69 Replies to “Your Moral and Intellectual Superiors”

    1. No shit! That’s some major $$$$$ Territory! It’s amazing how WELL the loudest Communists live. Hint: the money doesn’t come from a Communist State.

    1. I’ve noticed that the craziest have their names ending in mann/stein/berg/baum. Bolshevism is alive!

  1. Oh, phew. This guy looks so much like the “Uncommon Knowledge” guy from the hoover institute that i had to look him up and make sure.

    Relieved. I do not even know this guy. If he is a lefty shill i expect nothing less.

  2. Haven’t got a clue who that guy is but he sets a new high bar for annoying. He probably hasn’t been punched in the face in a while. He may be due.

    1. Go on YT and search for him.
      His career is being an unhinged far left demagogue.
      Former PMSNBC host (as they have hired MANY idiots over the years).
      Full Blown TDS dimwit.
      As noted on a different thread elsewhere, he just got a booster shot of TDS, explains everything.

  3. COVID is a religion and the shot is their baptismal sacrament.

    1. That’s two sacraments now:

      A B O R T I O N
      W U H A N – I N J E C T I O N

      Love your handle!


    N O T H I N G – H A P P E N E D. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. AS I’ve said, that puss filled Commie POS likely got SALINE….as have millions….
      All part of the subterfuge.
      All part of the plan.

      This Global NAZI Cabal have had Decades to plan this shit…SURELY to FK, someone amongst that EVIL gang had this thought:

      ” GEE we better not kill off 100% Of our first few groups of our mRNA vax recipients…It won’t look good at all and could likely derail our entire campaign…SO..!! lets put mild useless ingredients like Saline and such in say…? 80% of the shots…?? That way , we can say, SEE, Look, no issues the Vaxxine is very SAFE and at the same time Bury any negative discussion… with our partners in Big TECH & the MSM.

      (And at the same time we’ll assess how well our ZYKLON B shots are working…JA.??)
      I GARANTEE that is what happened here since ~ Dec /Jan.

      Look up the FDA obligations / rules for Pharmaceuticals under an EUA.

  5. I’ve always preached that we should not wish the demise of people who oppose us, but after listening to that diatribe, I must say that I will consider making an exception in this case.

    I’ve never seen anyone this unhinged from either left or right. The man has lost all compassion for his fellow human beings.

    The only question I would ask is “Why is he SO ANGRY about the personal choice of others, regardless of their reasons for making that choice?”

    Am I afraid? You bet I am. Am I “afraid” of being “proven wrong?”


    I’m afraid of being proven right!

  6. The best of the best from the ’79 graduating class of Cornell University’s College of Agriculture.
    Um, you’re not looking well Keith.

  7. Project much?? Everything he says is a projection. This man is petrified of being outside the conformist opinion for one minute.

  8. A man who has made a career from and because of fear calls others afraid while he panics and gets a third shot “booster.”
    Tell me Keith, is the FDA “afraid” too? Such a blithering idiot. It’s hilarious when the weak minded think they can read other’s thoughts.
    Collectivists are afraid of losing control, of having to be accountable for their incompetence, so made the FDA afraid, who blinked.
    Political science and virus science and any other manipulated data are one in the same. Good news is bad and bad news is good.
    Fauci said he didn’t know if we could get back to normal by Christmas, owing not to the virus, but to statist fiat and collectivist butt covering.
    One one point, Fauci and I finally agree – he doesn’t know – about anything. In fact, he spins the knowable somehow into the unknowable.
    Such as the billion to one chance any vaccinated could (for now) get or transmit covid. But it could happen, so statists must seize control.

  9. This is so weirdly beside the point. Yes, Keith, they are AFRAID of the vaccine. Just as you are of covid. This year and last would not have been so world-beatingly messed up if everybody wasn’t so AFRAID. How about some other great insights along these lines, like: people don’t eat because they like the taste of food or because they want to be healthy … They’re HUNGRY! Take THAT middle America.

  10. Wow, he’s the smartest guy on that balcony isn’t he? He definitely has it all figured out.
    We’re afraid. That was his double-dog-dare-ya.

  11. What Trump and the DeMarxists truly fear, as they lose case after case reasserting state legislature control of federal elections.


    De Santis is a relatively young man so has plenty of time. He could wait out and continue as FL governor, or he could become Trump’s VP nominee. Together they could put give the GOP government for 16 years, all of which they’ll need to root out the politically appointed miscreants currently infecting the government and bureaucracy, while impeaching the duplicitous Dem doofuses haunting the Republic.

    1. Unless the electoral system is cleaned up, a repeat of 2020 results is better than even money!

      What’s to stop the criminal DeMarxists from cheating again? No penalties, no enforcement, criminal behaviour pays.

      1. It’s being cleaned up as we speak. Wil it be enough for the DNC/Marc Elias sedition show? Not so sure but surely there’s hope?
        After all, America is not yet Vancouver Island so hopefully not now the purview of champagne socialists and their duplicitous regime.

  12. Come out of the closet already ya big talker. What, you think people don’t know?
    What a silly old woman he’s turned into.

  13. This guy has been BEYOND unhinged for a long time. I’m guessing some special mental illness is happening here. Not sure if there’s a medication for his illness, but I’d be happy to see him used as a guinea pig and see if it works. On top of that, he has some MAJOR rage issues. I sort of thought he’d already disappeared. I’d say he’s the one that’s “afraid”, since he’s clearly drunk someone’s koolaid. Never mind the “science(tm)” that has been totally inconsistent for the last 18+ months. Yuck.

  14. That diatribe is the equivalent to the 1930s cartoons of sinister Jews with large hooked noses doing evil things to a Blond haired, blue eyed, German Fräulein. Reducing cognition to “fear” is an obvious act of desperation, even for a seasoned propagandist.

  15. He is right I actually am afraid of the vaccine. No fear of needles though.

    Even more afraid to have my children get it.

  16. I have no difficulty imagining him making this speech before the German people in the 1930s.

  17. Isn’t a former big shot from Microsoft a key player?
    It’s all fun and games until the mandatory upgrade to the Windows Vista version of the vaccine is released.

    1. There are no upgrades to Bill Gates’s vaccine. You have to reinstall it every 5 months.

  18. This guy has just given everyone another reason NOT to get the vaccine. When arseholes like him endorse something your best bet is to do the opposite.

    1. Good thinking. Sort of like when George Costanza did the opposite of what he first thought of doing since he was always making the wrong choice.

  19. We’re afraid? No, I think Olbermann needs to sniff himself. He’s always been a boiling cauldron of hate and rage; now I detect the stench of fear on him.

  20. Did you know that Liberal spelled backwards is “Asshole”?
    Hey, if they can make shit up, so can we.

  21. Sez the COWARD who blocks replies to his tweets!

    Fuck you Olberman! I’ve had PLENTY of vaccines over the years! The difference being, the ones I took were actual vaccines (and not some bs genetic hack), with an established safety and efficacy record!

  22. And how much did he get paid to make that little video? Does he wonder why he’s getting a third shot? Then fourth? What the profit per shot is?

    He’s just a grubby drug pusher. Yes we can all coarsen the dialogue and hunt down the others.

  23. There is a great amount of fear running rampant in the country as the truth is finally dawning on some people. The fear that is evident is the fact that the ‘Vaccine’ was not a vaccine and the treatments that were discussed early in the pandemic have a better efficacy that the mRNA treatment. The vaccine proponents are now fully aware that they may have a ticking time bomb building up inside of them with unknown side effects coming their way in the not to distant future. The numbers about the efficacy of Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine can no longer be hidden and those that have polluted their bodies with an experimental drug treatment are running scared.

  24. Keith Olberman: Once a fuckwad, always a fuckwad. Hilarious, is it not, that he thinks he was ever relevant in any way?

  25. It’s another “Special Comment” from Keith Olbermann — “special” in the sense of Special Olympics or Special Education.

  26. He’s afraid of a harmless virus that kills a tiny fraction of those who get it. A complete wackjob wimp.

  27. Kow Kollege Keith tells us how it’s gotta be.

    Is he afraid his booster isn’t gonna work?

  28. So all we saw was him getting jabbed with a needle full of “something like saline solution” which he claims was a booster. Is that the vial of Pfizer placebo shots we heard about? At no time did I see a vial of anything, just a needle. He really is a hate monger, not sure why he is afraid of someone who doesn’t get the shot unless he doesn’t want a control group of the unvaccinated.

  29. Excellent first part of video. Notice the plunger being depressed during penetration. This greatly increases the odds of the spike traveling beyond the shoulder muscle. Perhaps he’s a lucky idiot. That would be annoying.
    Time will tell.
