Trans Talk

A Texas Trans says hold your unicorns. 

Anyone going through this is in store for a brutal process. Yet we now have thousands of naïve parents walking their children into gender-treatment centers, often based on Internet-peddled narratives that present the transition experience through a gauzy rainbow lens. Many transition therapies are still in an experimental phase—as you will learn if you become sick during or after these treatments.

23 Replies to “Trans Talk”

  1. “Transgenderism isn’t a vague feeling, or a distaste for stereotypical roles. It’s a serious internal condition that causes you to want to become the opposite sex.”

    It’s a serious MENTAL condition. I read an article recently (can’t find it; wouldn’t link to it anyway) which featured a photograph of a WOMAN undergoing phalloplasty. HER arm was scraped practically down to the bone in order to create a penis. Tell me this is NOT mental illness.

    Why do our daughters hate themselves so much?

    1. Yes, it is a very serious mental illness. The world seems to be suffering from a mass insanity from which there seems to be no way out.

      1. The “transgender” author wrote:
        “During my own transition, I had seven surgeries. I also had a massive pulmonary embolism, a helicopter life-flight ride, an emergency ambulance ride, a stress-induced heart attack, sepsis, a 17-month recurring infection due to using the wrong skin during a (failed) phalloplasty, 16 rounds of antibiotics, three weeks of daily IV antibiotics, the loss of all my hair, (only partially successful) arm reconstructive surgery, permanent lung and heart damage, a cut bladder, insomnia-induced hallucinations—oh and frequent loss of consciousness due to pain from the hair on the inside of my urethra. All this led to a form of PTSD that made me a prisoner in my apartment for a year. Between me and my insurance company, medical expenses exceeded $900,000.”

        And yet this guy (woman) thinks she did the right thing. Mental illness, indeed.

    2. O.K.

      Exactly….100% Mental Illness and 100% perpetuated by Social Media: Instagram and Fascist Book & Twatter.

      Twatter who banned me based on my asking the Question: How many Canadian folks are truly transgender….I posited around .04%…Boom – gone.

      No Loss Whatsoever.

    3. Feminism has destroyed generations of women.

      Girls are taught to hate their bodies by aging feminists and parents who are indifferent save when there is an opportunity to virtue-signal to friends.

      Girls are also taught that being pregnant is like getting a cancer diagnosis, again, save when the “baby bump” is a fashion trend.

      The fashion and movie industries also have unhealthy ideals but they barely register these days given the above is enough to quash traditional and biological femininity.

  2. My brain cannot reconcile the volume and nature of public discourse on the topic of transgenderism with the fact that when I walk into a store, the apparel section is still divided into Men’s, Women’s, Boy’s, Girl’s, and Infants.

  3. often based on Internet-peddled narratives that present the transition experience through a gauzy rainbow lens

    Why isn’t Facebook filtering OUT all “positive” stories and opinions about childhood “transitioning”. As IF Facebook really “cares” about public safety or public health. Instead … Facebook FEATURES the wonderful world of poking God in the eye by “fixing biology’s mistakes”. If you can change your sex … then YOU are God … right?

  4. Two things I noticed:

    1) “Reddit says I’m probably trans” Allowing your children to have unmonitored access to the Internet is child abuse.

    2) The best argument against transitioning for anybody at any age is the author, who has blown nearly a million dollars and decades worth of life expectancy that she could have been spending with her children to avoid acknowledging that her dysmorphia is a result of her trauma, not the other way around. I’ll bet money she detransitions within five years.

    Also the father could not be reached for comment.

  5. Lots of people that have gender dysphoria have been abused, either mentally, physically or sexually. Imagine, for example, being a young male in a household where your mother, because of your father’s abusive or adulterous behavior, divorced and then took up a lesbian lifestyle, and all she does is complain about how evil your father is. So you, for relief, decide that being male is bad, and up pops the school system preaching the doctrine of transgenderism, with no feedback required from your parents. That same school system does not do full disclosure about the procedures and the risks (just like Pfizer), nor does it consult with your parents to see if there is difficulty in the home as a cause, and does not take responsibility for the gospel that it preaches. In fact, it hides your problems away and becomes your best buddy, saying that the feelings are perfectly normal and that mommy and daddy don’t need to be involved at all.

  6. I’m sure that many of those people are trying to get the rest of us to believe in something they’re not entire convinced of themselves.

  7. I think if you just let your teenage daughter read that line about the pain from the hair in the urethra, a lot of your problems would go away.
    Expletive deleted.

  8. Liberalism is a severe mental illness. Any parent doing this is not naive but a seriously deranged child abuser for purposes of virtue signalling. These are classic cases of Munchausen by Proxy.
    Not only the children but the parents also need to be locked in a mental institution.
    Instead, others who suffer liberalism get put in charge and demand the rest of us pucker up and kiss their fannies.

  9. Nobody is allowed to say, “ You know, maybe that’s not a good idea. “.
    Give it a decade or two, when these transsexuals realize that surgery and massive amounts of drugs and hormones don’t fix what’s going on inside their heads and things will change. I think most of them realize it right from the start but won’t admit it.
    None of these quacks and advocates will have to answer for any of what’s going on today, it will just quietly change and sanity will return.
