20 Replies to “Shateau Afghanistan”

  1. Shateau … OMG! 🙂 🙂 🙂 you’re too damn funny/clever for some rube livin out in a remote place nobody can pronounce

    BTW … every single one of these Afghan Refugees … every single one … have been vetted as those “brave” Afghans that helped the British Army. They’re probably all “translators” … eh? They’re our brothers and sisters now. So can someone tell them how to behave in our house? Savages. Not really OUR people.

  2. Holy Shat!
    Hard to knit and pearl Afghans into a civilized pattern that they would prefer to piss on and unravel.
    And the west just watches and sticks to its distracted knitting.

    1. It is much more than that.
      It is deliberate on the Muslim Afghanis part.
      Those coming here have been taught that we are scum of the earth to be treated as such.
      They are the invaders who must loot, burn, rape and murder to the glory of Allah .
      It is their sole mission to take us down any way possible , even if it means out breeding us with 8 or 10 identical rug rats.
      The Afghans are just more stringent and open in theIr methods.

      Question is, what to do about them , the ones that are here , now ?

  3. Didn’t the Rebel report on something similar happening here in Canada a couple of years ago?

  4. Multiculturalism coming soon to a community near you,maybe even your own city or town. Welcome to the culture that Pierre and Justine have been creating for you and your grand kids to live in! You cannot escape, where are you going to move to? The US and UK and nearly every other part of the civilized world are being infected and inflicted by the same United Nations quest for world cultural homogenization and control.

    1. An easy prediction will be a huge up-swell in segregated gated communities.

      White flight will quietly resemble circled wagons in the form of outlaying private communities with plenty of security and all-in-one conveniences. Private security companies will go through the roof along with all manner of security implementations with many people travelling out of these “secure zones” less and less common……………

      Cartels and gangs will slowly evolve to make cities and small towns Mexico safe.

  5. My European educated multi lingual friend and his family from Afghanistan who were evacuated out of Kabul reported he was stunned and shocked by the vast numbers of uneducated and dangerous people that were being exported to the west. Meanwhile 100,000+ translators and highly educated Afghan green card holders and dual citizens were left behind.

    The Taliban are exporting their best.

  6. If you don’t like vacationing in a Third World shithole – your a RACIST!

    Unless your a Liberal Elite of course, then it’s private jets to private islands on taxpayer loot.

  7. We don’t need to look as far as Afghan refugees to see the same thing happen here in Canada. It seems that every time a flood or fire forces the evacuation of a northern aboriginal community to the south, we get the same thing happening: entire floors of hotels filled with families who treat the entire place in the same manner as their band housing back home – only worse.

    Indoor cooking, drunken fights and domestic disturbances, children chasing each other through the hallways on bikes and on foot, and loud parties everywhere. It’s like spring break without the beach, but with the entire family.

    In one event, the entire population of Kashechewan was evacuated to Thunder Bay during spring breakup. Most of the town was still in residence in the hotels there when school started again in fall.
