16 Replies to “More Rats Than Ever”

  1. Back when Prinz Dummkopf’s alleged father was PM, it was common for certain people to apply and, then, collect pogey and not bother looking for work. It was “free” money, right?

    Oh, they may have reluctantly found a job and worked only long enough….. only to conveniently quit, re-apply, and continue loafing.

    The thing is, many of their neighbours knew about it but didn’t say zip. They didn’t necessarily agree with that those freeloaders did, it’s just that nothing would have been done about it.

    Like father, like son…..

    1. BAD – It used to be that in some “economically depressed” regions of Canada you worked 10 weeks and collected “pogey” for 42 weeks. I wonder if “economically depressed” was the cause or the effect?
      I understood that Paul Martin cleaned up some of the free loading such as this. He was a business man so that may have been why he was better than some other “liberal” finance ministers.

      1. @Paul: I guess that would be us Maritime loafers. Making +$60,000/yr fishing for a couple of months at the most and then going on E.I. Sweet gig.

        1. I stopped selling firewood years ago. I was paying the pogey boys an hourly wage via my taxes – so they were able to undercut me on the $$$ per cord.

          The government didn’t give a shit about fraud back then and they care a lot less now.

          1. The government didn’t give a shit about fraud back then and they care a lot less now.

            But, when I was on the dole during the 1980s, largely thanks to the idiotic policies of PET and Mulruin, people said I was lazy, not trying hard enough to find work, and, worse yet, too proud to take any job that might have been available. (Uh, who was going to hire me to, say, push a broom when they know I’ll quit if a proper engineering job came along? Nah, that would have been too logical for my critics.)

    2. Yep. Used to see guys in the ski lodges sporting, “Unemployment Ski Team” t-shirts back in the day. Weren’t even trying to hide it.

  2. My local Optometrist’s business cannot find employees and they are short staffed – they cited CERB.

  3. Add this to your list of civil service perks: Exemptions from mandatory vaccinations. How wonderful.

  4. Universal Basic Income trial run.

    Pay people to do nothing.
    Be shocked that they do nothing.

  5. Didn’t Justine extend the CERB again, places are screaming for workers and no one is applying. Why should the weak lame and lazy work when the government pays them to sit on their arses and watch TV.

    1. Isn’t Canada great? Money you don’t have to work, cheap dope, what’s not to like, eh?

      Waydaminnit: don’t we have a prime minister like that?

  6. Those of us who scoff at CERB should keep in mind that this provides an environment which will unleash all that hidden or restrained creativity in this country. Think of all that art–art, I tell you!–that will be created, all because the artists won’t have to worry about an income.

    “And what did you create there?”

    “It’s a grand vista of this great country of ours.”

    “But it’s an empty space. There’s nothing there.”

    “Oh, ye of little imagination. It’s worth at least two Canada Grants for sure, don’t you think?”

    “Now that you put it that way, would you settle for 3? Talent such as yours should never go unrewarded.”
