19 Replies to “Good News Bad News”

  1. Hey, Barbie–that screeching sound you hear is the world’s smallest violin, playing on your behalf…..

  2. Never fear. That idiot will find her feet as long as she’s still useful. Real want is reserved to the righteous.

      1. Well, she did qualify as a lawyer, which makes her a member of the second-oldest one, doesn’t it?

          1. Being a member of the first one is far more respectable than being associated with the second.

  3. Not to worry… assuming they’ve all been vaxxed, I doubt if these long-serving MPs will be collecting a pension until they’re 90.

  4. Look for her book on Amazon – Poodle: It’s What’s for Dinner
    $.50 kindle.
    There’s a vast East Asian demographic she’s hoping to tap.

    1. That was a clear case of dog eat dog.
      I loathe her for that and glad to hear she will fade away…..I hope.

      1. Will she be disappointed when the next hot dog she bites into doesn’t have a canine taste to it?

        1. Well, B A, I fondly hope that the next dog she encounters bites her face. Maybe a pissed off German Shephard.

  5. No way will she fade away..Onward and Upward to some International post. Mark Carney will be sure she is Rosedale rich.
