17 Replies to “We Should Fear A Canada Like Future”

  1. The article is dead on target, especially about that “foul and pestilent congregation of vapours” of a prime minister. (The reference to the Bard is from Hamlet, Act 2, Scene 2.)

    1. White’s have been in Canada for 500 years
      The FN (Injuns) Red skins if you will, have been here at additional 2500 years.
      What have they built in those 3 Millennia?
      answer is Nothing, Zilch, Nada, Squat.
      They even appropriated western clothing, and hardly any of them know the traditional animal skin clothing crafts

      So in summation, a Useless bunch of drunkards, glue sniffers and Squaw bashers

      1. Antifa must be sending in all kinds of trolls pretending to be SDA regulars posting this garbage.

        Mods, clean up in aisle 1.

  2. Canadians will be the friendliest Muslims as the media pushes more white racism and our politicians give more money for reparations of their evil ways…at least in the media and politicians minds.

  3. The nullity of multiculturalism has made Canada much more receptive to the post modern nihilism of woke culture and only slightly ahead of the US in decline and on the road to serfdom. It really tilted a year after our centennial when we elected our first communist Prime Minister. In those days, the opposition were essentially Red Tories and communists too.

    1. In those days, the opposition were essentially Red Tories and communists too.

      Just like nowadays.

    2. I always thought that the “centennial year” 1967 was a celebration representing the end of Canada.
      The imposition of french as an “official language” by 1969 was the end of Canada as an English nation.
      Like the unwanted and un-needed changing of the Canadian flag by the communist Liberal Party ( Pearson ) the country was destroyed from inside the PMO with the consent of Parliament.
      Canada today is a big fat nothing burger with a population that are historically illiterate and adrift. There is very little sense of Canadian nationalism, if any at all. Identifying as solely “Canadian” is not only frowned upon it is considered “racist” or “white supremacist”.
      Of course ethnic nationalism is just fine and encouraged… anything but Canadian nationalism.
      Peeairs Canada is a divided country of fiefdoms controlled by a very small minority group of french speakers where “equality” is considered “racist” and “un Canadian”.
      Just as Peeair designed. A Cult.
      Every Communist State is very cult like, whether its the cult of Mao or Stalin, Castro or Peeair Turdhole.
      Destroying a country like Canada was and remains an act of pure evil.

  4. If this article isn’t enough to wake up Alberta and start the separation process going,nothing will.
    And don’t forget to take Saskatchewan,Manitoba ,Northern Ontario and a giant chunk of,or all of British Columbia to the Pacific ocean.

  5. Multiculturalism is cultural Marxism with a palatable name. I mean in a multicultural country who could be against it? More pavilions at Folk Fest as Kate says.

  6. Every member of the Armed Forces (and much of government) has to take an online course called “Introduction to indigenous culture”. You can guess the slant on that course. And the Canadian flag has been at half-mast since 30 May. “So when we decided to bring down … those flags to half-mast, we made the commitment that we would not raise them again until we have worked enough with Indigenous communities and leadership to make a clear determination that it was time to raise them again and continue the hard work of reconciliation,” (said Trudeau.)
    By refusing multiple invitations to events for the Truth and Reconciliation day he himself declared, and lying and going surfing, how likely is this “reconciliation”? What a fucking waste of skin. Not single leadership neuron in that shit for brain of his.

  7. Yes, the contagion is rampant, and I don’t mean the Wuhan variety. Our municipal golf courses (and I assume other municipal functions) were closed for indigenous prostration day. They do not close for Remembrance Day in honour those citizens (including indigenous) who gave their lives for our country. The golf courses are open on Canada day when we celebrate our good fortune (including the indigenous) to be citizens of one of the best countries to live in. Our woke politicians expect to achieve “reconciliation” by shoving it down our throats.

  8. Like I wrote the other day, Juthtin has determined/stated that Canada is a post-nation.
    Outside of K-bec:
    He has proceeded to tear down its energy security.
    Has attacked food security and farmers.
    Has undermined national security and attacked military leadership.
    Has besmirched and undermined the national conscience by calling it a genocidal nation.
    Has attacked its founding father.
    Has attacked property rights and further limited them.
    Has attacked blue collar workers.
    Has attacked free speech and internet freedom.
    Has attacked Christianity.
    And has now added the symbolism of the flag – like it or not – to the list of provocations and repudiations.

    He’s not woke.
    He’s a fucking traitor.
    So sue me, Juthtin. I fucking dare you.

    1. Buddy, you fucking nailed it, right there.
      I would just add that he (Blackie) has, in tandem with what you state, bolstered the woke forces that support his traitorous behaviour (i.e., the woke and bought media, academia, and a plethora of divisive minority groups).
      He is the epitome of a “People-Churian” Candidate, in Blackface, and on a Serf Board.
      My solace in in thinking he may be soulless and lost and coming to a karmic end.
      One can wish.
      As for the great unwashed, I see evidence of humanity all around me.
      The plumber that helped me out last week was a good man from Claresholme, Alberta. I don’t think his boss subjected him to any CRT seminars. Also, my neighbourhood is rife with similar, Un woke, young folk. Christians, too.
      Don’t lose hope.
      History has a way of revealing who is on the wrong side. In your patience possess ye your souls.
      Have a nice day.

  9. Correction: conservatives should not beware the success of cultural Marxism … the PEOPLE should beware cultural Marxism. All People … even the cultural Marxists who have voted to “get even” with some odious group (to them). This is the politics of destruction … never construction. As someone noted above, your Canadian flag is STILL at half mast … why? … isn’t it obvious? To signal white guilt, and hate for (the old) Canada. To signal the destruction of (the old) Canada.

    These cultural Marxists best look over their shoulders … and wipe out their internet histories. Because that which they’ve voted-for will be coming for THEM … soon enough. Once your Block Captain has been fully empowered to destroy people … you best befriend the Block Captain and nod approval of ALL they believe … or you will be … “reported”. This is what destructive political movements do … they destroy. They don’t CREATE anything. And no … “green energy” isn’t constructive. Inefficient, failed, insufficient energy is hardly constructive. When Canadians are burning the corpses of frozen family members for heat … still tell me how cultural Marxism is constructive.

    We’ve all seen this movie before. Well, not all of us. The youth have never seen the movie or even heard of the destruction of communism and socialism. Their Marxist “teachers” have withheld this vital information from them. Or … they believe Marxism and all it’s spinoffs “just hasn’t been done right yet” … despite it now being needed to support 3x as many people as anytime before in history.

    The people who vote for empty headed “progressives” … will eventually PAY for their folly. Enjoy your future shitholieness Canada
