16 Replies to “Keep Your Kids Away From Comic Books”

  1. And the get woke, go broke brigade just keeps on marching to Armageddon. DC can’t go under fast enough. Fortunately for those who enjoy comics and don’t want woke crap, there’s at least one excellent alternative, Arkhaven.

    1. I am loving watching the implosion of the US Empire. Eventually, the best and brightest in the West will move to Russia, China, Singapore, a newly resurgent Africa. And the illiterate, mysoginist riffraff will keep flooding into the West.

      Good times.

    2. Comics pro here. I have managed to steer clear of the “woke” crowd but it’s not easy. There’s some of us who are endeavoring to produce material you wouldn’t be afraid for your kids to read, and as the woke ship sinks we will be making our presence known. Otherwise, get the vintage stuff and the reprints of the old comics and strips. Lots to be had.

      1. Comic Reader (Dredd) here.
        Never really read DC or Marvel but it is clear that management of those companies don’t really care about actual comics.
        Everything is ‘Modern Audiences’ which is a woke way of saying ‘Screw all those loyal customers who have been supporting us for decades’.
        The problem is that ‘Modern Audiences’ is a concept, not cash transaction. Hence we get all sorts of attempts to relaunch ‘Modern Audience’ type characters because the Land Whales, Cat Ladies and Soys want to be Stunning and Brave.
        Then no one buys them, they get cancelled after 6 issues and the Land Whales, Cat Ladies and Soys call all the readers ‘Evil Selfish Ist’.

        Now you can attempt to publish what you want. Free market. However you should also know your market, and, spoiler, Woke isn’t a market share.

  2. Can anyone tell me what this obsession with comic book characters being perverts is? When I was younger and read comics, I wanted to see Batman and Spiderman beat the baddies, not come out of the closet.

    That adds new meaning to this Kinks song:


    If I’d read that sort of thing back then, my parents would have beaten the you-know-what out of me for reading trash.

  3. There is nothing the Left can’t destroy, corrupt or pervert. Marriage. Religion. Education. Parenthood. Economics. History. Sexuality. Cinema. Literature. Charity. Childhood. Morality.

    They are the Destroyer of Worlds.


  4. Can’t recall the last time I bought a Comic book.
    At least now I know why I won’t ever again.

  5. Comic books have become everything Frederic Wertham warned us about.

    The reason Marvel and DC Comics persist despite producing nothing anyone wants to read is that the comics divisions haven’t been profitable for decades anyway. They’re not governed by market forces. They’re considered idea factories by the profitable divisions, like the CW, Marvel Entertainment Group, Warner Entertainment et al.

    A while back Rich Meyer disseminated some industry gossip that Warner was considering shuttering DC Comics in its entirety and simply licensing the characters out to other comic companies to make their own titles. That probably would have been the best outcome, but it seems like that wasn’t in the cards.

    get the vintage stuff and the reprints of the old comics and strips. Lots to be had.

    Like the original 1984 Judas Contract, in which a chain-smoking, promiscuous 15-year-old Tara Markov sexually seduces the assassin Deathstroke to destroy the Teen Titans from within for no particular reason? I mean, fantastically accurate portrayal of borderline personality disorder/complex PTSD, but not something that should be in a kids’ comic book.

    Comic books have always had a problem with writers injecting their own personal psychodrama into the stories. They’ve never been unvarnished goodness, even with the Comics Code Authority.

  6. The Marvel/DC era of superheroes for kids is over for comics.
    Nobody is reading this stuff.

    I remember the early 90’s when the Image guys were turning comics into the coolest stuff around. X-Men selling millions of issues and whatnot. McFarlane’s Spider-Man…good times.

    Who knew that was the peak and it would all degenerate into what it’s become today?
