Nobody Knows What They’re Doing

I’m generally not a fan of “models” but guest Martin Armstrong actually has a long track record of getting it right when it comes to forecasting.

7 Replies to “Nobody Knows What They’re Doing”

  1. It was through some of Martin research that I looked at to why China building crisis is by how inferior the products that they use to build and ship worldwide. These buildings are literally falling apart.

    It may be cheaper but falls apart much quicker than it should or rusts out like metal springs or metal washers keep doing in the plumbing.

  2. do some research on republic bank of NY in the 80’s, Martin is a hero of mine, for what he endured from the SDNY. Also check out the documentary “The Forecaster”. I follow very closely his modelling, he is almost never wrong.

    1. Im using his model for selling grain. It’s the most accurate thing out there. Been using it for 4 years. It’s interesting when his models line up across multiple markets, usually there’s an event. Oct and Feb are turn points moving forward

  3. He’s pretty good at forecasting and has a good record. I like his latest theory about cryptos and blockchain being created by governments to herd the Eloi into monopoly government digital fiat currencies which when or if successful makes all those compliant into de facto serfs a la Chicoms. Social Credit scores, wealth confiscation, thought control, etc, here they come!

    1. Why I don’t touch crypto is precisely because all things cybernetic can be hacked. Oh yes, it is said it would take such enormous computing power that unwinding blockchains will never happen. Just like it would take too much computing power to track all internet traffic. Well, ask the NSA about that. And do you think the Yanks are the only ones doing this. You can be sure the Brits are more advanced, using some eccentric Heath Robinson (Rube Goldberg) approach. All the major gvernments of the world in fact.

      I remember when we thought there would never be digital photography because you would need 6 MPixel cameras. I also could fly an aircraft on 64kBytes 🙂 While walking to work uphill both ways.

      So, humor aside, never allow governments to abolish cash money; they hate it but it is another bulwark against servitude.

    2. The funny thing is, back when I started hearing about Bitcoin, I always wondered what was going on behind the scenes. Without knowing much about it except the concept of the pieces of work, I always wondered if it was just the largest, distributed-cryptography project ever devised, with the intent of being able to break specific problems with encrypted data (for nefarious purposes, of course, never humanitarian), since one computer could never do it on a human timeframe.

      And then I learned that no one knows who this Satoshi character actually is, which made me even more suspicious…it started sounding like a “friend of a friend of a friend” kind of nonsense that hit some level of critical mass to become self-sustaining.

      I’ve read stuff about it that make persuasive arguments in its favour, notably that it’s decentralised and not government-controlled, but what if that’s not true? And something that doesn’t exist literally cannot have value (Doge is probably closest to its true value, for the ones I’m aware of). It’s just another fiat currency that has a large-enough group of people willing to use it as their medium of exchange. But at least you can still hold physical money, and the real stuff is not subject to destruction from an EMP.

      So, rightly or wrongly, I stay away from that game.

  4. Interesting that he said government is just collapsing; unfortunately, if that is true, then they are becoming more tyrannical with their death grip on societies.

    Sounds like Communism. In fact, it is just the natural tendency of governments, which is why they must be restricted in their power and purview.
