The Backfiring of Attack Ads Against Ron DeSantis

It looks like the American Left is crowd testing some attack ads against Ron DeSantis:

Are they really so far deep the rabbit hole that they think anyone other than their paranoid Leftist cowards is going to find these ads appealing?

19 Replies to “The Backfiring of Attack Ads Against Ron DeSantis”

  1. This is just groundwork. Currently the intelligence community is ginning up accusations which they will plant in the media then use those planted false stories as their source to open a full blown investigation. Gosh, where have we seen that strategy before?

  2. So … is it WRONG of me to suggest that the 100k or so Haitians, who are now summarily becoming de facto American citizens, are … Neanderthals ? Is that “racist” of me? Will some BIPOC attack group go all Neanderthal on my ass?

  3. History repeats itself.

    Even the lukewarm (oh, hi, Scheer and O’Toole) are not immune from this sort of thing.

    The Soviet Union lives again but is less Russian-speaking.

    When will DeSantis be “rehabilitated”?

    1. When you keep flipping the narrative, at some point, it backfires.
      Everyone has gotten accustomed to the politicians double-speak and know that they’re full of shit.
      Mouth pieces like CNN have no viewership anymore as a result.

      1. That’s nice.

        When will the new Berlin Walls be toppled?

        When things “backfired” on the Iron Curtain, there was a US and a global conservative base.

        Now there isn’t.

  4. The left can’t meme nor make clever attack ads. I don’t know what it is about their overall mindset but they have this weird, almost child like take on things as if they’re looking at real life through a totally different lens or live in this alternate reality. It really is worthy of a study.
    The thoroughly gay WH secretary tik tok video they put out last month is just one example, it’s just jaw droppingly stupid. Who in their right minds would sign off on such an abysmal and embarrassing piece of theatre???? And of course that was mere days before the Afghanistan fiasco so you gotta know the right used it for full effect in their memes.
    Idiots. Always shooting themselves in the foot.

    1. “Child-like”

      Ding ding ding!

      Arrested development. A state of permanent adolescence. They simply aren’t as smart as they think they are. Combine this with hubris and you get cringe all day long.

      They’ve had the media and Hollywood to back them up and cover for them. Now that they are actually trying to run things, the stupidity and cringe is there for all to see. No amount of late night talk show host simping can cover for the inflation and job loss.

  5. That is more evidence that Josef Goebbels did not commit suicide. He went to work for Soros, et. al.

  6. I sent my daughter this link and she asked me if it was Babylon Bee. She had to go prove to herself that it was actually real.

  7. Attack ads don’t have to be relevant, factual or clever. Many, like this one, are just despotic desperados trying to motivate their base.
    Because when the DeMarxist base gets mad, their targets are apparently the angry ones, who of course are afraid and therefore racist.
    A guest on Tucker put this ad in perspective: 50% of viewers will see it as a good argument for their side, debate thusly censored.

      1. Only 50%? Lucky them. In Canada the sheeple are 90% in favour. They need mommy government holding their hands to get them through the big scary thing called life.

  8. Given our current state of affairs, we are forced to admit that this type of thing works. It’s stupid, it’s ridiculous, it’s cringey… and it is WORKING.

    The Left is kicking our conservative asses with this stuff. Propaganda works. We should be doing the same thing, twice as hard.

  9. As a resident of SWFL who has hosted many visitors from northern blue states, I can actually imagine these ads being effective on a national election scale, which is fine with me. I don’t want Desantis sent to the slaughter of another rigged POTUS election. He will win here in a landslide for a second gov term, and we need him as federalism becomes more important for our survival.

  10. I think we’re being played. The one behind this “attack ad” is Daniel Uhlfelder, the same slimy lawyer who was parading around on Florida beaches in a Grim Reaper costume. The scumbag lives for publicity. The entire “organization” behind the ad seems to consist of him, and it’s based out of his law office in Florida.

    I wouldn’t be a bit surprised if he intentionally had a terrible ad made just so that WE would spread it and get him publicity and donations. He’s that immoral.
