26 Replies to “The New Segregated Economy”

  1. Elections have consequences, as a well-known community organizer and gay bathhouse customer once said.

    I have zero sympathy for business owners hit by the “!vaxx papiere bitte” decline in revenues. They wanted the passport, their business associations wanted it. Now let them choke on it.

    1. Good the faster the Canadian Penal Colony and Indian Reservervation collapses the better off every Inmate will be. No more tax dollars for Communist Uniparties and Whiny Fucking Indians. Fuck them all but 6 and keep them for pall bearers

  2. Too little, too late, Dan.

    We wouldn’t be here today if you guys and your provincial and municipal counterparts had showed some spine a year-and-a-half ago. You groveling cowards.

  3. That guy and his organization are useless. All this guy does is tweet stuff months after it’s obvious to anyone with half a brain. Hapless fool.

    1. You are correct. And Chambers of Commerce across Canada have asked for the implementation of vaccine passports as well. I have no sympathy for any of them.

  4. The “other side,” that hates individual freedom, substituting the primacy of the state, will always demand your data, so have it ready.
    Won’t believe it anyway, given they have zero data for their ridiculous collectivist command economy ideals, which you shall not question.
    Lest you be divided and conquered. Or is it dran and quartered. It depends on the level of white supremacy.
    Short term, at best, and not always, Tax and spend fiscal policy sometimes provides a GDP improvement.
    Long term the story is all the same, a significant cost in productivity, inflation, job creation and national wealth, all that in freefall.
    Infrastructure, the demonstrable improvement of productivity, is the label now affixed to any spending since it makes things “better.”
    Another one of progressives regressing to collectivism types’ semantic steals is profligate spending is making an “investment.” Into debt.
    An investment into decline governs our overblown and irresponsible government towards overwhelmed citizens, fiscally beaten to a pulp.

    People who have never run a business telling people how to run theirs. People who’ve never had to pinch pennies telling others to “tighten their belts,” as they pave our road to serfdom. The truly scary part is PET was smarter and less collectivist than his mini-self. https://www.upi.com/Archives/1982/07/09/Prime-Minister-Pierre-Trudeau-told-500-delegates-attending-an/5326395035200/

  5. To those business organizations that exist to seek rent from the government in all its forms, sorry, the election is over and your corporate welfare helped ensure victory for the Spawn and his NDP enablers. Your situation would be no different had you supported the Spawn’s policy imitator, O’Toole’s CPC. Live by the stench of statist corruption and graft and die by it.

  6. The BC government told us that businesses wanted the passports. Welp you’ve got em now so suck it up. If you didn’t want them or now don’t then say so.

  7. We need to implement the Vaccine Caste System.
    Four levels, for now.
    Unclean, er, unvaccinated and untouchable.
    Single shot, sort of dirty.
    Double shot, clean, for now.
    Booster, super virtuous!

  8. This guy is talking about the government subsidizing and providing loans to businesses. Why does his association have the word “independent” in it?
    In all of history, the best thing for government to do to help is get out of the way.

  9. Sorry Danny, I’m all out of “Give a Fucks”.
    Besides, those businesses that are now crying the blues because the gov’t shut off the free money tap are the very same ones who’d gladly make me into a second class citizen at the drop of a hat knowing full well that it’s my money that’s bailing their sorry asses out in the first place. Uh uh, it doesn’t work that way.
    Cry on someone else’s shoulder.
    You wanted it…well now you have it.
    You should know as well that those of us who’ve been shut out by the “Vee are just following orders” businesses have long fng memories.

    It was my immense pleasure to tell my optometrist yesterday to FO after he refused me service last year because of my refusal to wear a mask.
    Poor fella…he thought it was all water under the bridge.
    My local golf club will be next.

    P.S. Take the word “Independent” out of your acronym, it’s embarrassing.

    1. Holy crap, is he ever! Good to see there are more rational people around than one might think.

  10. We’ve decided to Go Galt and add the savings to the Galt’s Gulch fund. Heh.

    Given the size of our family, my initial goal is to cut $1200 per month. Easily attainable by not being allowed to go to restaurants, only driving to the city when necessary, buying less overall and buying as much as possible on line. Then keep cutting. Why have any loyalty to a province who is segregating and discriminating against me and my family for the crime of exercising bodily autonomy and the right to refuse a medical procedure?

    I’ve convinced half the family that it’s time to leave Canada and the rest seem open to the idea. Five generations of our family have made Saskatchewan our home but it’s no longer a place I recognize. Seeing Premier Moe and the Saskatchewan Party so quickly morph into Chairman Moe and the Segregation Party was as surreal as it was disgusting.

  11. I’ve been supporting restaurants all through this and tipping 30 to 50%. Now, if I see a passport sign in their window I turn around and will never return. Ever. And I have a good memory.

    And all the guys I work with feel the same too.

  12. Hi Dan,

    Have you not learned YET that governments these days usually create problems, not fix the important ones far too often.. Maybe, you should stand up for yourselves! If you are independent businesses, so act as such.

    Why are your restaurant hostesses/managers and other businesses complying on vax passport-checks? You should be asking why all gov’t offices people received full pay, including “working from home receptionists”, who will get great pensions.

    You should tell the government that vax passports are stupid, but maybe you all need to cut off the CERB dole to get the memo.

  13. When the shit hits the fan, everyone looks to the government to solve the problem – the very government that caused the problem in the first place.
