Nice Country You’ve Got There

How’s about some “infrastructure”.

The study found 42 low to middle-income countries, such as Laos, Papua New Guinea, the Maldives, owe debt to China exceeding 10% of their GDP

AidData, a U.S.-based research firm, found that that several of the loans have also been underreported to the World Bank, kept off the public balance sheets by way of special purpose and semi-private loans.


16 Replies to “Nice Country You’ve Got There”

  1. China…that LOAN we gave is now due…pay up assholes!
    And they’re usually our ‘leaders’ who have done this secretly.

  2. Chinese jets and bombers, 60 in total, have buzzed Taiwan in the last two days. Ooooooohhhhh, baby!!!
    Like Charlie Chan says – “Those in deep financial trouble have nothing to left to rooz”. Na, he didn’t actually say that.
    I don’t know how many SDA readers we have there but if you’re a Westerner you best start bookin’ it home.

    1. I don’t know about that.
      It won’t be no cake walk for the CCP.
      The Taiwanese will definitely give them a bloody nose.

  3. I posted a while back about an item I saw on the Interwebs that really shocked the hell out of me – China had built a literal superhighway to nowhere on the island of Jamaica, indebting the country by some enormous amount I no longer remember. It literally serves no purpose whatsoever except a big strip of deforestation, if you can call that a purpose.

    Leeches, crablice, Ebola viruses – someone help me here with identifying a form of life I can compare the CCP to.

    1. Just our politicians…
      Remember Mayor Tory of Toronto almost was locked out when the lockdowns started when he was in China.
      What the hell is a municipal Mayor doing there?
      Oh ya, free-trade in buying China products and bypassing Canadian products.

      1. Same Question coulda been asked about that FAT FUCK NENXI…twice to Peking to speak with the City’s Mayor (# 5 Guy in the CCP Hierarchy)…

        Cannot for the life of me understand what these Fucks wanted with the Mayor of Peking…??

    2. Not sure how this works, but the CCP owns trillions in US Treasury bonds, Japan too. Maybe one day they’ll decide they’d much rather have US dollars, and well – it’ll be interesting to say the least.

  4. Well, as EVERYONE knows, infrastructure is a magical investment that provides unlimited ROI. I’m sure the Chinese check is just in the mail.

  5. In December 2018, my sister and I took a re-positioning cruise to South America to visit my daughter and son-in-law in Chile. One of the first stops was Costa Rica (beautiful country!). The tour guide was extolling the virtues of the Chinese who were building a road from the Gulf of Mexico to the Pacific Coast so that containers could be trucked overland from the Atlantic to the Pacific Oceans.

    I wonder how that turned out….

  6. Lots of politicians have fat Swiss bank accounts to be sure…

    In other news, donations to the Trudeau Foundation were up 576% at last count…

  7. The floodgates to China were opened with Nixon and Trudeau.

    I’ve had many an argument with people who believed that trading with China would democratise it.

    Look where we are now.
