42 Replies to “What’s The Protocol?”

    1. John..

      My first thoughts as well.!
      THAT would be a Mass Celebration…for the Prairies.

    2. We need to rise above the sorrow of losing such a great national figure, double the height of the mast so we can fly the flag even higher.

  1. Clearly the wrong Trudeau is lying at the bottom of Kokanee Lake.

    Wish the world could get a do-over on this one.

  2. Were the wait staff at the Tofino resort all local FN’s people? On the 1st day of reconciliation the #Crimeminister had FN’s people wait on him, cutting the crusts from his sandwiches, bringing his tea, ensuring his towels were placed just so on the ensuite towel warmers?

    Imagine if there was a photo of this! … someone must have those photos of him being waited on. We’ve all seen the photo of the photographer photographing Trudeau signing photos of himself on his oak desk in his oak lined office.

    The flag fiasco has run its course. In the Gulag Archipelago, there’s a story of hearing a communist do his regular speech (was it Stalin?) and afterwards the audience started the applause, but couldn’t stop as they knew they were being watched… 11 minutes of non-stop applause for a bullshit speech before a few stopped.
    and those “subversive” people who stopped first? Were then taken away.

    of course they were… Who will put the flag up first?

    1. It’s never going to stop.

      The fact that the always lying, always Liberal Toronto Star gets zero pushback says everything that needs to be said about Canadians.

      Ignorant cowards at best.

      Enjoying their serfdom.

  3. Sharks too, what about sharks?
    “Look Tony, what are the odds of a prime minister being drowned or taken by a shark?”

    Reconciled, right back up to full mast.

  4. when to restore the Flag to Full Staff? May I suggest October 11?

    Columbus Day 2021, Monday, October 11 (in 9 days)

    1. I’ll raise a different flag on October 9th …Leif Erikson Day. Happy New World Order Turtle Island !

  5. Couldn’t care less. They could rip the flag off the pole for all I care. That would symbolize that we don’t have a country anymore, or, we could fly the flag upside down………… Makes no diff to me.

    How about burning it right off of the flag pole to show how frightened we are of the climate emergency. How’s that for symbolism?

    1. My first thought as well – why bother having a flag at all if you no longer have a country?

  6. Would the removal of tyranny not be sufficient cause to raise the flag again, even if it happened by chance.

  7. A “gone” Trudeau would be a step in the “right” direction, but it would solve nothing.

    The Liberal bought and paid for media would just cheerlead the next tyrant into the PMO while slandering, demonizing and hatemongering anything resembling conservatism or proud nationalism. Little would change but the name in the PMO that we curse.

    1. Why wouldn’t they?

      The Canadian Media lies with impunity.

      Like their Liberals.

      Canadian Liberals are stupid and Canadian Conservatives are cowards.

      Canada is a shit country populated by shitty people.

      Enjoy your shitty future.

  8. I sort of recall a year or so back that there was an attempt to raise a Communist flag at Queens Park . It didn’t happen. If I remember correctly it was because of the weather or some sort of BS. Can anyone remember this ???? or am I having a “Some timers moment”…. Steve O

  9. If you own a Liberal Red Commie Flag. Just take it down and burn it..Fly your Provincial Flag or the Gadsden…Don’t Tread On Me. Wont have that asswipe on the place. Why would i celebrate and honor the symbols of the Canadian Penal Colony where I Have No Rights.

  10. WHAT did I just read? We must be “further along the road of tolerance and compassion”?

    Here’s my current level of tolerance and compassion toward grifters, professional whiners, and their enablers up to and including Prime Minister Cowabunga: eat shit and die. No disgraced Canadian rag for me.

    PS just found two more of her articles, both on climate change, one for rabble.ca. A fucking Commie ecotard scumbag. Anyone with a functioning brain understands her writing deserves as much credence as The Communist Manifesto. Up your hole, Jennifer.

  11. Shithead said that Canada is a post-nation.

    (He didn’t make up the “post-nation” term, he’s an idiot, but he latched on to the term of the intellectuals who did make it.)
    He (they!) have gone about destroying every aspect of the “nation” from its demographics to its institutions. (Except K-becs, mon dieu!)

    Adding the symbolism of the flag to the list shouldn’t be a surprise. Its part of the plan.

    1. Even if they do dig them up, what does that prove? Absolutely nothing. Children of all backgrounds died like flies back then, of all sorts of diseases. The grift implies that they were murdered or at the very least died of neglect, and that is a LIE.

      Always remember: the modern left is built on a foundation of lies. Everything they say about their agenda is a lie. Everything. Once you really internalize that, you never need to take them seriously again, except insofar as you understand the importance of REMOVING THEM FROM POWER and never letting them get it back. Nuff said.

    2. When every official government, organization or media lies their face off every day, it doesn’t matter what really happens.

      You always get the official lying version.

      Canadians are a defeated people.

  12. Wouldn’t it be nice if some BRAVE provincial Premier took the Maple Leaf flag down from all provincial buildings and raised the Red Ensign – to full staff?

    1. ++++

      It’s the only Canadian flag I will fly.
      Not the Lester Pearson rag, which was designed from Mrs. Pearson’s used feminine hygiene products.

  13. I have no problem with today’s Canadian flag, my animosity is aimed squarely at our anti-freedom politicians and the dumb-fucks that repeatedly vote for them.

    On a more inspiring note, I discovered this fascinating fact of Canadian history while researching markings for a scale replica of a WWII Sherman tank I was building….. you know…. from way back in the days when many Canadians volunteered to wade through hell itself for the Red Ensign and the freedom it represented….

    In N. Europe, all allied nation vehicles were mandated to wear the American five-pointed star to reduce friendly fire incidents. The stars with circles around them were painted on horizontal surfaces so they were more easily identifiable to allied aircraft.

    While looking at photos of all of this, I noticed that Canadian soldiers seemed to have no talent for painting, as most of their stars were painted crooked. After delving a little deeper, it turns out this was done on purpose so Canadian troops could differentiate themselves from the Americans. I believe Canadians were the only ones to do this.

    This little factoid has always been a source of some Canadian pride for me, and I ended up making all of the appropriate markings for the New Westminster Armory motor pool…. along with the appropriate angles for the stars.

    Man, this used to be such an awesome frigging country.

    1. Then the lying Media took over and the Trudeaus happened.

      It’s all over but the payback. ha.

  14. Maybe just pull all of the Liberal flags down and burn them at the base of the pole.
    Symbolism! The wagon burners want their symbolism, why can’t I have some too!
    Heard an ‘indigenous’ on the radio last week talking about reconciliation – he figures everything should be split 50 – 50. The HOC, the senate, the courts, etc.
    I quit listening. There are no limits anymore.

  15. Earn the privilege..heh interesting concept,except my concept might be a little to abrupt for the losers,rentseekers and all out parasites demanding “More money,more respect”,when they are worthy of neither.
    Tolerance,sloth and indifference are all part of my nature.
    One I seem to share with many civilized people.
    Who look after their own and resist the urge to prey upon their neighbours..
    I am feeling the urge to act.
    I resent this terribly.
    My comforts,hard earned and paid for,are under threat by wasters and destroyers,who burn,loot and murder.
    They leave nought but ashes and no seeds to produce fresh growth.
    They kill,cripple and regulate the productive and then fight over the diminished wealth .
    Civil society is impossible when such types dominate.
    Can Ahh Duh is in such a state.

    To survive,my tribe(For we are already a breath away from tribal war) will need to expand creation and banish destroyers or entrench behind defensive lines and allow the mad to destroy themselves.
    If we go the route of “A New Country” we admit defeat in this broader one and fight for immediate survival and future reclaiming of the wastelands…
    If we go the French Revolt way,which we seem to be being herded toward,civil war in all its insanity seems certain.

    Or we find another way.
    Those who currently “lead us” have lost their way.
    The absolute hysteria and incompetence of the Dread Covid Theatre makes that obvious.
    The institutions we created and funded have been turned against us and away from their stated goals.
    Our bureaus are evil.
    Yet all of these institutions,the bureaus ,the State and societies of men are illusions.
    The individual,you and I ,are real,we can be seen to breath,we can be asked about our drives motives and actions..
    We can be reasoned with.
    The group illusions,not so much.
    Even amongst we who claim society is fraying around the edges and heading for destruction,cannot agree on what kind of society we should be.

    So the more complex the rules and regulations of governance become the less power each individual is “permitted”.
    Until you come to our current State,all powerful and all regulating. Operated on the opinions of men and women who have never worked in their lives.
    The madness is most basic.

    Who decides?
    You with skin in your own game?
    Or a minion with their own interpretation of activities they have never partaken of?
    or even worse,the consensual interpretation made by a committee of minions who not only have never achieved ,but distinctly disapprove of all achievers,so none of them even know what topic they are discussing yet they rule with great ceremony and pomposity.

    Of course you may have to have been present at such committee meetings to understand just how useless these people really are.

    So the sane way is individual by individual persuade us/ourselves to return from the mass hysteria and group think that is impoverishing us all.
    Stampede,takes you nowhere.

    1. I wish you would act.

      I wish someone would.

      Media offices should be swarmed every day by Canadians fed up with their lies and political dirty dealings.

      “And it’s through the Canadian Constitution,
      As signed by the politicos of old,
      That in Canada to-day we can do what we like,
      So long as we do what we’re told.”

  16. “we are already a breath away from a tribal war”?

    I wish .

    You know this is canada right?

    Home of the afraid, the weak, the ignorant, the lazy, the real stupid, the docile, the uninformed, the apathetic, the cowardly.

    Home of the serfs who love their serfdom.

    Canadians eat a big shit sandwich every day with a Forrest Gump smile.

    1. Most Canadians are still relatively comfortable. People only start upsetting the apple cart in a serious and concerted fashion when it feels like they have nothing left to lose.

  17. Really? Who cares. This flag thing? Only the Bolsheviks seem to value it, as wadding for a shame tactic. After decades of ‘Canada is a racist shithole’, dropping the flag of a shithole to half mast is more insult than gesture of concern.

  18. Read “The Road” by Cormac McCarthy.

    While doing so, substitute meteor strike with global socialism. Believe me, you’ll know what I’m talking about.
