41 Replies to “Just Wait…”

  1. As they become more irrelevant, like beaver hats, whale oil and…typewriters, they’ll become more strident about their self-importance.

    1. No, that’s a mature way to agree to disagree. These people are not mature, and will not recognize that others have limits for what will be tolerated.

    1. Is telling someone they’re a “Lying Asshole” … categorized as a threat? If that statement is directed at a woman … is it even MORE of a “threat”?

      Asking for a friend …

  2. If they want to be treated with respect, they should behave like journalists and not LPC propagandists. Political shills deserve no respect whatsoever. They deserve every bit of opprobrium ordinary citizen can heap on them. As I said in another post, progressives are utterly reprehensible, and journalists are nothing if not proud progressives.

  3. Threats are wrong. Period.

    Harassment? What is harassment?
    Telling them their published story is incorrect, and here is why?
    Telling them they are biased, and giving them examples of their blatant bias(es)?
    Telling them they need to actually interview sane people, not card board cut-out caricatures of extremists?
    Challenging them to actually interview their favorite politicians the same challenging way they interview their opponents? And then deny they are biased and partisans?
    Challenging them their supposed facts are incorrect, and the real facts are X?

    That is not “Harassment.” That is “Speaking Truth to Power,” as those self righteous hypocrites like to blather.

    Calling someone a pompous windbag, or a big fat idiot? I think pf that as color commentary, just like in the other contact sports.

    1. Was going to write something very much like your comment.
      Now I don’t have to.
      That is exactly what it is and should be.

      Guessing here, if somebody sends them comment that they need to look into things and ask questions, if they consider that harassments, well, too bloody bad.

  4. I’ll take “things that have never happened” for $500, Alex.

    This “harassment” is nothing more than mean tweets. And for a group of people who collectively are most responsible for giving us 6 years of Trudeau, that’s nothing.

    And by “researchers” Akin is referring to his buddy that works two desks to his left.

  5. A bit rich coming from the people that try to label conservatives as white supremacists all the time. Or calling ivermectin “horse dewormer” to insinuate that people that want to use it are crazy, proud boys are terrorists, but antifa aren’t. P Etc etc. You pieces of crap made your bed, now lay in it.

    It’s times like these I wish I had twitter, but I’m glad I don’t.

  6. Poor babies. They have no problem harrasing people at their homes all the time. Scum of the earth.

  7. LOL. Poor li’l “Mercedes”. She of the folded arms and the “don’t fn’g mess with me” visage like something from a CSI Miami promo, that and the dudes shooting guns in the backdrop of her twitter page. She’s seen all the horrors of humanity that only the mean streets of Ottawa can offer. Those horrors of course being dealing with the odd panhandler one typically encounters when stumbling out of D’arcy Magees at 1:00 A.M. after a soiree with your fellow Lib bootlickers and waiting for the UBER driver.
    Yup, you’re all that and a bag of chips, hon. Hey, you got your own IMDB page, how good is that??!!??
    But yeah, “people are being mean to me”.
    Hilarious. Blatchford would give you a swipe across your ears and tell you to grow a fng spine or look for another line of work.

  8. We all know how “lady” hacks like Mercedes got their break in the media. It wasn’t by telling the truth.

    Not surprising she gets triggered when somebody calls her a cheap trick.

  9. Someday researchers may be able to tell us the exact day that journalism died but it is a Norwegian blue parrot now. As for grubby, lying propagandists getting insulted? Go figure!

  10. Before I forget – is it me or does Akin look like like he’s jonesing to get laid by anyone from the press gallery?

  11. Journalists today deserve no less for their treason against humanity. He should be relieved its just harassment. They deserve far worse.

  12. Poor journalist well-paid babies. Yet another fake victim group.

    We have good hate crime legislation. Has anyone used it recently for all the hate crimes? No, I thought not….

  13. What bravery these poseurs exude. They stand up in full support of the approved narratives of the institutional left while actively opposing all else and whine that someone said mean things about them on the interweb. If they dared stand up to those same narratives they would be canceled and made unemployed by the very institutions they act for as corporate lackeys. Some courage. Some independence. Their quality is measured by how well they can pretend to be just the slightest bit objective. As Steyn says, they are the “court eunuch media”.

  14. Jerry Diaz must teach a “victim is me” course.
    All of these propagandists are a bunch of UNIFOR snowflakes.

  15. These so-called, “journalists,” are the metaphorical horde of Chimpanzees on typewriters, that will eventually type out the complete works of Shakespeare.
    In the infinite interim, they all fill the various roles of Shakespeare’s comic relief characters.
    Oh, and to wax more colloquial, those soft, in-crowd propagandists are also insufferable wine bar progressive jerk offs, impotently churning out the same memo they were instructed to inflict on the sheep, who obey their every edict.
    Have a nice day, and, remember, all the “news” that fits, they print.
    Be fearful, safe, and prostrate.

  16. They deserve it and more. Could we have just ONE mainstream outlet do some actual journalism? How about asking the PHOs why vaccines are mandated when therapies are available (HCQ, Ivermectin, etc)? Why are PCR tests still used, when even the CDC says they shouldn’t be? Do your f’ing jobs and stop being evil.

    1. “why vaccines are mandated when therapies are available (HCQ, Ivermectin, etc)?” As a libertarian, the answer to that one is easy. The guild socialism of “right to practice” monopoly of the medical profession (same applies to all others) reinforces the thesis that consenting adults can’t be trusted to manage their own affairs or make decisions based on their own ability to reason. Just because you can research the studies and trials and make decisions based on your own risk assessment doesn’t trump the sociopaths of the state that pretend to know better and are desperate to hold on to and increase their power over your life.

      All drugs should be available over the counter. Caveat Emptor. Pharmacists can give warnings of risky conditions and combinations and advice and so should Doctors but in protecting their turf and monopolies they have reneged on their ethics of “first do no harm” when doing nothing is doing harm. The Wuhan virus Stalinism likely has them all shit scared that they will lose licensing for prescribing drugs that when taken in the correct dosage, is harmless, likely safer than many existing over the counter drugs.

      There’s also the conspiracy theory that there is too much money to be made by suppressing the use of repurposed pharmaceuticals with expired patent protection. Interesting that that only applies to so-called wealthy countries (theory becomes reality?).

  17. Remember the Global TV election interview with Trudeau that everyone was raving about?
    It was a good interview, but the news part of it was that only one single person in the entire Canadian media did one single half decent interview of the PM while the rest gave him embarrassing tongue baths.
    That shouldn’t be news.
    The fact that it was an extraordinary event showcases just how utterly pathetic and gutless Canadian journalists really are.
    One interview during the entire election campaign that wasn’t subservient garbage.

  18. ” First they came for the journalists…
    We don’t know what happened after that . ”
    Maria Ressa

  19. You know what’s hilarious? The media’s hyper inflated sense of self importance. They honestly don’t know most view them as clownish Liberal Party hacks.
    There are over 60 media types in Ottawa covering the federal political field and save for Bryan Passifiume not one of them knew Trudeau’s plane flew out of Ottawa to Tofino. No one!
    More like they knew but wanted to keep it from the public. That’s how balls deep they are with their bias.
    Yet here’s “Mercedes” getting her panties over a twist over mean tweets.
    Theatre of the absurd.

  20. People get tired of smug professional liars and the aforementioned liars are wondering why no one likes them.

    I’m sure Justin will thank these liars for their contributions when the crowds turn on them.

  21. Doesn’t sound much different than when I drove truck for a living.. what do cbc journos expect.. Hugging PansySocks every day.. And I think this is just a primer for c-36!

  22. What? Nobody’s mentioned the ‘journalists’ vying for more gov’t lolly by not questioning, but implying that the PPC and Max Bernier “attract” white supremacists and totalitarian fascists. Kind of the “when did you stop beating….” question.

    Bernier unhesitatingly called them out for their political bias and drive by smear technique disguised under ‘journalistic privilege”. He responded by tweeting their e-mail addresses, suggesting people let them know how they felt about their misleading propaganda. Bernier said ‘we can play dirty too’, and that of course was what grabbed the headline, while the insinuation and innuendo of the ‘reporters’ went largely unchallenged. These slime-trail writers immediately began to complain about a “right-wing politician” daring to attack their freedom of the press. They see democracy dying in the dark if someone should suggest their pearls ought not to be questioned.

    Poor babies. I can almost guarantee the amigos live for, crave, feedback and e-mails from those who regard freedom as an impediment to the social credit system that would see them swanning about with the muck-a-mucks of Ottawa and Washington, while the rest of us are required to keep our papers at the ready.

  23. Whores. PERIOD.
    Cheap zero morals money addicted WHORES.
    Disgusting Fucking Wankers the lot.

    They right alongside their Political/Financial benefactors will ALL be summoned to NUREMBERG.

    I’ll gladly pull the lever….@ no Charge.
