139 Replies to “Papers Please”

      1. I just had a brilliant idea, must have read it somewhere.. Until yr vaxxed,you wear a yellow star on yr clothing. Then when you get yr 5th(to be ammended) vaxx, they tattoo the serial number on yr wrist…

    1. JQC

      Outstanding comment…
      SUCCINCT and 100% Bang on…
      Vacuous, Mewling, Gutless, Programmed, woke no-minds…

      Blithley unaware they are Staring at a 1000′ tall tsunami of Govt enforced ANIHILATION.

      1. I got all those vaccines as a kid…pertussis, measles, mumps, rubella, polio. I got em’ all.

        Those dumb 1960s scientists hadn’t caught on to “marketing” yet so the first ones did the trick. ; )

        1. Polio needed 4 doses. Measles needed 1 or 2, depending on what time period and type. Measles vaccines had side-effects, causing “measles-like” symptoms. And people railed against them then, just as now.

          Can’t be bothered to look up the others, but I’m sure you’ll be just as wrong about those too.

          1. First polio vaccine gave 40,000 kids polio and killed 10. They recalled it. How many injured and dead so far with the COVID vaccine?

            How many boosters do we need for this one antiq? Any guess? Go ahead because your guess will be as valid as any ‘scientist’ would guess. Don’t worry the crack marketers at the pharm companies will keep you begging for more.

    2. Oh i am glad folks are finally getting what i have been saying on here for a few years. Canada the fake country with a fake negro pm who is a fake elected queen. And all have is a fake constitution and fake shitcon conservative parties and nobody who stands for us.. Tear down the shitstained gulag of the overtaxed and unrepresented people of the Canadian Penal Colony and now Indian Reservation. Fuck tear it down. And say No to everything Canadian take down your fake National Flag that 8 Liberal MPs picked for you for your Fake Fucking Country. What a joke. Could not even let you pick your own flag. Even the flag had to be picked by just 8 liberal mps and the useless Shitcons said yah ok we dont need toask those dumb fucks. The dumb fuck Canadians think we are Conservatives even tho we are Commie Liberals. What a fucking mess. Tear it Down.

    3. John, the people are the country and the people are the government. They are terminally stupid as I have been saying for many years now. The country is a piece of geographical dirt, the people are worse than sheep. They are intellectually stunted and as result believe any crap that is thrown their way.

  1. Glad to see a vaxxed person figure it out.
    All the vaxxed people here in BC are fully inducted into the cult and are so proud of their new tracking app.
    First time that I had considered leaving Canada
    for good. It has become a fascist cesspool of woke.

    1. 2 years ago , I began investigating places to retire to.. Hungary, Poland.. Vietnam.. But life got in the way and I am stuck here, and like our fellow in Montreal, I have begun to hate the people I live with. It is sad. This insipid little ahole who runs this hate fest. I wish I was young enough to survive him so I could piss on his grave.

        1. I swear … my recent life experiences are exactly the same as Viva Frei. As I mentioned here before … “My Papers” were demanded at Mamas Fish House in Maui two weeks ago. I was with a large family group and my “protest” would have been meaningless, and would have caused massive problems for my wife feeling embarrassed by her cranky old man. We have all been backed into a tenuous position by the Totalitarian Nanny State. They’ve threatened the livelihoods of every business … threatening them to demand the papers … or else! Or else BIG fines $$$$! Even we Freedom-Loving citizens have been given little alternative other than to … OBEY.

          This is the equivalent of kidnapping a beautiful woman, tying her up, in your basement rape room, and serially molesting her for months on end. You even tell her she’ll probably spend another Christmas chained to the torture rack. You think she WANTS to be captive … that she’s even starting to like you … but she really wants OUT of your basement. Your cruel treatment is all she thinks about … and how she can escape.

        2. Oh … and again … at Mama’s Fish House … I told the teenaged Hostess that I got my Fake Vaxx Card on eBay for $5.00. Because Mischief is important. I wanted to see what she would do if I admitted to her that I had a FAKE vaxx card. What was she gonna do? She did nothing, but laughed.

    2. “Glad to see a vaxxed person figure it out.”

      Of course he did. It is not a fucking team sport. You probably have more people opposed to mandates (be it mask or shot) and to lockdowns than you have people refusing the shot.

      1. I am double-jabbed – wife not so well and totally overpowered by the fear porn. But I will refuse some two-bit ‘I’m just doing my job’ gestapo wannabe doing the government’s bidding.

        1. Exactly. The decision to get vaccinated should be left to individuals, same as the decision to isolate or wear masks.

          All mandates or lockdowns are crimes against humanity. The only purpose they serve is to condition the population to constant state of submission and surveillance. Vax passports are simply a baby version of social credit score and that’s precisely why governments want them.

        2. I’m not sure i understand what the second part of your frist sentence means but, regarding “im double jabbed.”…

          All of us who do not want vexxine segragation to become the norm must NEVER disclose their own vexx status. Anywhere. Not in opinion pieces, not in comments, not to enter a room or building, not to visit family.

          Resist asking others their status.

          If asked by friends, family or foe or a business: ” I resist cooperation with segragationist.”

          Everyone needs to MYOB.

          We dont care if youve been vexxed. Unless you get some sickness or condition, then you should probs tell your doc…and hope he is not beholden to the government.

    3. It is bizarre how eager people are to use their tracking app, excited almost.

      The schools have been indoctrinating children for 2 generations and continue to do so in increasingly extreme ways. In Canada there aren’t a lot of alternatives to the public or “Catholic” school systems nor is general public debate permitted. If children are the future then the future is pretty bleak in Canada.

    4. Canadians have been by and large infanitilized by decades of big government supervision. As such, propaganda to instill fear works so very well on them and they comply happily, because mommy has told them “do this and you’ll be safe”. I hate the government and the people who elected them, on the plus side ruin is coming quickly, hopefully very quickly. This country does not deserve to exist.

    5. Not me in BC: I took the two shots with some qualms – hope it was the right move – but draw the line at the vaccine passport. That lawyer in the video said it very well and I too despise my federal and provincial governments. Vive Max!

  2. FWIW

    Not mistakes, lies.

    The Government has been analyzing CMS data. Not a shock; they have every person over 65’s medical records, in real time, as everyone over 65, statistically speaking, is on Medicare and the government pays for it. They therefore have the records.

    The US Government has been analyzing this data through Project Salus.

    They know that:

    71% of the Covid-19 cases occurred in these fully-vaccinated people and roughly 80% of the population >65 is vaccinated. In other words they know the vaccines do not stop you from getting Covid.

    Both of the mRNA vaccines lose effectiveness between 4-6 months post-injection; the failure rate doubles between 5-6 months as opposed to 3-4 months.

    Age is NOT why the vaccines lose effectiveness. It is simply that they stop working.

    While Moderna vaccines work slightly better than the Pfizer ones, the key word here is slightly. Both degrade materially and the difference in the 5-6 month timeframe is not statistically significant. Yes, it appears to be slightly better but not statistically so. In other words the damn things do not work to provide durable protection — period.

    The nuclear lie: As of August 7th 60% of hospitalizations were among fully-vaccinated individuals. You have heard repeatedly that this is now a “disease of the unvaccinated.” That is a damned, knowing lie and they knew it all the way back to the first of August.

    In the 5-6 month timeframe the hospitalization protection also is wildly ineffective; the rate per 100,000 approximately doubles between the 3-4 month and 5-6 month time periods.

    Prior infection is highly protective but post six months vaccination has become much less-so. Note that “prior infection” now goes back 18 months to the first wave. Do we still need to have a conversation about “natural immunity”? No: THE US GOVERNMENT KNOWS DAMNED WELL AND HAS PROVED THAT INFECTION PROTECTS BETTER THAN THEIR FRAUDULENT JABS.
    This is now all in the data folks, and the US Government knows it.”

    More at


    1. ian

      I am big time curious as to what happens to those who imbibed AFTER said effectiveness ends..?

      What happens with the ~40 Trillion S1 Spike proteins now occupying EVERY bodily Organ….I think I have a pretty good idea (Dr Ryan Cole).

      And what have these ‘Vaxxines” done to one’s IMMUNE system..?? I’m betting its literally SHUT DOWN..and leaving them open every viral-Bacterial pathogen known to mankind.

      Also: Does anyone have recent Numbers from VAERS & EUDRA ..??
      Someone kindly steer me right…??
      Cheers y’all..!!

        1. How about … “Lets go Brandon” ? Its what the corrupt Media hear when a crowd chants “Fuk Joe Biden”.

      1. “I am big time curious as to what happens to those who imbibed AFTER said effectiveness ends..?”

        Going by the current numbers, what happens is mostly nothing. Just like the WuFlu doesn’t make most people very sick, the spike proteins don’t either.

        But please note that “mostly” and that little word “current” I snuck in there. “Currently,” meaning 18 months since the mad science genetic modification experiment started, MOSTLY nothing bad happens… except for all those surprise strokes, heart and lung complications, complications of the brain, reproductive organs, the gut, the liver, the arteries and veins… the complications and side-effects that are (so far) very uncommon but are also being deliberately under-reported.

        So really, if you got the mad science experiment jab, probably you’ll be okay. But you won’t be protected from catching and spreading Covid-19 for long, if at all. But it won’t matter, because Covid-19 probably won’t make you that sick anyway.

        1. Bravo! Perfect summary of the current situation. I would also add the the relative benefits and costs of vaccine very across demographics. Hence while for some groups vaccine may be a better alternative than no vaccine for other groups the opposite is the case. Still, so far neither is very dangerous. The government overreach on the other hand, is extremely dangerous.

          1. I have a theory on why the vaxs are not affecting a good chunk of the middle and older aged population that took it.
            Seems the vax spikes like to travel and do its damage in the circulatory system.
            I figure the diet of most people over the years has built up a crud of chlorestoral in the linings and walls preventing the spikes to get a good foothold to do their thing or they just can’t tunnel through that crap.
            Much like having scale in your water pipes.
            That may be be buying some extra time but eventually the shit will hit the fan and some spikes will get through .
            Also some are taking previous medications like blood thinners and HCQ for lupas., etc that is interfering with the spikes.

            That sorta protection will probably end if one keeps piling on with extra boosters, THEY more than likey know that , it’s why they keep pushing it to get by those happenstance protections.
            The spikes do an excellent job on children because their systems are clean , not screwed up by years of hard living or the mileage on the body.

            Just a theory.

          2. Thank you sir.

            What does it say that a reasonably educated (but by no means expert) layman, in his spare time, can put all that together for a casual blog comment. But your billion-dollar-a-week Ontario government Ministry of Health can’t. Right?

      2. steakman the last number for deaths that I read from VAERS was 16,000+. EURDA was over 35,000. Each successive jab will continue to reduce your immune systems ability to function and soon damn near anything will kill you.

        1. Yup.
          Even a scratch.
          Sorta like having HIV/AIDS.

          And the masterfink who’s name keeps popping up , all throughout the HIV/AIDS and Covid ” pandemic ” ?
          One Dr. Tony Fauci.
          Curious isn’t it ?

    2. As I’ve been saying for a few weeks: for most people infection is the best protection.

  3. I never knew how much I hated Canada until a trip to the Philippines enlightened me to our spectacular, world class corruption. With plandemic afoot, it’s hard to absorb just how many cdns are mindless order followers. May the coming Nuremberg 2 and Nuremberg code trials see them all dangling from rope. There’s my version of population control.

    1. Right, for some reason conservative and liberals alike seem to think they can bully or terrorize us into get their fake vaccine, all of them should be facing criminal charges via the world court. Add the medical profession to the list, their failure to kick back and scream they are our patients not wards of the state sicken me.

      1. Rose, you have to remember that any doctor who says -anything- to his patients other than the strict Health Canada guidelines will lose his license to practice. Not suspended, not barred from billing. License revoked. Go flip burgers.

        The true downside to socialized medicine is that “single payer” means there is nowhere for a doc to go when the government starts making him lie for them. No private market, no escape.

        Why do you think so many doctors and nurses are quietly refusing to take the vax and leaving the hospitals? If they shut up, they can practice again later. Next year, the year after, etc. In the meantime, they’re still free to quit. For now.

  4. My hubby has been on a half hearted job search for the last 3 years. We are in good shape, he was kind of enjoying a “break”. Now he is looking. He is definitely looking for roles out of this country. I am cheerleading this decision. I just keep saying that those colonial bastards we call our ancestors left their homeland to build a better life. What the hell is there to “build” here anymore? The government is bent on reducing you to the useful tax producing cog it requires to pay for the useless cogs they need to stay in power.

    1. I refuse to work in Canada right now, just on my own place for over five years now and it actually feels pretty good not to be contributing to this mess we call Democracy or worry what infractions I could be breaking.
      My wife is happy and our place is really looking good.
      I was very fortunate to have an event filled life but much of my problems became governance imposing more and more laws and restrictions and regulations imposed by fines or incarceration.
      When I was eligible to retire, I said ‘fuck this shit’ even though I am very talented and could have a job in a heartbeat.

    1. *
      dear antifa… you should be more watchful of the auto-correct.

      maybe just go back to using “unme” identity. keep it simple.


        1. A wise man once said “Today’s conspiracy theories are tomorrow’s spoiler alerts!”

          I wish I could take credit for that axiom, but alas…

          1. I wonder if he was talking about Alex Jones.
            Jones has been fairly prescient in his accuracy of late.

      1. There are always the willing compliant sheep. The Nazis, the Soviets, the East Germans, et. al. depended on these idiots. Who else would rat out their neighbours? Their mantra: If you’re not doing anything wrong, why worry? Because thoughts and off-the-cuff comments become capital crimes, that’s why.

    2. One really is a dullard if they cannot understand what he is saying. It is increasing difficult to put up with the mentally bent. Canada is becoming one vast Jonestown.

        1. “Let your credo be this: Let the lie come into the world, let it even triumph. But not through me.”
          ― Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, The Gulag Archipelago 1918–1956

          Someone is lying to himself, and not even struggling with it.

          Who’s the daft fk now?

    3. Which coincidently is the same rating you got for your services behind the truck stop.

    4. Only a paid troll would bother responding in this, or many other, commentaria I visit. It’s actually part of the government misinformation program.

  5. ‘I don’t know if I should hate my government or my country’

    Why settle for just one. In fact you can hate most Canadians too, they’re mostly leftist r-swipes.

  6. China and Hitlers Germany imposed medical treatment and procedures.
    Canada and the US now too.
    Dark times ahead.

  7. I don’t really know this guy, but the point is . . . whether you’re vaxxed or not it’s YOUR business, not “their” business, nor the bowling alley.
    Somebody keeps voting for the Libs and Marxist. And in 2020, there’s another 2M culturally unassimilate-able gate crashers that will soon be voting that way. The Dems are made up of 2 groups, criminals & dumb people . . . which are you?

  8. For all the folks who are saying there are lots of people opposed to vaccine passports/mandates, remember that we just had an election. Who is back in power? The same guy and political party who want those things. Don’t fool yourselves, there aren’t that many people who are firmly opposed. And as the video points out, the government has no plan to return liberties as a reward for 80%+ compliance.

    Start thinking about how you can relocate to an alternative jurisdiction.

    1. 20% of Canadians voted for Trudeau. But it makes no difference as all the parties belong to the Uniparty, except the PPC. ANd this is Uniparty policy; fake choice; fake policies; fake democracy.

      1. The point is that enough people voted for Trudeau. Between people who don’t care enough to go vote and who actually voted for him…’nuff said.

  9. I am sorry for this nice sensible guy and hope that he will regain his confidence. For me as a veteran contrarian and European Trump supporter nothing much has changed in my opinion about the press, politicians, the U.N., the W.H.O., the Democratic Party, the German Government, the Deep State, Washington, my German compratriots, my coworkers, friends and family. Which surely is a fundamentally sad thing. I am also not surprised by the mass murdering depths of evil of the Communist Chinese Party or utter Western cowardice and uselessness in the face of that. But the treatment of the Canadian and the Australian governments of its peoples are as truly shocking to me as the relatively singular sanity of the Swedes.

    1. Sweden does seem to have the ability to self correct.

      Their economy was lurching socialist, and they self corrected. They didnt follow the COVID hysteria.
      Now why can’t Canada seem to do the same? Or will it just take longer?

  10. I read some where yesterday that Parlimentals and their stasi get a pass is that true? I will not forking comply, like I said yesterday they are trying to force people to get the jjabba using government abuse and tyranny, why are they so sure we won’t take them to the world court for crimes against humanity. If I get the jajaba I could die, If I comply can they be charged with murder? We’ve seen this before in Germany, I will not comply Houston we have a problem.

    1. As my maternal grandfather said to his Gestapo visitors: “Ihr seid ja Alle Schweinehunde!”

      Shortly after, he had a heart attack, which earned him a medical discharge from the Luftwaffe in the dying days of WWII, before the firing squad got to him. Ironically the heart attack saved his life, as Breslau didn’t turn out to be a picnic. Then the Soviets took over and raped nearly everything that had two legs among the females of the species.
      A year later they had 15 minutes to pack up or be shot; and the old family home, which was palatial enough, ironically became the local police constabulary which it is to this day.

      Needless to say we have a great relationship with the “authorities”…ha, ha! 🙂

      Of course none of us should have survived, but here we are…!

      When they say “Hi I’m from the government, and I’m here to help.”
      Oh no, hell they are not…they are there to help only themselves.


      Hans Rupprecht, Commander in Chief

      1st Saint Nicolaas Army
      Army Group “True North”

      1. My mother said much the same thing about the Red Army after they came to Berlin.

  11. I live in Calgary. We had people in from Ontario last week and we took them to Banff. During the day we had to eat. I told them I refuse to show my papers at any place that asks for them, and they were free to eat anywhere at a sit down restaurant. My wife and I found a Beavertails joint on the main street that didn’t ask for papers. We ordered food and sat on at stone in front of the store to eat. I refuse this tyranny. It is immoral.

  12. The guy’s name is David Freiheit. Freiheit is German for Freedom.


  13. So we’re approaching 1 month of vaccine passports in BC and case counts continue to rise. Vaccine rates climb higher and higher and yet cases still rise and rise. In non-clown world this would be taken as evidence that this policy doesn’t work but instead it will only encourage more and more draconian measures.

    1. While correlation is not causation, it is a giant red flag, that cases are increasing at the same time that Vaxxed numbers increase. This is a pretty consistent pattern throughout many countries.
      The Vax is the Virus!
      Those of us with Pureblood, will not suffer the ill effects of ADE or the clots.
      Please ensure you also get your supplements and meds. It’s been noted many times here.
      Zinc, VitD, VitC, Quercetin, and if you find it, IVERMECTIN. The banishment of IVM is criminal!

  14. Viva’s getting hammered by some at his Locals site. Some are saying he sold out by giving in and showing his papers. They are adamant he should of turned around and left, dragging his kids behind him, kids that are too young to understand why they are suddenly leaving and are very upset. To defend Viva he also said he won’t go back till they drop the “show me your papers” policy so you’d assume he has had or will have the talk with his kids in a much calmer setting. A setting with Dad and Mom where they can ask questions and have time to grasp what they are taking in. Dragging them out of the bowling alley crying and upset is probably not the way to begin a discussion that’s not going to be easy to understand. It’s sad to see that this fairly minor incident has divided some like minded people much like those that are not vaxed shaming those that are.

    1. No, he should have refused and created a scene.
      Nothing like a bunch of crying kids to make some minimum wage epsilon question his role in this vile Stasi nonsense.

      1. He just taught them to pick their battles. You don’t fight on the enemy’s ground. You make the enemy come and fight on -your- ground.

        And you don’t involve kids in a fight. That’s another big one.

    2. I am not sure that a situation like this, of the government’s creation, HAS to be a “teachable moment”. Yeah, you need to have age-appropriate discussions with your children but remember children have parents in order to figure out what is best for the individial child at a particular point in time. It is worth keeping in mind that kids have had a rough go over the past two years : fear, lack of access to peers and socialization, falling behind in school, masks, parents who are stressed – who may have lost income etc…

      Where I am, you need the vaccine passport to access a good amount of non-emergent medical services (you can be vaccinated or tested within a certain timeframe and provide the test result on a piece of paper). There are some situations where one’s protest only serves to hurt oneself. People definitely need to pick their battles and avoid causing themselves or their families harm in so doing.

    3. Viva has been posting brilliant, incisive videos hammering Truduea and Quebec on Covid (and dealing with various US issues) for a couple of years. I have used his stuff to convince many friends, or at least put a stone in their shoe. He also ran for the PPC in the last election.I believe he said something about “Doing as much as possible to change things.”
      All the basement keyboard warriors who are dissing him because of an in-the-moment decision that had much to do with his kids – what have you done in the past 2 years? How many have you convinced? Did you (like him) give up a lucrative career to get the word out?
      The internet name Viva Frei translates as Live Free, from two languages.

      1. One take-away lesson for all of us – plan ahead of time what you will say & do, to not be forced into last minute decisions. Have those talks with your kids before you go out. For a variety of situations. It will help them feel like you are in the Resistance together. And you can act as a team.
        As an aside, also plan ahead for the conversations with family & friends. Think of what they will say (we all know their talking points). Ask questions to get them to see the inconsistencies in their positions. You may take a different tack, but plan ahead. I know, many of us would rather just blast away to vent our own feelings, but in my own case, my goal is Breaking the Illusion of Consensus, rather than just making myself feel good for a bit. That is what scotch is for.

  15. My kids know I’m a libertarian and whenever the subject of politics comes up I share my libertarian principles with them. I’m not anti-government but my fondness for history has made me wary of what bad governments can do to their people.

    After the last 18 months, my kids now get what I’ve been talking about. The lessons they are getting about the abuse of government power, corruption and propaganda will last lifetime.

    I’m done with Saskatchewan and Canada. My goal is to get our financial affairs in order and leave. Winding everything up will take a bit of time but the sooner we’re out of here, the better.

    1. I’ve considered leaving the country myself once I’m done settling my father’s estate. The only thing is where would I go?

      If I don’t, I’ll remain in Alberta and fight for independence.

      1. We’re still narrowing down our destination but, regardless, it’ll be a new adventure. I used to joke that when we retired I’d be a nomad who followed the blueberry harvest.

      2. Not many countries to choose from, and you will need proof of worth and income.

        So far, my search suggests a handful. Panama, Belize, Uruguay, with Mexico falling down the list, security problems, and rampant corruption. There are few countries that appear safe, hospitable, free, and warm.

        Don’t mention the US…..we had dreamed of a possible Hawaii escape at one time, but all bets are off now with Cho Xiden and his Commie government.

        The option now is RESIST!

        1. Belize speaks English, Uruguay is one we’ve looked at previously but we have a friend in Panama and he loves it. There’s other countries worth looking at too.

          Maybe the US someday but not right now.

          1. Belize only exists for as long as Mexico keeps Guatemala at bay. Guatemala has made it very clear in the past that they consider Belize their territory. Also Belize has over the last few decades went through intense “decolonization” process and promotion of indigenous “culture” i.e. the country is slowly and inevitably turning into a shithole. Plus it is increasingly owned by China….

            Hence, I would only move to Belize if my investments outside of Belize were safe and whatever I put into Belize, I could walk away from immediately, without any expectation of ever recovering it.

          2. Thanks for the info on Belize. It does have stability and crime issues, as do many South American countries.

          3. I am looking at Dominica (the tiny island not Dominican Republic) citizenship there is cheap. Not a recommendation, just looking as a maybe option for a safe harbor.

            But again, as is the case with all turd world countries, to quote the classic: “Don’t let yourself get attached to anything you are not willing to walk out on in 30 seconds flat if you feel the heat around the corner.”

        2. I heard about Belize. Seems to be the best on the list. I could use some tips on how to go about immigrating.

          1. Pretty much everything you need to know about immigration and various types of visas are online. As well as recommendations from US and Canadian expats, crime stats, living costs, health insurance, etc..

      3. Assuming at least some money & pension, a move to a warm developing country may make a lot of sense: Belize, Panama, Thailand, Malaysia.
        In Europe, Portugal seems to be popular too.
        Some ex-eastern Europe countries can also be recommended (like Czechia), albeit the languages are very tricky, and I am not sure what the visa rules are for non-EU citizens. The cost of living is low (about $2.25 Cdn for a pint of beer in a pub – the best beer in the world) – and not too much CRT and post-modern BS.

    2. Can you take me with you? I’m trapped here. Can’t move, no job, no chance of having a decent life in this sick country.

      Seriously! I’ve been asking a lot of people about migrating, but no one seems to have any answers.

  16. Papers Please!
    I made that comment many times on FB and other forums. Few understood. Even when explained, many people thought it was “Conspiracy Theories” that this could happen so easily.
    Well, our flight is booked for later this month.
    We’ll still check in here when we can.

  17. So just for the record can we now get them to concede the jab is not and never was “voluntary. “

  18. All things being equal, the population deserves what it votes for.
    The critical mass of this country is corrupted by the politicians of all parties.
    The population is asking for more and more of free stuff.
    Don’t you hear, read and see the messages from media cartel that the population is complaining, what have they done for us.
    I would prefer that they, the politicians and their helpers in the media cartel just get the hell out of the way.
    It would be interesting if the useless masses were left to their own devices what the outcome would be.
    Everyone is crying out for victimhood. The more up in the hierarchy of victimhood, the more free money and free stuff they get.
    The working person just bends over and is pays for everything.
    The fascist politicians instituted medical fascism on businesses, they have to be the gestapo or they get to be fined big dollars.

    Yeah …. Fascism it is and the population is good with that.
    Who you gonna call?

  19. In fact David Freiheit knew exactly what to do to end this covid-reaction madness – he ran for office for the PPC Party in his riding.
    He’s an honourable Canadian whatever that outcome.

    The current governors of Canadian cities, provinces, and the country as a whole, are incapable of finding a reasonable course for citizens to follow during a healthcare crisis.

    The most fearful threat of ‘our’ time has devolved into ICU’s so swamped with one disease that they won’t be available for other maladies.

    Our forebears had to contend with things such as doodlebugs dropping out of the sky, ‘infecting’ a whole city block at a time.
    ID papers were very necessary then.
    ID papers have always been necessary when entering a hospital other than when some catastrophic event has occurred.

    That ‘member’ ID is now necessary to enter formerly private, or even public, places in Canada suggests that a war is already underway.

    Per Viva Frei – Peace out !

  20. Fun fact….if you invest 80 thousands dollars to buy a struggling business in the US, you can march right on down there to your new home-sweet-home.

    Obviously I’m simplifying it a bit, but it’s true, if you want to cash in, there is an escape hatch out of here.

    1. The E2 visa: It will take at least $200K US and a commitment to run a viable business that provides jobs for Americans. Or, you can pay $900 K + to a gov’t approved business run by someone else and get a different visa that allows you to come and go as you please. There are income tax and health care implications to be considered.

      Or, you can walk across the southern border…

  21. Depends on your approach. Don’t whine and don’t cry, take the offensive and start taking names, then bide your time because sooner or later all these businesses are going to be negatively affected in some way shape or form. It’ll take a while…but it’s coming. (LOL…bowling alley, oh please)
    And when Mr.Bowling Alley owner wants to cry on your shoulder someday because he thinks he has a sympathetic ear? Make sure you’re there for him with the milk of human kindness that only those with long memories can provide.

    I’ve done it once already. It was awesome and I’ve three or four more to go.
    I’m a patient man.

    1. Some days when I put my tin foil hat on, I speculate about where all this leads. The early versions of this vaccine had recipient test animals actually become more sensitive to infection and death over time. I only recall this as we watch how vaccinated folks are now responding to variants. There are lots of anecdotal stories about vaccinated folks having a rougher time than an unvaccinated person.

      Isn’t it prudent to have some of the population unvaccinated to work in health care? Grocery stores, truckers and toilet paper manufacturers?

      Who the hell is going to run Facebook? /sarc

  22. Never forget, there are two types of Canadians:
    Those who voted in favor of this crap(sadly a large majority), and those who voted PPC.
    Like Trump revealed many republicans to be nothing more than RINOs, Max revealed many conservatives to be nothing more than CINOs.

    1. Yes, there are only two types of Canadians the morally pure, devoted followers of the Grand Maxipad (who helped Little Fidel with all their feeble might) and the rest of them traitors… You’ve been rising your bicycle without a seat again, haven’t you?

      1. Again with the cult of personality Maxipad crapola and name-calling, not a word about policies, you’re all about party and personality. YOU are the reason Canada is fucked.

        You can make all the infantile remarks you like, it won’t change the fact that you voted for vax passports, assault weapons bans, carbon taxes, etc, when you had a chance not to.

        Now go and do the right thing, and go hang your head…in shame, or join the LPC, either way, you cannot call yourself a conservative, and neither can anyone who voted in favor of vax passports.

        1. It is a cult of personality. Please list all the policies of dear leader that you find controversial and disagree with….

          crickets chirping.

          It is also about a denial of reality. I does not matter what pipe dream I had a chance to vote for. What matters are the consequences of the vote. Yes adults understand that actions have consequences. Children with tantrums don’t.

          Again put a seat on your bike … shit pushes up into your brains.

          1. LOL.
            That’s all ya got?
            I named 4-5 policies that dear leader and good ol’ Erin espoused that any real conservative would take issue with.
            You voted in favor of vax passports, gun bans, a carbon tax, etc, and all the vitriol and infantile insults and innuendo won’t change that one simple fact.
            Yet you sit there and whine about vax passports, about how you’re “against” them, when all the while you voted for a candidate that promised them.
            The Doublethink is strong with you, komrade.

          2. Ok, so in other words you agree with everything Dear Leader says and find him free from all faults. Ok then, my point is proven.

            P.S. It really doesn’t matter how many times you furiously type up the same tired litany. But feel free to do so ad nauseum. Litanies and cults go together.

          3. “Ok, so in other words you agree with everything Dear Leader says and find him free from all faults. Ok then, my point is proven.”

            I guess you and UnMe/Allan S/Antiq are all the same guy.

          4. I gave you an option to prove me wrong. You failed.

            And if you even fail against “UnMe/Allan S/Antiq” it does not mean that they are the same guy, or that I am one of them. It just means you fail. A lot.

      2. Watch me turn Colon into a foul mouthed version of the Turd:

        Hey, C, did you or did you not vote for a candidate who promised assault rifle bans, vax passports and a carbon tax?
        Its a Yes/No question.

        1. Actually no, the candidate I voted for did no such thing. The leader of the party my candidate belonged to, changed his position enough number of times that it didn’t matter what was his position du jour was. He could be pressured either way. Little Fidel on the other hand, genuinely wants to destroy you.

          So now your turn: did Trudeau and Chicoms preferred you vote for Dear Leader Grand Maxipad, or for the neutered O’Toole?

          1. Way to play games. I guess I didn’t vote for Max, then, you disingenuous clown, I just voted for a candidate whose leader actually stood for something other than tyranny.
            Both would have preferred O’Toole, like you do, you have that much in common with the MSM, the LPC and the Chicoms, that much is clear.
            In the USA, you would have been a never-Trumper Mitt Romney/Jeb man.

          2. “Way to play games. ”

            Not a game at all. Just not letting a failure like you control the narrative. Go ahead have another tantrum.

            “I guess I didn’t vote for Max,”

            That is correct. Which is why I asked would Chicoms and Little Fidel preferred you (just you, not you and the entire world) voted for Maxipad or O’Toole. That hypothetical is perfectly valid. Do try to keep up.

            P.S. I am perfectly happy to keep riding you like a bitch you are. So do go on, but please try to get a bit more creative. It is boring otherwise.

  23. Are you willing to fight to get your freedoms back?
    Because that is what it’s going to take.
    Are you willing to die for your beliefs?
    It may come to that.
    Or we can sit around pontificating while the steamroller of despotism flattens us.

    1. “Or we can sit around pontificating while the steamroller of despotism flattens us.

      “Better to jaw jaw than to war war”
      – a forebear –

  24. Someone should parachute a few million liberators on us, like the Americans were gonna do in France.

  25. Time is on our side.
    Procrastination is a fine art.
    The betrayal of the trustees is beginning to sink into their trusting little minds,what you figure?
    Vaccine Booster number 4 ,5 or 6 before they finally realize “Vaccine Useless”.
    Vaccine as real as government help and as beneficial.

    The growing evidence is a killer for our parasitic overload.
    The magic vaccines,which they pinned everything on,are crap.
    Their lies about first aid for treating covid are responsible for thousands of dead Canadians .
    Their continued attempts to prevent doctors practising medicine expose their foolishness and the danger they pose .
    We now know,what many suspected,treatments developed for SARS 1 work on SARS 2,otherwise known as Covid-19..

    Yet 18 months into this farce,what is the recommended treatment for persons testing positive for covid?
    Stay home and practise your hypochondria..
    What a fantastic first world healthcare system we have.
    Their two weeks are up,Healthcare,as provided by government bureaucrats,is dead.
    Time for a funeral pyre.

    Time has run out for the hysterics,their lies are exposed and their destructive stupidity is impossible to ignore.
    Fire them all.

  26. Surely Canada isn’t homogenous vis-a-vis health totalitarianism – is BC the same as NFland, is Quebec the same as Alberta etc? Here in Oz Victoria is the standout Nazi state, Western Australia is its own hermit kingdom, here where I live (South Australia) we just do as we are told by Canberra etc. To cut a long story short, it matters a lot where you live in Australia, isn’t Canada the same?

    1. I was shocked when Doug Ford caved. Who is manipulating him? I think it is much the same many provinces.

  27. Couple years ago I bought ( $12,500 USD ) a 75 x 125 ft piece of property in Belize that’s a couple hundred feet from the sea. This November I’m going to finish my house and start working on residency. Feck Trudeau and Joe Biden

  28. soooooooo kim jong un need not pop off nuke tests or flood the lower 48 with counterfeit currency to set the stage,
    just wait for covid to play out.

    got it. lve been using that joke for 6 decades ever since that scene at the train station in ‘the great escape’
    ‘your papers your papers please show me your papers’
