18 Replies to “Restaurant for Sale”

  1. I was thrilled to receive my Ontario PC solicitation letter in the mail yesterday. I wrote out my feeling about our premier on the return slip and mailed it back, free of charge! It was very therapeutic and I asked them to keep sending me requests for money so I could keep returning my free thoughts to them.

    1. Good for you, I can’t wait to tell my new MLA, a conservative I voted for to go pound sand. I plugged my nose and voted provincially for Conservatives and once in office they became tyrants imposing the left’s useless vaccine passport. I feel like there is no party that represents normal freedom loving people.

  2. Isnt Mark supposed to own nothing and be happy?
    Klaus Schwab and the World Economic Forum don’t understand his kind of thoughts.
    FOAD all you government leaders that chose a lobbying kickback over home test kits and Ivermectin, while opting to shut down our economy. I hope you all rot in hell

  3. He’s going to stiff his investors and suppliers while protecting his own capital…

    McEwan is looking to reorganize, by essentially selling the existing company to a numbered Ontario company 45 per cent owned by his holding company and 55 per cent by investor Fairfax Financial Holdings. The new business would not include Fabbrica Don Mills restaurant or the Yonge & Bloor food hall, which would close.

    For now, BNN says, it’s business as usual while Chef awaits the court’s decision.

    A numbered Ontario company, anybody can create by paying for a business number.

  4. …and how many of these restauranteurs are fully onboard with the Stasi-esque vax passports?
    Fuck them all…I hope they lose everything. They’ll never see another dime from me.

    1. Sorry, but restaurant owners don’t have much of a choice.
      If they decide to “not check for passports” some Karen will report them and a gov’t official will drop by and fine them or close them. Saw last week that a restaurant had their liquor license revoked because they weren’t checking for proof of vaccine.
      Do put this on restaurant owners.
      Put the blame FULLY on the gov’t who pushes these stupid restrictions on this industry.

  5. Restaurants aren’t … essential. Says some “health expert” bureaucrat. Now shut up and OBEY! Or else you won’t even get get 50% occupancy.

    When we passively allowed our unelected bureaucrats to determine what was “essential” and “nonessential” … all to save our lives *bullshit* … we were doomed. We are all weak, feeble, rodents now …

  6. I just visited the Ontario Restaurant Hotel and Motel Association website and it seems they’re totally ok with excluding Jews unvaxxed from Ontario dining establishments. And by “ok” I mean complying or as they used to say, “following orders” for this new and improved gov’t mandated business model. Take it up with those Chuckleheads…I’ve got my own problems. Ford isn’t going to listen to bottom feeding piglets like you squealing about how hard done by you are.
    An association on the other hand…

    Have you thought about food trucks? Trying to be helpful.
    Pro tip: Don’t name it “Roadkill”. It’s already taken.

  7. This guy coulda said FUCK YOU FORD and kept his restaurants OPEN….did he do that.??

    NOPE: well, go woke – go broke.
    I have zero sympathy with this clown whining while he did Sweet fuck all to buck the system nor showed much sympathy over his employees eh…?? all about how he will come out smelling like a shit stained rose. TWEETS do squat buddy boy.

    He coulda shown REAL LEADERSHIP…?? but no…
    Fucking Bent over KAPO.

    1. ” … he did Sweet fuck all to buck the system …”

      Canadian to the core. He sat on his arse tweeting instead of doing something effective like organizing angry restauranteur protests.

      1. There is guy in Kingston Ontario who is bucking the system and getting very little support. Fines, an immediate loss of his liquor license, is working to keep his business afloat and where was the rich guy? The restaurant in Kingston Ontario is called JAKKs.

  8. To add insult to injury, his company had previously received nearly $4 million in Covid grants, wage subsidies and loans.

  9. March 15, 2022.

    That’s my entry in the pool of dates for “when will the vaccinated realize they have been duped?” — what’s yours?

    1. I won’t give an exact date but when people start dying during the coming flu season some may just wake up.

    2. I’ve been thinking that exact question as well.
      Going for May 17, 2022
      It’s going to take 2 more lockdowns, and a huge Covid outbreak at a sporting arena where vaxxed only are allowed.
