15 Replies to “Time To Home School”

  1. On the first day God created stupid. On the second day God created the Toronto District School Board.

  2. The TDSB is the most pozzed school board in the country, run by SJWs for the sake of diversity. Teaching the kids comes a distant third.

    1. There’s a lot of competition there. Plenty here in BC, where farleft nuttery is endemic

  3. In regards to the fustercluck that school boards are right now: Last week our local school board, who had two well reported anti-black racist events occur in the last two years, sent a letter to our Minister of Ed. requesting they mandate vaccines for all students as they do not want to return to the “sub-par” educational delivery that is online learning Our board is extremely sensitive to all things anti-black racist and has maintained emotional support groups and other programs for students of colour through every phase of the Covid developments, including through the summer.
    So, I sent a letter and asked if they had researched the vaccine participation rates for black adults. (It’s hovering around 50%.)
    I asked them how they planned to deliver an equalized education to the at-home and segregated students receiving the “sub-par” on-line learning, as the in-person students would be getting.
    I never did get a reply.
    Do you think they are:
    1. Retracting their request to the Minister of Ed.?
    2. Working on how they will spin their racist mandate to sound palatable enough to keep BLM from demonstrating at the board office?

    1. the Sub Par learning is because the teachers decided to continue using the same approach as if they were doing it in person, while also having their union whine that they needed more money because they had to prepare to do their jobs online.

    2. 3) lowering expectations on what protected “races” of students require. “races” because depending upon nation (and culture) of origin, identical ethnicities can have very different outcomes.

  4. Sub par online learning? My kids absolutely excelled. And they get done all their work in about half a day.

    And the govt only provides about 35 – 50% of the funding that a public school gets per student.

    So homeschoolers are saving taxpayers quite a bit.

    1. “Sub-par”…Their words, not mine. It’s OK to say that when your working towards a vaccine mandate.

    2. Mine too, Ward. They can’t believe how fast they get through their schoolwork when they aren’t dragged down to the lowest common denominator.

  5. It’s always been time for parents to actually care what government babysitters taught their kids. But as usual most could care less and don’t even make sure their kids minds weren’t poisoned with the filth that gets complained about on conservative type sites. So the very small minority of us that made damn sure our kids knew what was wrong with everything they were learning, get screwed over by other parents that just needed babysitters and didn’t pay attention to and correct the propaganda their children were being taught.

    1. My son’s in Grade 9. At least once a week, upon arrival home, he laughs and says “Hey Dad, here’s the crazy stuff they’re telling us now…” leading to a 5-10 minute talk about what I know about that particular topic. I’ve started asking “and why do you think that that is wrong or misleading?” and he hasn’t been close yet (not knowing enough details about the history that won’t be taught), but he treats it like an intellectual game or puzzle.

      I couldn’t be more proud.
