24 Replies to “Canadians Voted For This”

  1. The last time gasoline was 1.40 liter, oil was more than 120 a barrel. Right now, oil is about 75 a barrel, so yeah, the reason we’re paying what we are is tax.

    1. Taxpayers Group … claims … carbon taxes are contributing to soaring gas prices

      Puhleeze. “claims”?? What do these “journalists” believe? That carbon taxes are weaponized unicorn farts that can only be smelled by BIG OIL execs.? That only ewwwwwww BIG OIL execs are punished by carbon taxes?

      Hey Sherlock! (this ‘Journalist) … Higher fuel prices are THE REASON carbon taxes are instituted! You know … to ‘drive’ the plebes OUT of their automobiles.

    2. Rusty in 2014 gas hit a 1.41 and oil was 147.00 a barrel. Canadians love being fucked over.

  2. This is just starting to happen in Canada.
    You ain’t seen anything yet as many more companies close and leave utopia created by our politicians guidance of going green at all costs.
    Closing fossil fuels before this new utopia of being green all across Canada.
    Even though it’s impossible to achieve as our country is too vast and the population doesn’t have the will or skill to achieve what our politicians are imposing on us.
    China, Europe and Britain are getting a taste now of massively higher costs which close even more businesses and factories.

  3. I really think only the stupid, uninformed and brain dead want more of this…….Liberals…….Steve O

  4. What posture would the Liberal government want a hireling pollster to adopt if you are trying to justify the lunatic policy of climate change taxation and rising fuel prices caused by your own ineptitude? Yes, pollsters lie, they fabricate, they massage data to achieve whatever ends their political masters require. The average person on the street does not see major changes in the environment used to justify this taxation because they don’t exist, just like COVID deaths. The government requests poll numbers, the pollsters give them the numbers they want, all for the purpose of driving the public’s fears so that they can make the changes that they want. I can’t wait for the polls that show that home ownership is bad (for whatever cockamamy reason Liberals decide) so that the government can take away property ownership and substitute it with government ownership and communism.

    All governments lie for their own benefit. Their paid pollsters are not trying to determine public opinion but create it.

    1. Those people DESERVE to be PUNISHED for their stupidity. For their childlike belief in Unicorns and imaginary friends.

      Fkcu em. Let em ride the ‘stabby’ bus

  5. Corrected headline: “The environment is NOT the top concern for 82.9% of Canadians.” But Nanos and CTV are both Liberal shills, so instead of analysis you get more of sockboy’s ALL HAIL GAIA horse manure.

    Particularly amusing this should come out as gas is well over $1.40 per litre everywhere in the country, and $1.70+ in some places thanks to COVID panic by governments, the destruction of our oil industry, and moronically pointless carbon taxes.

  6. Since Oil and Gas has been declared the new folk demon, if I owned a gas station I’d be all for having prices go to the Moon…screw you idiots who vote for the globalists…they want everyone poor.

  7. In Ontario for a short while, there was a sticker on every gas pump explaining this. But no, they had to be removed, can’t have the terminally stupid being educated on even the smallest details of actual life.

  8. The Canadian establishment is at war with its most internationally competitive advantage and greatest source of foreign exchange. The Spawn’s regime, their NDP brain trust, and their CPC look-alikes are all fully invested in this form of national suicide and the Eloi have been herded in that direction by way of the various propaganda arms of the institutional left. “Energy Poverty, it’s the way forward” would have been an honest slogan for all of those parties.

  9. CTV news surveys are useless because I recently heard them say that their aim is to “influence” and no longer “report”…..

  10. It’s going to be a cold and snowy winter with a good number of people having lost their jobs to the lockdowns and refusing to get jabbed.

    Bring on the poverty!

  11. This poll has to be false.
    Canadians are stupid, but surely not that stupid.
    If it is true, then where did the polling take place? Toronto and greater area?
