Comrades Unite!

More delightful comrades here!

Translation: Down with Biological Women! Yes to allowing naked men beside young girls in change rooms! Down with all white people! Go Labour, Go!!!

Before you laugh too much, do stop to remember that both Canada and America are currently run by people who completely support these nitwits.

40 Replies to “Comrades Unite!”

    1. Women and girls have a right under Western Culture to play sports if they so wish.
      Organised sport is meant to be structured so that teams or individuals are matched in such a way that skills and physical abilities are nominally equal in order to allow a competitive environment. With youths this is typically age groups. In strength sports it is by weight, and other sports teams are often grouped into divisions based on previous performance.
      It is accepted that you can ‘punch up’ if you have the skills – a keen U-10 player may take part in an U-12 game within reason – but ‘punching down’ is frowned on. Sixteen year olds should not be allowed to play in an Under 12s grade under normal circumstances.

      Now, having allowed my intro to ramble, the point is that sport isn’t automatically about spectators and viewers, it is about the right to compete. If you want proof this is why the Woman’s World Cup exists. No one sane in the West is denying that women shouldn’t be allowed to PLAY sport, and no one sane in the West is denying that women’s sport is basically at a much lower level than Men’s. Indeed there is ample evidence that a national woman’s team is about the same skill and ability level as a local youth boys team.

      The point is – probably… I got distracted in the middle… – that people should be allowed to play sport and should be allowed to expect that their administrative bodies running said sports should attempt to structure a competition where skill and ability levels are matched. If you as a player don’t like it, then train harder and punch up. However if you can’t hack it in your assigned grade you can drop down, till you reach the level you wish to compete at (aka – YOU’RE OLD or You can’t be arsed training anymore). What you can’t do is go down and bully the lower grades or, in context, suddenly pretend you are someone you clearly aren’t and start stealing awards that don’t belong to you.

      Remember kids, you can completely support trans rights, or you can complete support women’s rights, but not both.

      1. Well said.
        Problem could be solved if trans athletes would simply compete against other trans athletes. But the pretense that they actually are women is what needs to be dropped. They are a third category.
        I know – logic is so oppressive.
        Heh. Can you imagine the ratings for a trans sporting event? Only CBC would even consider carrying it.

        1. They are not a third category, gluing a horn to the horse’s head does not turn it into a unicorn.

      2. Maybe it is time to change it from Men’s and Women’s Sports to XY and XX Chromosome sports?

  1. Does trans woman mean she is a man pretending to be a woman or a woman pretending to be a man? No one has every explained that to me.

    1. It is whatever it pretends to be until someone with common sense looks at it.

      A Schrodingers Hermaphrodite, if you will.

      1. We are not men now, we can be a pregnant person.
        New pickup line,
        Attractive girl from Canada, Beach bathing alone in a pretty pink belt buckle, and I was going to ask her if I could have her baby.
        Be careful, her boyfriend might give you an abortion.

    2. I thought these were female prostitutes who sold their bodies in mass transit washrooms.

    3. To quote an old friend of mine from the marketing department, “any adjective means ‘not’.”

      So a trans woman is a (not) woman; not a woman, a.k.a. a man.

    4. It called itself “a woman”.
      It called itself “a trans woman”.
      It called itself “a trans”

      Which is it? It never called itself “a man”

      It’s a man. And he has the chromosomes to prove it. The rest of this play time is just that … mental and emotional masturbation. A flipping waste of time, air, space, and thought.

        1. Yes … it … is likely a homicidal trans-queer who dances naked in it’s dead mother’s basement whilst trying-on it’s girlie skin suit

  2. Their votes count as much as those of a sane person.

    “The best argument against democracy is a five minute conversation with an average voter” ~ Winston Churchill.

    1. “The majority of the stupid is invincible and guaranteed for all time.” ~ Albert Einstein

    2. Democracy is only really believed by the Centre.

      The conservatives really just want to be left alone and generally resent the fact that some unemployed activist with an unused Arts degree can tell them what car they are allowed to buy.

      Lefts see democracy as just another one of their ever shifting goal posts in their ‘death by compromise’ long term plan to be put in charge. To them it is a means to the end goal of the Worker’s Paradise they plan on running.

      Only the Centre actually believe that carefully analysing each punter on the ballot and debating their policies is fair, just and for the benefit of all.

  3. “The best argument against democracy is a five minute conversation with an average voter”
    A brilliant observation, in the right hands.
    Joseph S thought Conservative Winston C nuts to put himself up to election by the people after WW2.
    The people naturally elected a socialist government, after 7 years of being treated as socialists.
    ‘You are what you’re forced to eat’

    Canada now honours the world’s first trans-person as our Prime minister of the overall nation of nations.
    Trans black, trans corporation, trans indiginous, trans Canadian backpacker – quite literally all things to all men – much like ‘Uncle’Fidel.
    Trans anything but pipelines is our elective destiny.

    1. I think we could easily get the pipelines approved if we simply agreed to call them “sheplines”.

    1. If it is listed at then it’s embedded in another story. I couldn’t see any references to it. The new bombshell for Project Veritas is that it is alleged the aborted fetal tissues were used in the development of the Pfizer vaccine, and possibly in its manufacture.

      To the topic at hand… “To be the most democratic conference…” So now they’re thinking that majority should rule? What do they think that an open, honest vote would do to trans privileges?

      1. Who bloody well knows what the trannies want.
        Seems like we’re living in the 9th circle of hell.
        Up is down, wrong is right, sky is green….

  4. On the same note the HR in my Day Job finally decided to tackle the big problems and work out just how diverse we actually are.

    We are now all asked to go into our profiles and update our Woke.

    I looked at it briefly, mused over gaming the system for giggles and then decided not to bother.

    However I did go down a few interesting thought processes.

    Case point :- if you can be a man transitioning into a woman simply by stating that as fact and anyone who disagrees with you is HATE SPEECH, then why could I not be a man transitioning into a man?

    Or, to take it further, a man transitioning into a different man?

    So I have decided that I am a Man transitioning into Henry Cavell. You can’t stop me!

    1. You do you.

      Gawwwwwd I loathe that expression. But you’re right. We are ALL supposed to kowtow to whatever absurdity is demanded.

      Fuck that, and Fuck Joe Biden, and the horse (election fraud) he rode in on …

    2. Mudcrab, I would have updated my profile as, “staying asleep until the collective sanity resumes”.
      Or would that be, “staying unwoke until the collective sanity resumes”, I just can’t keep up anymore.

  5. Wow.
    I feel like i just watched open mike night at the looney asylum.
    They emoted, took their meds, no one listened, then off to bed.
    Rinse and repeat.
    How do they live day to day like that!?
    Some living circle of hell that is worse than mine, for certain.
    I just have a happy hour and bitch about this shite.
    Got that going for me.
    Oh, but my neighbours like me for my daily neighbourliness.

    1. Ha! Yep. But “she” came in last at open mike night at the Improv. And “she” blames the transphobic audience.

  6. Let’s try a lesbian trans male/female.
    A “lesbian” with “super powers”?
    If ever I’m going to prison I’m identifying as such.
