18 Replies to “A Gormless Group Of Protesters”

  1. Criminal negligence. Depraved indifference. Trespassing (if you’re a white male you get buried in DC jails). Attempted murder.
    Take your pick. This is another bunch of fools who believe their big brain has uncovered issues of which we’re already well aware.
    One of them being the link between radical environmentalism and Marxism. They will kill you the statistic to shut down capitalism.
    People who define their tolerance with intolerance, hatred, utter moronic ignorance, but most of all mendactic and oblivious hypocrisy.
    How can you tell the Birkenstock, granola eating save the earth from their stupidity types have arrived besides their shrill tantrums?
    They drive old beaters with 350cc engines that burn 10 gallons a day – of engine oil, along with a full supply of plastic accoutrements.
    But most of all legacies of failure, a chip on their shoulder the size of an anvil, and expectations others solve problems they whine about.

  2. If the Extinction Rebellion douchebag stopped my mother’s ambulance I’d shoot him dead.

  3. The deep greens are as motivated and driven as any religious zealots on the planet. In the early nineties during the war in the woods, there were green zealots nesting in trees refusing to come down. One of them fell out and was seriously hurt. The greens did nothing to help their fallen comrade. He would have died had the forest company (unable to work because of them) not brought in a helicopter and medivac him to a hospital (at their expense). They (greens) wanted a martyr. I have known some steely eyed green zealots with hollow souls that could just have easily been oven tenders for a different cause. The movement may be supported by little old ladies and superficially intelligent Eloi but they attract psychopaths by the boatload.

  4. Nothing but a bunch of fucking NAZI bastards. Were it me in my Duramax with a SOLID 3/16″ steel Alien Patrol Bumper….??

    Try and fucking stop me mofo’s….
    1st gear Hi – all 4 wheels gripping…FLOORED
    Move or fucking DIE.

  5. This is their thinking: “What is you sick mother’s life against the fact that we are murdering the earth?”

    Well, I’m rebelling against your attempts to make me extinct. How did you like them apples?

    1. If they really, truly, believe that humanity is ruining the earth then they should punt. Remove themselves from the equation so it’s not their problem anymore.

      and if they insist that “The Earth can’t protect itself” then who are they to say that they speak for her? “I want my children to spread to the stars” as the will of the earth (so that someone will remember Her when She is sterilized, then eaten, by the sun) is just as believable as any of their claptrap.

  6. They are not eco-warriors; they are eco-fascists or, more accurately, eco-terrorists.

    1. They are communist terrorists. If they ever gained any kind of political power, we would be in for a reign of terror just like the Bolshevik or Maoist reigns of terror.

  7. So lock them all in, nothing moves including NO FOOD, let them think about that after a while.
    Why are they not removed ASAP and get traffic moving?

  8. I would favour constructing a bypass like for road work and leaving the fools who glue themselves to the roadway in place until they repent and beg for release.

  9. Perhaps the cops would consider doing the socially responsible thing..
    And just stay away from these “protests”.
    Without their active protection,none of these insane disruptions would last 15 minutes..
    And the motorists would probably enjoy the bumps as long as they are clearly identified.

    Maybe with a magic marker on the back of the placard..
    “Useless scumbag,2 bumps.”
