Reasons Why . . . Not!

I was recently talking with a friend, asking her why she did not want to get the Covid vaccine.  She grew up in Eastern Europe but is now an American citizen.  Here are the reasons she gave:

  1. Not knowing the long term consequences of this jab.
  2. Not having my personal liberties respected.
  3. People not doing research for themselves and obeying like sheep.
  4. Seeing news that the government is hiding the adverse reactions of the vaccines.
  5. Big Pharma companies being free of liability if someone is hurt as a result of their product.
  6. Personal insurance not covering death as a result of the Covid vaccines.
  7. Wanting to have a baby with my husband.
  8. All of the whistle blowers confirming what the media has been hiding.
  9. The government not taking into consideration proven protection from Natural Immunity.

She gave me permission to share this list, adding to be sure to mention that she came out of Communism, lived through Chernobyl, and witnessed the Fall of the Berlin Wall.

Curious to learn if her list resonates with you and if you personally have any additional reasons why you’re hesitant to get the vaccine at this time?

117 Replies to “Reasons Why . . . Not!”

  1. Good summary.
    I would only add I am not afraid of an illness with a 99.7% recovery rate.

    1. Points 1 to 5 and 8 reasonate with me (I apparently didn’t have Covid yet and I can’t get pregnant). To put it pointingly: I wouldn’t even trust the US, German, UK, Australian or Canadian government with a glass of water and an Aspirin any longer.

    2. Yes.
      And that survival rate might be higher yet if physicians were permitted to prescribe Ivermectin without fear at the first sign of Covid. Or better yet it were available at pharmacies packaged as a five day treatment for anyone presenting a positive Covid test.

      1. We have many who are threatened and bribed, and many who have been caught in nasty compromised acts of sexual perversion.

        There are many recorded accounts of this. This is the way left/tyrants/gangs operate. Once people are paid off or threatened and family members threatened by seriously sick hitmen, the plans will be carried out without regard for life or liberty.

        Watch Deena Hinshaw and tell me she isn’t controlled or a complete psycopathy.


    -It’s not a vaccine, it is a genetic modification technology using a viral vector to inject mRNA reprogramming into your cells. I’m skeptical that this is a good idea.
    -You can’t un-take a shot. Once you get it, it’s yours for life.
    -It doesn’t perform as advertised, according to the number of “vaxxed” showing up at the hospital with Covid.
    -Sweden just banned Moderna vax for people under 30 because of complications. That’s not a good sign.
    -I don’t believe the media at the best of times, and they’re lying extra hard about this subject right now.
    -All the lemmings are running in one direction. That’s my clue there’s a cliff over that way. I’ll just go off in my own direction for now, thanks very much. Anybody who doesn’t like it can s*ck it.

  3. Brian Lilley needs to be taken out to the woodshed on this.

    Yes, it is his opinion, he is free to exercise the right to express it ad nauseum.
    I met him once…nice guy.
    Dr Kulvinder Kaur, Dr Peter Phillips, Dr. Robert Malone, and Dr Ryan Cole (to name a few) are not “my mother’s boyfriends second cousin”
    Does Brian still have posting privileges on SDA?

    1. It’s amazing the amount of “content deactivated” there is in the comments under that column. That’s unusual for PostMedia. There’s one there where the poster with “content deactivated” returns to say “why did you deactivate me – I didn’t swear, or threaten or lie? UTR PRDSH < 20 a day".

      Seems pretty clear to me PostMedia is removing any and all content about Ivermectin from those comments.

    1. My daughter has been trying to create a second grandchild for me … after taking the vaccination. No dice, thus far. Something feeeeels wrong about this. Our family is very fertile.

      Maybe her husband is wearing his gym shorts too tight? Or maybe Pfizer didn’t quite do the necessary testing. And who do I sue when I am deprived grandchildren? Ohhhh yeah … blanket legal immunity. More immunity than their FAKE vaccine ever delivered.

      1. The ONLY lasting immunity associated with these shots is the Immunity from liability given to their manufacturers.

  4. Pretty good.
    Biggest elephant is no long term safety data.
    Those who push the vaccine and refuse to accept that those who recovered from covid have immunity have zero credibility with me when they tell me they are following the science.
    Same with those that tell me that the vaccines are safe in the long run, there is no data.
    It’s even more bizarre now that Moderna isn’t being recommended for young men.
    We started with four safe and effective vaccines and we’re down to one.

    Nobody can tell me what actually causes the heart issues in young men.
    If they don’t know that then how do they know that is the only issue that they cause and that those or other problems won’t appear later in other age groups?

    If my worst fears are realized and people begin dying a few years down the road and women give birth to children with birth defects because of the vaccine then those who pushed the vaccine with their lies or ignorance have a serious decision to make: How do they live with themselves?
    If they have done their homework and investigated it thoroughly and honestly and diligently then maybe they can live with themselves.
    If they just mindlessly believed everything the obviously lying media and governments told them or lied themselves then they have culpability and a serious decision to make.
    Ask them how they will handle things if that is the case.
    If nothing else it may encourage them to actually do the research to support their position.
    Be brutal.
    Ask them how they would live with themselves if they just mindlessly joined the vaccine mob without doing their homework and it caused a loved one to die or to give birth to a deformed child.

    Another question to ask people pushing the vaccines is to name the strongest argument against getting vaccinated.
    See if they know both sides of the equation.
    They must have done a pro/con analysis.
    If they only know the pros and none of the cons then they didn’t do an analysis.
    If you don’t know both sides of an argument you can’t determine which side is strongest.

    1. I’d argue that the Biggest “Elephant” is the Deposition to Reiner Fuellmich by Dr David Martin vis a vis US PATENT HISTORY…and w/serious nods to Dr Ryan Cole, Dr Hoffe, Dr Tennpenny, Dr Judy Mikovits, Dr Delores Cahill, Dr Hodgkinson, Dr Modry, Dr Davidson et all & the 60,000+ Drs of FLDA.

      To Wit: and since 1999……”NOVEL” my (_i_)
      US PATENT 6372224
      US PATENT 7279327
      US PATENT 7151163
      US PATENT’s 7220852 & 46592703P & 776521

      Add in the Highly secretive machinations of 2 Canadian Pharmaceuticals (Acuitas & Arbutus), in conjunction with the University of British Columbia in their creation of the LIPID NANO PARTICLE (the de-facto Delivery mechanism for mRNA vax), back in 2015-2016…& then their subsequent court battle (~2017), over the rights thereof (Why.?? cause “Someone had to know Something…was in the works”)…..& No One Can tell me that type of Hi level Bio research went unnoticed by the PMO. Not a Chance.

      We are dealing with a BIO WEAPON…one designed to produce ENDLESS Galactic sized profits with ZERO LIABILITY to its makers. One also designed to maim and injure short/long term those who imbibe in it…with a side of GENOCIDE,

      My thoughts on why Ivermectin was effectively Trashed – Banned outright…?? also for a VERY VERY GOOD reason as it appears. Hospitals are apparently now using it (extremely QUIETLY), as it appears to puts a blocker between the S1 Spike protein and your Cellular walls. The perfect item to use for Vaxxine induced injury no..?? All to keep alive, those who did imbibe the vaxx so as to ensure Continuous yrs of Booster shots…..AGAIN for profit.

      VAXXINEs and the injuries are Pharma’s CASH CROP..!! Cant have those “incubators” dying now can they..?”
      See the Matrix – IDENTICAL

      If I can dream this shit up…?? you better believe those who have been planning this shit for decades couldn’t..

      And no, for the record, I’m not on windowpane or PCP…thanx. I & wife also Remain ADAMANTLY against the Jab..

    2. Stan, I am with you on the recovered covid-no immunity recognized thing. That is the biggest red flag, if this is about science and health, let the recovered have a passport. Otherwise, big red flag. Anyone who demands vaccine passports without recognizing infected/recovered immunity is evil and guilty of fomenting division and worse. H.

  5. We are not hesitant.

    We are FIRMLY decided to remain jabfree, for the listed reasons and others, mostly due to continued government lying, obfuscation, and the ignorance of medications that work, namely, Ivermectin and HCQ.

    My wife is losing her job Nov 23rd, thanks to Bonnie Nazi and the Fascist NDP, and their fascist union, that is also in favour of the jab. My wife just dropped the bomb this morning on her managers, telling them she was using her remaining VA time before then. They were SHOCKED and had little to say in reply. She told them calmly, that she was going to retire near the end of next year, so this just moves up the schedule. They were dumbfounded. She’s the glue in her department.

    Our daughter told us this morning, “oh Cmon just get the shot and be done with it.” She voted for the Turd, too, despite pointing out his imbecilic nature. Millenials have it all figured out.

    1. Your Daughter may be psychotic. Encouraging a sibling or a friend to under go an intrusive unnecessary and dangerous medical procedure by force of Government dictate is truly a mindless, diabolical and heartless request.
      I mean no offense to you DanBC. I enjoy very much reading your insights on many a subject here at SDA.

      I would never encourage my Mother to subject herself to the abusive medical tyranny of a corrupt coercive Government program based on lies, fear and intimidation. The thoughtlessness and callousness for ones Mother is chilling.

      Anyone with even a modicum of common sense or a small degree of political knowledge would never vote for a psychopath like Juthtin Turdhole…. young people for some reason cannot see through the obvious fog of bullshit that surrounds someone like Turdhole.
      Its a shame.

      You should be very proud of your wife, she is an intelligent brave individual standing up for what she believes is right, she leaves with her integrity intact.
      Just my 2 cents.
      I agree 100 % with your assessment of Bonnie ( CCP ) Bullshit… although I do believe Comrade Adran Dix is the shit eating snake pulling the strings and writing the scripts for the psychotically mendacious Bonnie Bullshit… fuk her and the NDP fascists.

      1. Thanks, and I take no offence regarding our daughter, she’s laid back about it,a new entitled to her opinion. Like many sheep though, they know no better.
        She doesn’t love Trudeau, but’s they get free stuff, right? That’s why they choose, cuz their naive to Liberal dog whistle politics

    2. DanBC.
      My sincere hats off to your lovely wife.
      Too bad that her department will come unglued. On them, not her.
      I can say that without knowing the details, but rather by knowing the heart of such matters.
      Been there.
      Oh, and Bonny Nazi is just following orders to keep her prestigious gig, as she revealed in her vanity book.
      As to your daughter…well…millennials. Not your fault, I guess. Never bred, so not qualified to criticize that aspect.

  6. I’m suspicious of why the government is so adamant that I must get this vaccine when we know they’ve lied about what they know about the virus and the vaccine. And we also know they have a long history of lying about many things.

    Just for starters, they claim that they know these vaccines are perfectly safe and effective when this is a novel treatment for a novel disease and you can’t possibly know that. This is why the vaccine was given emergency use authorization, they didn’t do the normal trials on the vaccines and this is also why the drug companies were given immunity against lawsuits for damages from the vaccine, the fact is they have no idea how safe they are.

    We do know just how effective they are, however. We were told they were 92% effective and that once we got the vaccine we could take off the masks, gather with crowds, get close to people, life could return to normal again. Oops, turns out the vaccine doesn’t actually protect you from getting or transmitting the virus so you’re still going to have to keep following the same protocols as if you weren’t vaccinated at all. Turns out they’re not 92% effective, they’re 0% effective.

    So why is the government so adamant that everybody get this vaccine that they keep claiming is safe and effective when they actually have no idea whether or not that claim is true?

    1. they didn’t do the normal trials on the vaccines

      That in itself should be cause for concern and that’s my main reason for not wanting that goo in my system. Already, we’re seeing that it’s not behaving as advertised. Not only can people still contract the disease, thereby making getting the stuff pointless, but it has hazardous, if not fatal, side effects.

      Just about any other medication in history where that occurred was promptly withdrawn. What makes this gunk suddenly exempt others than its administration is government-ordered?

      Worse, that even openly questioning that can come with legal consequences.

      And, no, I would not feel safe with it in my body.

      1. Feels like we’re all stuck inside some gigantic and particularly perverse “Twilight Zone” episode, waiting for the grotesque twist ending…

    2. Notta, let me answer that for you. Why do religious people believe in an entity they can’t prove exists. It’s human stupidity, plus I think there are a lot of bribes that should be uncovered. Also me thinks there is some threats being made. The Shermans were killed, and the case never has been closed. WHY? They owned Apotex, a generic drug manufacturer , that also made Ivermectin products, and the Malaria drug.

      1. GYM..!!

        “..They owned Apotex, a generic drug manufacturer , that also made Ivermectin products, and the Malaria drug…”

        That my friend is VERY VERY interesting….I did not know that.


        1. I suspect Barry didn’t want to get with the program.
          Guess he didn’t want to join the ” Big Club “.
          He and his wife Honey were killed in a Satanic way.
          Lot of blood , everywhere.
          Their house was bulldozed after the bullshite investigation, much in the same way Bernardo and Homolkas rented house was flattened.
          All very quietly.
          Still a cold case.
          Dead men tell no tales.

      2. “Why do religious people believe in an entity they can’t prove exists.”

        Because they aren’t atheist psychopaths.

      3. “Why do religious people believe in an entity they can’t prove exists.”
        Just looking at the miracle that this whole planet is, reviewed by more and more scientific minds that conclude that this whole thing is so perfect it cannot be by accident thus it has to be by design. Forget evolution, the math does not add up….oh and yes the earth is several billion years old.
        Watch the doc “A Privileged Planet”.

    3. PFIZER themselves stated point blank: “its to reduce the severity of symptoms.”
      But got little traction at all.
      I BLAME our disgusting Complicit MEDIA

  7. I think #1 and #9 are related to some extent. There of some of us who don’t want to compromise our natural immunity overall to ALL health related aspects. I’ve read expert reports that suggest this gene based therapy compromises the overall immune system as a trade off for addressing a very specific protein focused on the original Covid 19 strain.

    For a great majority, that doesn’t really matter anymore since they have destroyed their natural immunity quite purposefully, and with the assistance to the pharmaceutical industry over the years. Those chickens have come home to roost over the last two years and that’s a club I don’t wish to join.

  8. Distrust. A vaccine that isn’t a vaccine cobbled together in record time without extensive testing and less than honest reporting about side effects, pushed by leftist governments and other proven liars. Ya, for me it’s a lack of trust.

    1. Arty.

      “..vaccine cobbled together in record time…”

      And there in lies the MYTH. the First mRNA Vaxxine (albeit for Cannine CovSars) was patented in 1999. It comprised the identical items as this version we have now. S1 Spike protein – Ace Domain – Ace2 Receptor.

      US PATENT 6372224 but they had been working on this as early as 1994

      NOVEL…?? my Ass.

  9. She wants to have a baby but she lived through communism and remembers Chernobyl? I think she should be more worried about her obviously advanced years than whether the vaccine could impact her fertility.

    1. Chernobyl and the fall of USSR all happened in the last 35 years. We had our last child when my wife was 37, and that’s far from being a record. Guy who runs the store where my cottage is had 22 siblings. How old do you think his mother was when she had the last one? Hmm. Now I’m curious, I’m gonna ask him next time I see him.

      1. If she’s old enough to have WITNESSED the fall of the Berlin wall in 1989 and REMEMBER Chernobyl in 1986 she was born in 1980 at the latest. At 41 this woman has much bigger concerns regarding fertility and pregnancy than a Covid vaccine. Yup, it happens, but the idea that the vaccine would be her biggest worry is simply theatre.

  10. As for me and my husband, everything on the list plus we refuse to be injected with something that they used aborted children in manufacturing or testing thereof.

    1. Thank you for bringing that up. The Veritas release from yesterday…

      marc in calgary, pureblood, as are all the “kids” and ex wife in my family for all of the reasons Robert has mentioned above, and The Phantom.

    2. +++++/\ Susan

      i too saw that Veritas info…unbelievable.!! (well coming from Big Harma, not so much)

    3. You have every right to take a moral stance on the use of tissue obtained from abortions, but if you do take that stance you will have to object to a whole slew of vaccines, medications, and procedures that also used those. Consistency can be a real bitch sometimes, but hypocrisy is worse.

      1. You have some special knowledge of our medical history and vaccination status that allows you to bandy around words like hypocrisy?

        You have no idea what kinds of medical treatments we may or may not have refused and for what reasons.

        And of course it’s not your fault you are ignorant about just how many people are morally opposed to this sort of thing. Even supposed moral stalwarts as the Catholic Church hierarchy have turned a blind eye to the evils done in the name of “medicine”. But there are people out there who have taken this stand and before now. Remember the hue and cry over fetal stem cell research? Unfortunately many people have no idea what goes on behind the scenes in the pharmacutical world. And those companies work hard to keep it that way. The masks are literally slipping though.

  11. 9/9 and what Notta Canadian said above. The harder they push the !vaxx, the more I suspect them of hiding something. Not that I trust the government in the first place. I have too much experience with the feds inner workings to take anything at face value. And now that they’re tripling down on the !vaxx, they can’t back off in the face of the truth without creating a crisis that they cannot handle.

  12. The kicker for me is the fact there is no long term testing results at all. Being a lab rat is not on my bucket list. The recovery odds are just too great to bother running a risk of unknowns. As someone who had just about every illness I can think of at one time or another, I just don’t see how this could possibly be worse. (and I have had some bad ones)
    Highly likely that we all had this virus in late 2019 and have natural immunity to it still. At one point my daughter’s school had so many kids and teachers sick with “bad colds” that they shut down some classes with only 3 or 4 students healthy enough to go to school. Her grade 8 class contained 35 children, 6 of those kids had been diagnosed and treated for pneumonia. The odds of having 6 children from class with pneumonia at the age of 13 all at the same time is really really rare. I never got the totals on other students but they did cancel several classes for lack of students, lack of teachers, and lack of sub teachers over what I believe was in November 2019.
    I upped my D3 and Zinc at that time and since had added C, iodine, and AHCC with various others, and have not had a single cold since.

  13. Here is why Dr Byram Bridle isn’t getting the jab, and he is a professor in VIRAL IMMUNOLOGY.

    Dr. Byram W. Bridle, PhD
    Associate Professor of Viral Immunology
    Department of Pathobiology
    University of Guelph

    “Follow the science” hubris gets taken to the woodshed, one of the few Canuckleheads getting it right.

    Enjoy the read,

    Hans Rupprecht, Commander in Chief
    1st Saint Nicolaas Army
    Army Group “True North”

    1. Hans.

      …that letter took about 15 min to read.
      I would HIGHLY Recommend EVERYONE Here to grab a cup of Java and indulge themselves.

      Absolutely BRILLIANT…!!!

  14. My own skepticism has been fed by the way it has been ‘all in’ with the ‘vaccines’. In the West there are still no proper protocols for treating the virus if you are stricken with it and zero interest in looking at any prophylactic remedies. It is VACCINE or die there on your ICU bed gasping for your last breath.

  15. I was waiting for the long term data to show it was “safe and effective” before taking the shot, and I’m still waiting….

    1. Astra Zeneca was safe… now it’s not
    2. It’s ok to mix and match vaccines… now it’s not.
    3. It’s ok to change/extend the interval between the first and second dose… now it’s not.
    4. Do it for our elderly loved ones… but they are still living under prison like conditions in PCHs
    5. These vaccines are safe for young health adults …. now Moderna is not.
    6. Once you have your double jab we will be free to live a normal life without fear of getting, or transmitting Covid… now you still have to wear a mask, social distance, show your papers and still can get sick and infect others.

    All of this has happened in less than a year of vaccine roll out. What will we find out in the next year/decade?!? The people I know who have lived under communist rule are crying for us to listen to the warning signs.

      1. Bonnie,
        That is tantamount to saying that the un-doctrinated are smarter than the indoctrinated.

  16. All of the above and because it never ever was about public health and safety or the sanctity of life. The partys that promote euthanasia and abortion are now apparently very concerned that lots of folks over 80 years old are succumbing to a virus.
    Additionally thousands have died no waiting lists in our rationed care nation over the last 30 years – no one gave a shit.

    Its about creating vaccine passports, which is the first step toward social credit and carbon rationing passports, and complete totalitarian rule.

    You cant have vaccine passports without the NEED for vaccine passports. So that need must be created via alarmist propaganda.

    And you can’t have successful vax passports if you have 5 million or so who aren’t vaccinated and are smart enough and well researched enough to dig in and refuse.

    Much like you cant have a truth and reconciliation day unless you can create a need for one – such as dredging up old news about residential school deaths – and reframing it. Presto – now we have reconciliation, – next step reparations.

      1. It’s the road back to Serfdom.
        You will forever be a renter, own nothing and like it.
        A debtor slave for the Blue Bloods and Corporate Nobles.
        Back to the days before the Black Death.

        Regards, Santa Klaus Schwab.

  17. what?
    WHAT ????????
    it aint all cut and dried? well. lm offended. lm gonna mimic the PM and send a stern letter to . . . . . .

  18. Same, same here…

    No trust in our ridiculous governing bodies. They are horribly rotten, using fear porn/propaganda, coercion and now mandates to vaccinate an ENTIRE POPULATION (that itself blows my mind!)…What happened to the Nuremberg Code?

    If the government’s chief concern was our safety, how have they not bolstered our very broken and ill-equipped health care system yet (which has been lacklustre for as long as I can remember – I am in my mid thirties)? With how many billions of dollars being spent, how many new ICU beds have been added to hospitals? Have the ICU’s received any more funding? Friends in the industry say they have received cuts since the beginning of the pandemic instead…I’d be curious if there was a survey of ICU’s before Covid and now.

    Also, if you do the math using statistics from Worldometer, the total percent of people in the world that have died WITH Covid-19 (not necessarily FROM Covid-19) is 0.06%. All of the studies I have seen (despite the news claiming that the Delta variant is hospitalizing people my age and younger), show that people DYING with Covid-19 are mostly over the age of 85, some over the age of 65, and the outliers being those in my age group and younger…without any background information or investigation into co-morbidities and pre-existing conditions.

    A big f*cking nope to the vaccines for me. Not afraid of Covid-19, and I trust my body and health over Turdeau and the rest of the incompetent pricks in government.

    I was hopeful that the sheeple would have woken up by now, but the future is looking pretty bleak.

    Has anyone else heard about children in schools being offered the vaccine?
    Immunize BC allows doctors to grant children ‘mature minor’ status and allow them to decide about their own vaccinations…a friend was sent home a notice regarding Covid-19 vaccines and when she sent her son (who is 13) back to school the next day with a note declining the jab, he was still removed from class with the rest of the kids and offered the vaccine in a single file line.

    We received a pamphlet from the BC government in July telling us to get vaccinated, assuring us the vaccines are safe and effective…now our neighbours bring the news of the jabs in schools…Considering the move to Alberta. Is there a safe place to start a family anymore? Have we slid too far down the dystopian hill? Or is there still time?

    1. we are too far gone. I can’t think of anywhere in the world to go. Either its a shithole or a socialist nightmare (some are both).

      I have told both my school age children that they must tell teachers and/or nurses that they are not allowed to get the shot without my consent. They haven’t been offered it yet, but I am sure it won’t be long. When they do offer it, the kids will feel very pressured and the authorities will make them believe they must get it, without actually saying they have to. That’s why I gave them an easy out. I know the nurse will say “yes, you can get it. Its ok to do it if you want.” I just hope they will hold their ground. Although my oldest teen might give in. Peer pressure and she “just wants things to go back to normal”

  19. Speaking of Chernobyl, remember the HBO Chernobyl series?
    The moral of that story was that the government and elites lied about the safety of the reactors; they knew that the graphite tips of the control rods in the RBMK reactors could cause them to explode.

  20. I simply do not trust our government, they keep moving the goal posts and like stupid sheep the public keeps walking sideways smiling like lunatics. First it was half the population must get the clot shot, then 70% and now in my province they assert 90 percent. Yea like I’m going to trust people who have been lying for nearly two years about covid.

  21. Some other red flags for me:
    – Censoring/cancelling anyone who disagrees with the official narrative.
    – Banning all other forms of prevention or treatments regardless of their proven efficacy.

  22. Increasing evidence of damage to the natural immune system. There are a range of things that signal this — suspicious increases in cancers, heart issues, shingles. I think the increases in non- Covid illness and death is the elephant in the room. Even smaller things like fatigue, headaches, skin issues suggest that your body is rejecting the injections.

  23. All of the above except #7. At first I was in favor of getting vaxed, but the constantly changing narrative, the demonization and banning of harmless HCQ and ivermectin, the lies, obfuscations, threats, persecutions etc. made me dig in my heels. Not that I need it anyway.

    #9 especially applies to me, I had COVID last August and recovered quite quickly, I now have immunity that will last the rest of my life (I’m a senior) but I have been refused a vaccine passport.

    They want me to get a double jab to protect me from something I already had and am immune to. Why???

  24. Posted this on Facebook.

    They “FACT CHECKED” it!!!

    A joke, and they fact checked it!

    Maybe because it’s actually rather accurate.



    Bud: ‘You can’t come in here!’
    Lou: ‘Why not?’
    Bud: ‘Well because you’re unvaccinated.’
    Lou: ‘But I’m not sick.’
    Bud: ‘It doesn’t matter.’
    Lou: ‘Well, why does that guy get to go in?’
    Bud: ‘Because he’s vaccinated.’
    Lou: ‘But he’s sick!’
    Bud: ‘It’s alright. Everyone in here is vaccinated.’
    Lou: ‘Wait a minute. Are you saying everyone in there is vaccinated?’
    Bud: ‘Yes.’
    Lou: ‘So then why can’t I go in there if everyone is vaccinated?’
    Bud: ‘Because you’ll make them sick.’
    Lou: ‘How will I make them sick if I’m NOT sick and they’re vaccinated.’
    Bud: ‘Because you’re unvaccinated.’
    Lou: ‘But they’re vaccinated.’
    Bud: ‘But they can still get sick.’
    Lou: ‘So what the heck does the vaccine do?’
    Bud: ‘It vaccinates.’
    Lou: ‘So vaccinated people can’t spread covid?’
    Bud: ‘Oh no. They can spread covid just as easily as an unvaccinated person.’
    Lou: ‘I don’t even know what I’m saying anymore. Look. I’m not sick.
    Bud: ‘Ok.’
    Lou: ‘And the guy you let in IS sick.’
    Bud: ‘That’s right.’
    Lou: ‘And everybody in there can still get sick even though they’re vaccinated.’
    Bud: ‘Certainly.’
    Lou: ‘So why can’t I go in again?’
    Bud: ‘Because you’re unvaccinated.’
    Lou: ‘I’m not asking who’s vaccinated or not!’
    Bud: ‘I’m just telling you how it is.’
    Lou: ‘Never mind. I’ll just put on my mask.’
    Bud: ‘That’s fine.’
    Lou: ‘Now I can go in?’
    Bud: ‘Absolutely not?’
    Lou: ‘But I have a mask!’
    Bud: ‘Doesn’t matter.’
    Lou: ‘I was able to come in here yesterday with a mask.’
    Bud: ‘I know.’
    Lou: So why can’t I come in here today with a mask? ….If you say ‘because I’m unvaccinated’ again, I’ll break your arm.’
    Bud: ‘Take it easy buddy.’
    Lou: ‘So the mask is no good anymore.’
    Bud: ‘No, it’s still good.’
    Lou: ‘But I can’t come in?’
    Bud: ‘Correct.’
    Lou: ‘Why not?’
    Bud: ‘Because you’re unvaccinated.’
    Lou: ‘But the mask prevents the virus from getting out.’
    Bud: ‘Yes, but people can still catch your virus.’
    Lou: ‘But they’re all vaccinated.’
    Bud: ‘Yes, but they can still get sick.’
    Lou: ‘But I’m not sick!!’
    Bud: ‘You can still get them sick.’
    Lou: ‘So then masks don’t work!’
    Bud: ‘Masks work quite well.’
    Lou: ‘So how in the heck can I get vaccinated people sick if I’m not sick and masks work?’
    Bud: ‘Third base.’

    1. I would get vaccinated, but then I’d have to live in fear of the unvaccinated. I don’t need the stress.

  25. Do you really need to read past #1?

    I’m still looking for my question to be answered – Pfizer must be making trillions or quadrillions of mRNA strands. There is no manufacturing process that could make them 100% perfect. So each injection will have good mRNA that gets your ribosomes to produce spike proteins, and defective mRNA that gets your ribosomes to produce what exactly? What if the defective mRNA causes your ribosomes to turn out badly folded proteins – prions. Once created prions can replicate themselves. And they are the cause of CJD “mad cow” disease – severe dementia. But it is a very slow process, on the order of 2-3 or more years once exposed. I think I’ll wait to see what the data shows at least in 2023 at the end of the official clinical trials, or maybe even longer.

    Side note – if it does produce prions and cause CJD, and it is a widespread side effect in 2-3 years, our society is done. 10’s of millions of dementia cases flooding healthcare systems worldwide. The only option will be mass euthanasia, the culling all the “consipiracy theorists” talk about. Remember the mad rush to change the MAID assisted dying laws so that people with mental incapacity can be euthanised legally? Hmmm.

  26. I have the same experience, the only differences: I’m a he, not a she and I’m Canadian, not in US. But the rest is the same: I grew up in Eastern Europe, I was in the army (mandatory service of 1yr) when Chernobyl happened. Personally I never trusted the Left, ever. It is too close to Socialism/Communism which I personally cannot stand it at all. I know very well the damage they can do to a country/any country. In US since Clinton’s time and in Canada since Chretien’s time Dems and Liberals shifted heavily to the Left. PeoplesCube kinda’ jokes about it but it’s the hard and bitter truth: the Left in the West now is just like the good old Russian/East European 80s-90s Communism. Same rhetoric, same narrative, same methods of swaying the public using subservient media, same methods of censorship/thought police.
    Actually it’s even worse now, since the leaders of US and Canada are complete frauds/morons and traitors of their own countries. Whereas leaders like Gorbachev and a few others were at least patriotic for their nations.
    I keep saying that we are living a prequel of Orwell’s 1984. I came from the world idiots like Xiden and our Prime Moron dream about when they babble about ‘great reset’. To all US/Canadians born here in N. America: I came from your future and I can tell you that we’re heading to a dystopian crap world, something like a mix of Orwell’s 1984 + with Huxley’s Brave New World. In the sense that there will be no Winstons whatsoever, only gullible lemmings getting happily booster shot #175 from an all-knowing/all-powerful nanny-state taking care of EVERYTHING, including your rationed soylent-green-like food.

  27. In addition to the reasons mentioned…
    – Vaccine has been out for a little over a year. Israel (one of the highest vaccination rates in the world) is almost finished administering the third dose as a booster and is currently purchasing a fourth dose for it’s citizens. Makes me really question the effectiveness.

    – Being persuaded, shamed, bullied, mandated, coerced into doing something clearly indicates that it is probably not in my best interest.

    – Why do the “Protected” need protection from the unprotected by forcing the unprotected to take the protection that didn’t protect the “Protected”? Think about it…

  28. What Ward said.
    The whole narrative I found suspect from the start.
    Name me one “pro-life” jurisdiction ….anywhere?

  29. I agree whole heartily agree, no one here should get vaccinated…ever…for anything…

    1. I hope you got your vaccine. I also hope you get the third booster, and the fourth. I only want the best for you.

  30. Grab a beer and take a read…
    COVID-19 – The Spartacus Letter

    Hello,My name is Spartacus, and I’ve had enough.

    We have been forced to watch America and the Free World spin into inexorable decline due to a biowarfare attack. We, along with countless others, have been victimized and gaslit by propaganda and psychological warfare operations being conducted by an unelected, unaccountable Elite against the American people and our allies.

    Our mental and physical health have suffered immensely over the course of the past year and a half. We have felt the sting of isolation, lockdown, masking, quarantines, and other completely nonsensical acts of healthcare theater that have done absolutely nothing to protect the health or wellbeing of the publicfrom the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.

    1. Equally as accurate is: “I’m here and I help the government.”

      Either way, we’re scuppered.

  31. Well folks…this past 2 yrs should have been enough to convince even the most obtuse among us that something is not adding up.
    99.54% survivability…for under70 yrs of age.

    But as the blatant excommunication from my own family can attest to – and done so only because I asked them to just look at some evidence. I didn’t shame or scold them or even TOLD them to look…just simply asked….and GOT Slammed.

    Your “OPINION” is Wrong and the you are the one attempting to DIVIDE this FAMILY..!! By someone I used to look up to….no longer.

    One cannot discuss/argue with religious like fervor or 2 years of simmering FEAR.

    Sadly but nevertheless, when one or more of them comes down with Myocarditis, brain prions, blood clots that only a D Dimer test can detect or has a baby with Thalidomide type Birth defects….I jut might ask “So? do ya think maybe, just maybe the Vax you took is possibly the reason.?? And am near positive, I’ll be told to “fuck off, it had absolutely NOTHING to do with it”….with some significant Venom in said reply

    Such is the RELIGIOUS Conviction of the Vaxxed.
    My TRUE Family now..?? are my friends: some Vaxxed & most NOT….adamantly so.

    I give “THANKS” to the Filth in the Media, Politicians EN MASSES (EVERY FUCKING ONE OF You Mewling Ratfuck Gutless SCUM) Randy Hillier & Todd Lowen notwithstanding.

    Happy thanksgiving….my house will be FULL..!!!

    1. Steakman I do believe we live in the same neighborhood ! All my siblings are jabbed and am sure many at least 3 times. My sister has no sympathy that I and mine are treated like lepers . It’s your choice she says , disregarding the segregation it involves, plus the coercion! I have had an eye appointment at a very well known eye clinic for months, now am informed my husband cannot accompany me and I must sit in my vehicle between my eye exam and when I actually see the Doctor ! Are they going to run in and out finding you when it is your turn ! I just cancelled the appointment instead of being made a pariah. It is totally unconscionable the treatment you are given and the public has swallowed the lies completely , I am afraid of the jabbed as I have seen some of the symptoms in my neighbour . I am also afraid of the jabbed because they could infect me !

      1. “I am also afraid of the jabbed because they could infect me!”

        You’re afraid of catching WuFlu from them? Repeat after me: 99++% recovery rate for WuFlu.

        Fear is the mind killer. Conquer it, and you are free.

    2. Steakman, it’s a kick to the head (and nuts) when family, and often those most close to you, turn in vengeance against you over a difference of belief/opinion.
      Sometimes the least said the better, and let sleeping dogs lie. But that can only go on for so long, especially if you’re not the protagonist.

      Personally, most of my circle is pro vax but that topic is generally avoided because we’ve always had a very harmonious relationship and we’re able to keep the applecart on two wheels. For how long? We’ll see.

      Recently I had an idea! But first let me say I anticipate this to be many years in the future. >If you have any wealth/assets, your will could be a powerful mechanism to spew shit in their face, and let them know it! One last shot from the coffin!

  32. Another interesting question … would you want your child to be vaccinated for a virus that had no long term study on its effectiveness? I’m thinking measles, mumps, rubella, varicella. If your child goes to school they have to be vaccinated and they will have to show proof of vaccination.

    According to the Canadian government there are no long term studies on the effectiveness of the measles vaccine.

    Women should postpone pregnancy for at least 4 weeks following vaccination due to possible risk to the fetus.

    Vaccinations should be administered to infants aged 12 months with a booster shot at age 18 months.

    Encephalitis occurs at a rate of 1 per million doses.

    Febrile seizures (convulsions) occur at a rate of 1 per 2,300 to 2,800 vaccines.

    Children who attend primary or secondary school must be vaccinated against:

    meningitis (meningococcal disease)
    whooping cough (pertussis)
    chickenpox (varicella) – required for children born in 2010 or later

    So I will re-ask the question – would you insist your grandchild not be vaccinated?

    1. Steve, define long term data since most of those vaccines have been around for more than 50 years. Another interesting contrast is that the diseases you mention are actually dangerous.

      Covid vaccine has about 20 times more adverse reactions than all the ones you mention combined.

      So yes, I have vaccinated my children against all of those (except chicken pox which my kids got and recovered from). Did you know they don’t vax against small pox any more? Do you know why? Because the vaccines worked and the disease no longer infects anyone (supposedly extinct).

      1. Supposedly extinct? Don’t kid yourself. I’m sure there stocks stored somewhere deep underground near DC, Moscow, and Beijing, perhaps a few others.
        I can just barely make out the scar from my smallpox vaccination. Wonder how durable that immunity is from a shot given 55 years ago?

        1. Yes, extinct was bad wording. It is acknowledged that there are preserved samples in many labs. I meant extinct in natural occurrence.

      2. Don. We now have the benefit of 50 years, but they weren’t around for 50 years back in the mid-60s when I was vaccinated. An oral vaccine for polio was released in 1963. I took it (gladly) in 1966 (or so).

        The covid vaccine is for a virus that is more like influenza than polio. They developed a vaccine for influenza and then gave up after they realized it changed faster than the vaccine could be modified.

        I noticed tonight a number of long term care workers were suspended for refusing the vaccine. Would you put a parent in a long term care home where the workers were unvaccinated?

        I don’t have all the answers. I’m just asking questions.

        1. Those vaccines weren’t mandatory a year after being approved and approval for them wasn’t a 6 month process (several years at least). But the way you stated it made it sound like there was no long term data now.

          Yes, I would put my mother in a home where people aren’t vaccinated. Recovered from covid provides much more protection than the vaccine.

          Here is a simple question about vaccinated versus not and forcing people to vaccinate:

          Why do the “Protected” need protection from the unprotected by forcing the unprotected to take the protection that didn’t protect the “Protected”? Think about it…

          So if I am worried about my mother and I think the vaccine works, I get her vaccinated. If I don’t think the vaccine work, then who cares if the staff is vaxed?

        2. Of course I would put parents in a care home with unvaxxed workers. The workers have been doing their jobs unvaxxed for nearly two years of covid. Vaxxed can and do contract and transmit covid.

          Make all care home workers do a rapid test before each shift—make everyone working in congregant settings rapid test before going on the clock.

          Let each human make her own decision about the vaxx.

        3. Apples and mushrooms. Inactivated whole virus, known quantity of Hep protein produced in yeast, sure I’m game. Especially considering the time and testing those vaccines went through prior to mass roll out. Having my own cells hijacked by engineered RNA to make a fake spike protein by people that don’t know what it’s going to do, (by definition we are still in a trial – a badly run trial), and have a crappy track record with earlier attempts with same tech, firm No. Bet few people are aware the protein you make in your body from the jab is an approximation of the “wild” spike protein and it is modified to Not Fold like the “wild” one. If you listened carefully a few days ago, Racaniello told you why they did that. Fine reason but something as small as an isomeric atom has different bioactivity, never mind a whole protein. What makes them so confident they know with 3 different versions of engineered fake protein (each vax has a different spike recipe) what those changes do? As if the original spike wasn’t bad enough. RN asks an astute question about prions and I think she’s not thinking broadly enough. Some are worried about sequences in the RNA – UG repeat sequences, possibly G quadruplex and potential impact on FUS and TDP43. It’s not just mad cow, it’s ALS, parkinsons, alzheimers, etc. That said, even if we had the answer to this important question why would I bother for something 99.7% survivable vs something that doesn’t prevent catching or spreading, literally puts evolutionary escape pressure on the virus, causes 2 weeks of higher risk after injected, during a pandemic (there’s a reason you don’t kennel a dog for 2 weeks after a vax) and maybe confers some blood level benefit for the protein on the virus as a trade off vs the hit your immune system takes for no one knows how long. All that for what? A couple of months (when I might then become a super spreader), before waring off and possibly leaving me with an unfortunate overplus of binding antibodies. And it’s not like the problems and risks are bounded by what I just described. If you failed to notice the vax card came with 4 slots then you failed to understand.
          so add to the list, do not wish to be a super spreader, do not wish to be a vessel for escape mutation, not willing to trade core values for false promises.

    2. You think you’re speaking to anti-vaxxers here. All my other shots are up to date.

      What vax has been released within a year of a ‘break-out’ flu and requires 2-3 boosters within said year?

      Garbage is what they are pushing – if it works so well, then why the boosters? Why so many (now double ) vaxxed getting sick?

      Damn right it’s my body and my choice.

    3. “According to the Canadian government there are no long term studies on the effectiveness of the measles vaccine.”

      But we know that there ARE long term studies on measles vaccine, and we also know that it’s been around for so long that we know what the risks and benefits of the vaccine are. I had measles as a kid, and I recommend every kid get that vaccine. Measles sucks. So does chickenpox. Vaccines rock.

      Why do you guys keep insisting this mad science Frankenstein genetic modification experiment is the same as the measles vaccine? It’s not, and you lying about it isn’t going to make it the same. All it does is make me doubt everything else you say.

    4. Sorry Steve there is no equivalency here. Read more you obviously have read some but not enough.

  33. If I might link to a Canadian connection to the vaccines, [without Steakman’s BIO-WEAPON … GENOCIDE interpretation}

    // Aug 17, 2021, Covid’s Forgotten Hero: The Untold Story Of The Scientist Whose Breakthrough Made The Vaccines Possible
    Without Ian MacLachlan’s innovative delivery system, Moderna and Pfizer couldn’t safely get their mRNA vaccines into your cells.
    So why does hardly anyone acknowledge the Canadian biochemist’s seminal contributions—or pay a dime in royalties?

  34. You don’t need an excuse or a reason, if you don’t voluntarily give consent after being informed of risks and benefits, it’s a private matter.

  35. Lets just cut to the chase Steve.
    No one is accountable …… no one
    My friend having two kids in the 5-11 age group hopes to God they don’t need to get the spike vaccine, his wishes trumps your’s and how can you be so daft to think you have any right to force any caring ,thinking, loving ACCOUNTABLE parent to not be very skeptical about what’s going on with the lies, the censorship, the coercion… the bigotry, it goes on and on.
    Other friends kids not spike vaxed 13-17, father kicked off the hockey board, and ignorant people calling them crazy.
    We aren’t in Kansas anymore, and where the hell have you been ?
    To not see the turmoil, people didn’t ask for and the government supplied.
    Unaccountable government, incompetent public health officers, and those in the stupid useless media licking at Trudeaus boots, rather than standing tall and putting forth both sides of the story and maybe the truth.
    And by all means be the first to supply your grandchild to be a guinea pig, have at it.
    Especially when some professionals think kids may be immune for life if they get covid.
    And it’s not known if and how bad it may affect their hearts.
    Go ahead be a good Canadian comply offer up your little darlings, and you get a ribbon.
    But in reality that’s none of my business is it Stevie ……

  36. Number 1 reason I’m not takng the fucking needle: I’m not worried about dying from the Wuhan flu.

    Number 2 reason: I don’t trust any communications from our governments.

    So I don’t even get to the issues of safety and effectiveness of the witch piss.

  37. Number one reason: the poison jabs do not work.
    I know five people who had or have COVID. Each had been vaccinated.

    It is a foreign substance. No one can be forced to have it injected into their body.

  38. Well I didn’t had time to read all 80 posts but did anybody point out that our “experts” and agencies benefit greatly from been wrong and never face any kind of accountability, not exactly the kind of people I would take advice from. Put yourself in their place and think if you announce disaster Kenny comes running with wheel barrows full of taxpayers money to fund your agency and with that a promotion for you. Pfizer and Moderna want their goods approved and competitors kept out off the market so lots of grant moneys will find the way in your pocket and didn’t you wanted to work for them on a well payed expert board anyways? Or do you say there is a bad flue coming out off china again but if the public keeps their vitamin D level up and some good doctors who deserve all the credit have found a bunch of antivirals that are vary effective it shouldn’t be all that bad, after all you pledged the hippocratic oath.

  39. All fo the above and add I have had extensive training in ethics. Informed consent is dead in Canada. if there ever is an accounting for what has been done, 95% of the medical profession is complicit in forced medical experimentation and possibly genocide. And I assure every last one of them, if I’m in the jury and you claim you were forced too, I’ll push for hanging.

      1. WE can bring it back Joe for the serious crime against humanity that the “vaccines” are.

  40. I am no lefty, by far, and I am certainly not one for any further government incursion into my life however the drivel that has accumulated in the column is the most ridiculous I have ever encountered.
    I have my shots and there is by far enough proof that this is the only way to beat this scourge. I dob’t plan to live the rest of my life wearing a mask because weak minded individuals won’t get vaccinated.

    1. Wafer, you really are something. You take a shot that is proven not to prevent, infection, transmission or death and you extol it as if it does. That is a serious disconnect.
      The “vaccines” are not vaccines and cannot prevent the spread of the whu who flu. Wake up.

  41. Both of my sons and their wives got the jab. I refuse to get it (as does my wife), we may need to be the caregivers when and if major adverse reactions materialize.

  42. Not much I can add to the great comments, for me, for whatever reason, the fear porn never got to me, and I was more amused by the machinations of the fearful sheeple, than anything else. I have all the usual childhood vaccinations, and quit the flu shot thirty years ago, because every time I got that shot, two weeks later, I got a mild attack of the flu. Since I quit getting flu shots, I have had the flu once, in March or 2001. What jumps out to me is the extreme world wide pressure, the giant coercive push by governments to get the goo, with natural immunity be damned. That, and the refusal to even consider the other things like ivermectin. The big push for the great reset, by the WEF. The convenient assassination of Honey and Barry Sherman, who I strongly suspect refused to get on board with their Apotex pharma company. An endless list of issues with the goo and the vaxxed unvaxxed arguments continuing, the stupid masking, the leper status of the unvaxxed, the vax passport, the travel and business bans for the unvaxxed, etc, etc, etc! Also, the great work being done by Reiner Fuellmich, that thankfully, steakman alerted me too, was most helpful in guiding my considerations.

    So, NO THANKS, I flatly and adamantly refuse to allow that goo to be injected into my body. The fearful sheep can go fly a kite. I suspect we the great unvaccinated, will have the last laugh. Although, the shadow stalkers will then know who we are, and may come after us anyway, so stock up on ammo!
