9 Replies to “I’m Sure It’s Nothing To Worry About”

  1. “Death by a thousand cuts”.

    China is decimating the west, everyone simply enjoys their little bubble world in a Matrix like existence. they’ll notice when their banking and investment accounts disappear one day.

  2. The US armed forces are only fit for fighting and defeating one enemy—the American people. Certainly it’s the only one they’ve ever managed to defeat without outside help.

    (The Russians did all the hard work in the 1940’s. Pity we spent the last 100 years teaching them to hate us.)

    1. Korean & Vietnam wars as China proxies should have been a wake-up call.

      Then the rest………oh well considering they had their asses handed to them by a bunch of cave dwelling goat herders, it’s fairly doubtful the Capital Socialists will be able to subdue the majority American patriots once they piss them off enough.

  3. The US military, like all bureaucracies, has bloated up to the point where they have abandoned their primary mission in favor of growing the bureaucracy. We are long past the point where, usually, a new bureaucracy is created with the mission of doing the job the older bureaucracy was created to do and has abandoned. It was pointed out many years ago that the US Army had more generals than it did during WWII and the US Navy had more admirals than it had flagships, which ought to tell you all you need to know about the situation.

  4. Well boys, she was good run while it lasted. Tough titties for the kids I suppose. Glad I’m old enough to have been able to enjoy Western Civilization while it was at it’s peak.

    I wonder, if the kids (10 to 35 year olds) found out China was going to only allow them a couple hours of video games per week if they’d stop voting for the Trudeaus and Otooles of the world? Probably not.

    Enjoy the decline!! 🙂

  5. So … he didn’t get the funding and importance he wanted … so he quit. Behold the NEW US military … quit, when the going get tough. So he didn’t like the US maintaining military hardware superiority … ? He’s wrong. But he also must not be a very persuasive negotiator. Perhaps he simply failed to make his case ? Typ. Millennial … blame someone or something else.

    And honestly!? This guy is only 37yo!? Once a geek, always a geek … only an older-looking homely geek.

    1. With black socks and sandals. Possibly also a pocket protector filled with antiquarian writing instruments.

      And yes, persuasion is likely beneath him. Reminds one of Mark “I’ll pursue my own agenda” Milley.
