10 Replies to “She Knows Nothing”

  1. So the discussion next few days in all English world will be about regulating the whole Internet. Which plays right into one of Prime Moron’s favorite ideas, bill C10.

  2. She is a hard core leftist, not sure what she is complaining about, not enough censorship????

  3. You all were the ones demanding the government step in and regulate social media Because Muh Section 230, as I recall.

    How does that aphorism about getting the government you deserve go, again?

    1. Regulate is one thing

      make it into a tool for the left to crush the right is another

      but I guess you are incapable of seeing that

  4. a Finely scripted piece of theatre with her talking like she owned that Gallery.
    It REEKS of a set-up. She is no more a Whistleblower than I’m a majority owner in Costco.

    If she where, I’d of expected a ZOOM conference and her location to be completely undetectable cause……well Zuckercide…NO.??

  5. There already are standard rules, called “laws”. One of these is that publishers are liable for anything they publish, whereas common carriers are not. It is easy to distinguish between the two, as common carriers do not censor but publishers exert editorial control.

    Might want to think hard about that, Zuck.
