40 Replies to “Prime Minister Zoolander”

  1. That’s not clever. Adding a Couple of random letters on the end, and looking askance at anyone who asks “and what does that mean?”.

    2SLGBTQQIANCISPDQ. “Because TV fed’s lives rapidly matter!”

    Go on, invent your own. You know you want to…

    1. Hey he is the elected Queeny Thingy of the Fake Democracy and Penal Colony/Indian Reserve formally known as Canader. He can just wave his hand and it is law. So Let it be written so let it be done.

  2. I am old enough to remember when LGBTQWERTYLOLWTF was a joke in bad taste not an actual acronym.

    1. I’m so old I can remember when people were insulted if you mistook their baby girl for a boy.

      1. Not old enough then. Ever seen baby pics of President Roosevelt (#2). Dressing the baby like a girl up until the age of 4 was apparently common back then.


        Styles and standards will always change. And, yes, that’s a constant.

    1. Not yet. It’s on the list, but not yet. Like “free thinking Black intellectuals are welcomed into the Democratic party”, not yet.

    2. yop,
      It is simply this…
      Male, Female, Pervert.
      Brought to you by the society to reduce redundant acronyms.
      Have A Nice Day (hand).
      See what I mean!?

      1. “Male, Female, Pervert.”

        No, just male or female, that’s it. Some males and some females are bigger perverts than others. They are still either male or female. There is no third option. What Trudeau lists is a mix of sexual preferences and mental illnesses and an extremely rare and unfortunate physical condition.

  3. Gloria Steinem must be feeling a little claustrophobic. Good old fashioned sexism is so yesterday, they don’t even rate a mention in the hierarchy of victimhood.

  4. So when does he get around to including the goaters? And when he does, will it be a lowercase g?

    1. What do the goaters think of all this “acceptance”?
      What happens in NE Calgary when the muslim school opens and some of those oppressed feelings emerge to the teachers, who then ptotect those from their parents?

    1. Marc, I once thought I was normal too. With a lot of deep introspection I decided I could no longer declare myself “Normal”
      This is as good time for me as a Canadian to finally come out and declare myself Trans.
      And as a Trans-American I fully expect to exercise my 2nd Amendment RIGHTS.

  5. I refer to them as the QWERTY people. Sooner or later they’ll get to all the letters on the keyboard.

    1. It’s a race between the preverts (those familiar with the movie Dr. Strangelove will know what I’m referring to) and the Covid variations to see how far in the alphabet each can go.

    2. John, I worry they will want to add new letters to the alphabet when they have used all the current ones up.
      Damn, this will mean larger keyboards.

  6. The only two-spirited people I know are the ones who drink two kinds of liquor at the same time.

    Now, can somebody tell me how the Indians got to the head of the queue or is it a continuation of Prinz Dummkopf’s “half-mast” campaign? Will his fellow poofs approve?

      1. I like a sip of Asbach Uralt, followed by some Jack Daniels. Yup, I’m two-spirited…..

    1. ” I’ll have a whiskey with a beer chaser!”
      Definitely two spirit!

  7. And the “B” for beastiality?
    So if the government,via Emperor Justine,now condones all deviancies..does this mean the Fornicator with dogs I met many moons ago,will be granted a pardon and paid for his time in jail?
    Will Justine give him and his kind a tearfilled apology?
    Come to think of it he was even of Justine’s favourite Victim Group.

    I feel the insanity cresting.
    Surf is up.

  8. Leftists keep arguing that there is no such thing as a slippery slope but they keep adding freaks to the lgbtabcdefghijklmnop thing.

    1. Historians will remember this as one small part of the Great Gaslighting.

      BTW, my acronym for describing the wonderful rainbow of human sexuality is GTFOFOADSTFUMF.

  9. Question: why is it two spirit? That doesn’t seem to be very inclusive of multi-spirit persons, elf-kin and other-kin….

  10. I’m still waiting for at least half the population of Toronto to figure out that no matter what the sock monkey has been telling them, it isn’t rain on their leg.

  11. Before the white man came, the indigenous people of North America showed great understanding to the ‘ two spirited ‘ members of the tribe. They stayed behind with the women while the men raided the villages of other tribes and bashed so many heads in that they came back covered in grey matter and blood.
    It really puts a lump in your throat.

  12. I refer to them as LMNOP, easy to remember and still pisses off the few wolk folk that I know.

  13. I refer to them as LMNOP, easy to remember and still pisses off the few woke folk that I know.

  14. From A to Z and back again, upside down, inside out, dosado your partner, sashay back home.

  15. The prime minister should be in a zoo….perhaps the monkey house…….. no I take that back, if put in with the monkeys he’d bring down the IQ level too much. Perhaps a better place for him would be the earth worm farm.
