Winter is Coming

No its not. Quit being so pessimistic. 

Winter is coming — and it’s not looking pretty. A confluence of events are threatening to create the perfect storm that could see an unusually cold winter coupled with prohibitively high home heating costs, in an economy already facing significant inflationary challenges.

21 Replies to “Winter is Coming”

  1. The government has your back -but they forgot to tell you they were going to stick a fork in it!

  2. “Instead, this winter, we will all be forced to be cold, miserable — and poorer.”

    That’s the idea.

    1. Look at the bright side, at least we won’t have to put up with each other’s misery courtesy of never-ending Covid lockdowns.

  3. The CPI will stay in the low digits no matter how high energy cost go.

    The CPI in the States at lease no longer includes energy and food because, you know, it is much too volatile to record. The fact that energy and food make up over 60% of the average household cost per month has nothing to do with it. Also everyone know that if it is not recorded in the CPI then it is not inflation. This winter may be the most expensive winter never recorded.

    1. +++++/\ Denis..!!

      I consider my situation beyond fortunate. Live in a Condo, 4 th floor facing SW. Get all the heat we need from Alberta Sunshine…and the hot water registers rarely run…all other things covered by condo fees.

      Fuel on the other hand continues its meteoric rise as per usual…Costco Diesel the cheapest in town @ 1.199/litre…

      1. On my way up to Fort St. John a few days ago, diesel was around $1.40/l at the west-end PetroCan in Grande Prairie. On my way back yesterday, I refuelled in GP at the Esso across the road, it was around $1.37. Maybe it was cheaper at the latter or maybe the price dropped by that amount everywhere.

  4. An unusually cold winter, and yet some people still deny the reality of global warming. smh

    1. Also too much rain, too little rain, forest fires caused by decades of shit forest management, any and all hurricanes, tornadoes, and other severe storms that have always existed…am I missing something? Uncomfortable levels of heat, same of cold, blah blah blah.

      WEATHER is de facto proof of human beings acting like a pestilence, a pathogen, “maggots” (cf. Dr Fruitfly). We need to reduce humanity to relict population levels in order to save the planet.

      We ALSO need to provide all kinds of free stuff to the unemployable, invite millions of unskilled immigrants and do the same for them, empty the prisons and abolish the death penalty everywhere even for the most unbelievably brutal vicious pointless murders.

      Are we clear? – reduce humanity to relict levels AND provide everyone except white males with the kind of lifestyle we enjoyed about 10 years ago. You’re welcome.

  5. I truly feel sorry for low income families and older people on fixed incomes. I can’t imagine how they get by with everything the way it is.

    1. Yep, if you go grocery shopping after Senior’s pension day watch them shop it’s heart breaking. They have to decide between veggies or meat, many pass on the meat because they cannot afford it. One day the woman ahead of me was near tears when her order was rung up, she didn’t have enough money to pay for her groceries. So out comes the cat food, fruit and veggies. I said to the clerk, leave them on the counter and once she pays for her stuff I’ll pay for whatever she couldn’t afford. I do that alot, it breaks my heart that the generation that gave up so much is left to starve.

      1. I know. At the local Walmart I’ve seen seniors sticking stalks of celery down the middle of a head of celery to get more, green onions too. Or making a small hole in a bag of potatoes so they can squeeze in a few extra. Pitiful really.

  6. The self same thing happened in England and they found the elderly were severely impacted. Many froze to death, welcome to socialism, they’re going to kill us one way or the other.

  7. We’re looking at fuel oil inventory and resupply capabilities as we are thinking dispatch on fuel oil might be economic to NG. Of course, coal will be deep in the money. Also, we gotta truck to replenish and trucking not in good shape right now.

    If winter is bad, it could get sketchy.

  8. The CPI in the States at lease no longer includes energy and food because, you know, it is much too volatile to record. The fact that energy and food make up over 60% of the average household cost per month has nothing to do with it.. Also everyone know that if it is not recorded in the CPI then it is not inflation. This winter may be the most expensive winter never recorded.

  9. We just need a few more Windmills and solar panels to harvest all that free energy!

    C’mon Man!
