An Abject Failure on Every Front

Take a moment to think of one thing that Joe Biden is capable of doing competently:

He’s not an ideas guy — indeed, it’s hard to conceive of a politician less likely to arrive at a coherent solution. He’s not an independent thinker. He doesn’t sit above the fray. And he’s more of a rambler than a listener, all told. As a communicator, he’s just awful. His speech is incomprehensible, his briefs are rarely mastered, and, on the rare occasions on which he has been permitted to try, he has proven unable to answer questions in an apprehensible manner. He has access to the bully pulpit, yes. But he has no idea how to use it. He is utterly, completely, unusually unpersuasive.

By extension, this challenge also extends to the puppet masters behind Biden.  Is there anything they’re capable of handling correctly?

36 Replies to “An Abject Failure on Every Front”

  1. Well, they’re competent at seizing power by undemocratic means, maintaining that power by demonizing their enemies, and enriching themselves by corruption. Basic governance escapes them.

  2. And mendacious POS depraved a$$holes like AllanS keep trying to tell us Brandon was legitimately elected. Hey, twatface, Let’s Go Brandon couldn’t get elected as dogf*cker without massive Democrat electoral fraud, no matter what garbage you spew. Get bent. Or better yet, get the coof.

    1. Biden is the first President to leave Americans and American allies behind to die in Afghanistan. (In the most disgusting and painful ways imaginable) Biden also managed to kill Afghan children, after he was done with them they were very dead. Biden is good at making his son Hunter the greatest new artist selling his scribbles for hundred of thousands of dollars to secret foreign buyers.

  3. The most popular president in history according to NYC media scumbags. When this is done Jimmy Carter will finally stop being remembered as the worst president in history. I have a feeling even the GOP leadership can’t screw up bad enough to lose the midterms and then the presidency.

      1. I think the imbecile Biden is great at licking ice cream cones, I’ve seen a few photos in the realm and in spite of being a first class imbecile he does appear to be an expert with a cone, even while the world is going up in flames all around him…

        In the next Presidential election, I wouldn’t be surprised to hear of someone with a duffle bag of ballots, all marked with perfect circles, and all for the imbecile Biden, and many of these not being filled in to the bottom, being shot, I said BEING SHOT at 3am as they started to place their 1000 ballot quota all for the imbecile Biden into the ballot collection bin placed in some neighborhood.

        In fact I hope this happens, so the media can report this as another reason to ban all guns while ignoring that the person shot with a duffle bag of fake ballots all marked for their beloved imbecile Biden and the motive was possibly to steal filled in ballots clearly marked for the imbecile Biden and steal the election from the imbecile Biden.

        Did I mention he’s an imbecile?

        And, when the imbecile smells a sweet lock of hair on some young girl, the imbecile truly knows if it’s a good one to smell again, or better to let it be.

        The imbecile is quite good at that too, maybe even expert level.

        Also, the Afghans say “thanks for all the stuff” …

  4. Yet, every last spineless unprincipled cuck pundit at National Review voted for him. No more mean Tweets, though!

  5. I read a tweet (fuck I hate that word) yesterday that said ‘has any American’s life been improved under Joe Biden, other than Hunter’s’.

    That’s a good question.

  6. He’s held political office for over fifty years and a multimillionaire, I’d say he’s done something right. And oh yeah, avoiding the draft…5 deferments. Hey, not bad. Childhood asthma being the clincher. How often have you heard “President Bone Spurs”? Exactly.
    But no, apart from his expertise of goosing up female aides in D.C. hallways and smooching the hair and ears of very young children I can’t say he’s done a hell of a lot that would set him apart from the others , like, oh, I dunno, Jimmy Carter?
    At least Jimmy stayed away from kids, for Biden it’s like a tractor beam. Progressives finally have one of their own at the helm.

    1. Carter at least served his country on board U. S. Navy nuclear submarines.

  7. “ Is there anything they’re capable of handling correctly?”

    They can handle DICKtators real well!

  8. Hunter would make a better president. He’s clearly the brains behind the operation. Even sleepy joe said he was the smartest person he knew.

  9. He’s keeping Karma Harris and Nanci Pelosi out of the Pesidential Chair in the Oval Office.

  10. Back when TFG (That F—-g Guy) was President from 2019-2017, someone at AOSHQ gave him another nickname, SCOAMF. It stood for Stuttering Clusterf— of a Miserable Failure. Maybe we should resurrect it again, because Joe is supposedly a stutterer, everything he touches turns to a complete and total Clusterf—. Think of Afghanistan, the US-Mexican Border, the Economy, COVID, and a creeping totalitarian police state.

    Joe scored a real first. He is the first American President to ever be censured by the British Parliament.
    The French Ambassador was recalled last month, and according to John Kerry, Biden did not even know why.
    Biden shutdown the Keystone Pipeline, but OK’d building Nordstream II from Russia to Germany.
    Now Russia is cutting Natural Gas Exports in land pipelines to squeeze the EU into approving Nordstream II.
    China is practicing their Air War against Taiwan, and CCP Generals are publicly demanding a war with Taiwan.
    Joe and his corporate cronies are throwing American Citizens out of their careers and their livelihoods because they refuse to take an experimental vaccine.* A Vaccine that apparently does not work more than a few months. A Vaccine that maybe more dangerous to Young Healthy Men than COVID itself.
    Siccing the FBI on parents at local school board meetings? The FBI do not even track Antifa, who burnt out hundreds of city blocks and made thousands homeless in 2020. No, they are going to investigate Families with children in schools. Mostly White, but actually all races, colors, and creeds.

    * I am vaccinated, but the harder they push, the more I am thinking there is a conspiracy about the vaccine.

    SCOAMF Fits.

  11. This is Leadership.

    Mitch McConnell’s abandonment of key principles of conservative governance must not be hidden in the shade of President houseplant’s tree of incompetence. His red lines are as significant as were Obama’s.

  12. “An Abject Failure on Every Front”

    I first thought you’re referring to P.M. Shit-for-Brains in Ottawa.
