14 Replies to “And Now Your Religion Of Peace News For Today”

  1. It could have been an accident – so let’s not get carried away just yet.
    Swedish media are all so upset now – but they all bend to the self-censorship imposed – pathetic.

  2. To be totally fair – the sexually uptight, (well, at least what was portrayed to the commoners of the time) Queen Victoria ordered a plaster fig leaf be placed over David’s private parts when it was on exhibit in England in the 1800’s but it’s still a pretty good indication how Muslims haven’t advanced a whole bunch in the last few centuries.
    I feel very fortunate to have seen the original and the replica in Florence three years ago. It really is a mind blowing masterpiece and will leave you in awe how such a thing could’ve been created in that particular time.
    I also had a gloomy sense that it wouldn’t be around for the next five hundred years.
    Sadly, I didn’t have the time to see Michelangelo’s Pieta…oh well, maybe in the next life.

  3. L – It’s always a bad sign when your police protection officers cause your death. The Swedish police will wear this for a long time.

    It sounds as if the police vehicle was a large heavily armoured S.U.V. , equipped to survive an attack, not a light, fast maneuverable pursuit vehicle. Decoy vehicles used to trap would be jihadis would reduce the problem, one by one. But that would require a government willing to admit their role in the problem and take responsibility.

  4. Immediately my mind races to marketing opportunities for Tommy John’s.

    As for the artist, round up the paparazzi.

  5. It must have been verrry cold when David posed for Michelangelo. Of course this was well before the onset of runaway golbal warming!

      1. Since those statues, apparently, cause Mohammedan men to have impure thoughts, why not make them airborne, ISIS style? And, no, no cranes or heavy mechanical equipment to get them to the roofs.

  6. A co-worker of mine served in Afghanistan.
    He wouldn’t lie to Satan to save his life.
    He said the men there would give alot to get a page from a nudey mag especially if it was the back pages with pics of naked dudes, cocks, etc. They’d also state how a young guy with a big mouth would get “it” later if he was disrespectful. And it wasn’t his mouth.
    Moslems are gay and that’s fine, just don’t try to convert me, Inshallah.

  7. Old and busted: “Statues of naked men must be covered up”

    Next hotness: statues of goats or donkeys must be placed in private quarters.
