11 Replies to “New Game Show?”

    1. Sort of explains everything…
      Business Leaders…
      Who have no clue or knowledge making decisions.
      Been working great for them but terrible for us.

    1. Easily $100,000.⁰⁰ spent on optics for this single moment regarding spending even more of our money.

  1. Phony Movie Set Office for a Phony President.

    Look out the windows, It is always a bright and sunny Spring Day in Bidenland.

    1. If they made a set for Biden to pretend he’s in the white house, who’s actually occupying the white hosue?

  2. Optics here are: The token black guy doesn’t get a White House skirt for his desk.
    The fake Washington monument in the fake window across from the fake palm trees is awesome. It’s no wonder these people are so far detached from reality.
    Yellen is molting.
