37 Replies to “Number Two”

    1. +++T. She is the one that even the democrats would not vote for in their primaries.

    1. Brought to you by “Sinking Ship Productions”

      Because it’s a Titanic presentation?

  1. That, right there, is as disingenuous as it gets, kids.
    To be kind. Not that kindness is warranted in this case.
    Maybe I can’t keep track of Hindu gods, but isn’t Kamala one of the death ones?
    Meanwhile, at the border, Kamala still doesn’t visit Europe.
    Cackle. Etc.

    1. What brains? She never had any. She’s a California Democrat. The only thing such a creature needs is a pulse, and even then, California would rather elect a dead Democrat than a live Republican.

      1. So VERY true … however, please be WARNED! The entire USA is CA now. She and her ilk (see: Nancy Pelosi) are fully in charge now. And they are bent on pulling up America by the root and tossing it on their giant dumpster fire.

        Pro tip: hey! Veep! I can see the craters of the moon with my own eyes almost every night. Sheesh. Who writes her smirking, cackling commentary?

        Oh! And conspicuously missing from her “listening group” ? Yes … no white boy. White boys need not apply. Because … well … “Equity”. They’re gonna “get even”

  2. The way of the world is the power seeking pyscho’s get to the top coz voters have limited choices.
    Name any current leader, anywhere, who isnt!

  3. Give her a break. She’s from California. That’s what passes for cerebral in that state these days. If you’re not talking like a kindergarten teacher, how do you expect to carry that all important façade of condescension to the great unwashed? Plus, for some people, sincerity is not innate. It must be performed.

  4. Gee, I can see the craters of the moon with my own eyes, too. It’s called using a telescope, you know, that thing that you look into and see things far away with. But, nah, Twinkle Cookies wouldn’t know what one of those is, would she?

    She’s perfect to head the National Space Council, seeing that she’s a space cadet…..

  5. Even children think our next POTUS is an idiot, soon to replace the dementia addled crook we have now. Well done, Democrats.

  6. L – Vice-President Kalamala Harris will lead a contingent of Space Cadets to the moon.
    The Democrat members of Congress will make up the contingent.
    The resultant Sea of Tranquility created on earth will be most welcome.

    Am I the only seeing an irrepressible smirk on the face of the man on the moon?

  7. Given her enthusiasm and commitment to exploring what is (to her) unknown, she’s going to be busy for the rest of her life.

    This is not “how many angels can dance on the head of a pin,” territory; it’s “how many blindingly obvious realities can come up and kick you in the ass” land.

  8. First they have to look away from their screens.
    To notice much of anything….

    Fking coddlers ……. to soft to tell kids to pull theirs heads out of their a—-.

  9. The worlds best and most well paid speech coaches, wardrobe, script writers, psychologists, posture experts, life coaches, therapists, set designers, hair and makeup as Blackie McTrustfund and it shows.
    These are the deranged berserk robots that come off the line.

  10. Looking back on the US election, how would you know the 81 million votes weren’t Vladimir Putin style votes where you know he’s going to win regardless. Yet, they still have elections in Russia.

    But looking at Kamala Harris she exemplifies the Peter, Paul and Mary Principle, where Peter was promoted to one level beyond his competence, Paul …

  11. Math is clearly not Kammy’s long suit. Thousands have been employed in the space business What ten have tread on the Moon, and what a hundred have died in space, or returning from it. Young ladies, if want to see the craters of the Moon, do like Galileo and build, or buy, a telescope.

  12. Not exactly “We choose to go to the moon”, is it? Kammy, you’re no John Kennedy.

  13. When I think that this POS is just one dementia-addled, 79-year-old heartbeat away from having her hands on the nuclear codes, I throw up in my mouth a little.

  14. OMG this woman is a prophet, I just went outside and yes I could see the craters on the moon. God that’s so exciting!!!

    As far as having so much to learn, for once Kommiemala has set a good example, except she doesn’t think she has to learn.

    That would involve using intellect, not disingenuous gesticulations while stating the obvious for which she has no part in.
