6 Replies to “14 Years in Gitmo”

  1. There will always be Third World Terrorist for Trudeau to award millions in tax payers money!

    I saw that there was another Saudi born “Canadian” terrorist in US custody the other day – Man did he every win the Trudeau lottery, wonder what his payout will be when the Liberal news catches on to on his murderous story………….

  2. If you’re not going to bother listening to or watching the conversation above it would be appreciated if you kept your thoughts to yourself.

  3. Fantastic post. One of Peterson’s best interviews. I wish this man well. While I supported the Guantanamo Bay prison, it is disheartening that such flimsy evidence was used to incarcerate an innocent person for so long. This injustice should not have persisted for so long.

  4. L – 14 years and a story all need to hear, a most humbling tale of what goes wrong when we fail to live up to our own highest values.

    For those of us looking for the time when governments in Canada are placed on trial under
    Nuremberg War Crimes Tribunal 2.0. We must see that happens sooner than 14 years.
    One person, I know has lost 3 relatives to the mandatory vaccinations, a fourth won’t last long.
    Every Gulag contains the seeds of it’s own destruction.

    “Live not by lies !” Alexandr Sol.
