Why would these people be allowed in the West?

      1. Hey niqab-girl! In the words of Sam Kinison … Move. Moooovvveee!!! MOOOOOVVVEEEEE!!!!!!

        Back to your hellhole of origin. Where you can practice the 6th century dark arts to your hearts content

      2. Infidels have money and their governments will stupidly give it to you, along with the rights your own religion decries and denies to others…

  5. Hi there my new immigrant friend.

    Let me help you out a bit here. How about it if you and I will go shopping! After all, it is good to meet your neighbours in a new country.

    I am sure you have enough money. What to wear: your black shoes and socks and usual coverings. Yes, I am a woman, but quite streetwise, so can protect you on the way, even better than your brother, as I understand the culture and subtleties of language use at the right time.

    “Please leave my sister alone” works well for most rude people. Or sometimes additional colourful vocabulary works. Last resort, “be careful: my sister has a concealed carry kitchen knife and knows how to use it on chickens”?

    OK First stop: the women’s wear level.
    I pr. long black pants and or skirt
    1 black sweater
    2 black rain coats with hoods (it is rainy a lot there, a light one for summer and heavier for winter)
    1 pair of large sunglasses (some cool people wear them indoors sometimes)
    1 or more large black face masks (for Covid, which will be around for a while)
    1 lovely long black and maybe gold wrap around scarf (a touch of colour adds and does not attract attention) .
    1 pair black gloves

    So that is the basic wardrobe; we can work on additions later.

    Then, let’s go for tea!! And stop at the grocery store to pick up dinner. TRUST ME, no one will bother you on your outings any more!

    Then, we go home to hubby, introduce me as your new BFF and we will explain that this new outfit solves the problem of your being an unhappy wife and then we will all make everybody a nice dinner.

    Your new BFF

    1. Until hubby finds out you are Kuffar and decides to slice your face in a happy smile ala the Joker.

      1. Yes, and I am blonde and blue-eyed, so my “fake sister” will be safe until I use my black belt skills and call a cab. I guess cops in London are too busy and scared to come out, except for mask violations.

        Your are actually right – it is impossible to fix this, but I had fun trying.

  6. “I was at a shopping centre where I saw a child of perhaps six wearing these awful bags.”

    Islamics believe women are temptresses, and their attacks and rapes are caused by woman daring to show an unclothed arm or ankle, not their male lack of control. They point to words in their Koran as justification. Islamic Men in the middle east and central asia exercise little or no control over their own lusts and will attack and rape little girls (and little boys too). Just wait until all those Afghan Refugees (who mostly are not military interpreters) are settled in your city. You are not their tribe. You are not their clan. You do not matter. Neither do your women and children. Neither does your property.

    Don’t believe me, believe the Europeans.

    1. Never forget that women who raise these men are complicit in this.

      If I had a son who even tried to rape a girl, I would ground him for a long time, interview/inform his friends’ parents, take away any money, phones, cars, Internet and turn him in to the local police for interviews, and require him to make apologies after much discussion at home, with both parents, until his apology was actually genuine.

        1. I am dying laughing. Some folks have more effective parenting skills than I do. My response was so very urban “Canadian mommy”.

          It is great to have some serious male parenting ideas when needed. My hubby had lots of back chicken shed “chats” when young.

    2. Oh, I believe it.

      Now my question stands for those who love the idea of “diversity”: Who does that to a six year old?

      Why would these people be allowed in the West?
