33 Replies to “Lord Nelson Added To The Racist List”

  1. When our politicians overreact or impose shit on the fly without oversight in what they are doing, they end up creating a hell of alot more problems on the citizens they jump the gun and impose this shit.
    Changing Street names has everyone including businesses or apartments/condos to do a change of address to everything that you have an address mailing including the city itself in multiple departments.
    If the city was slow before, add in thousands needing address changes.

  2. “… the many cities and towns in Canada will be scrambling to change their Nelson streets to some Indian name…”

    What are the native words for “rape”, “pillage”, “murder”, “torture” and “enslave”?

    C’mon, if we are going to be forced to ‘celebrate’ our natives’ heritages, then let’s at least be honest about it.

  3. Listening to an announcement while shopping in a Home Depot I was informed how they favoured ‘equality’ and ‘diversity’ and the ‘associates’ had their name and ‘pronouns’ on their aprons. Happy Days ! Now can someone answer my questions with the correct information ?

    1. Good. Now I have another reason to avoid HD, an outfit I’m not particularly impressed with. At least I have a Lowes about 15 minutes walk from my apartment.

    2. Wow. HD in Canada must be run by very different people than in the U.S. And the CEO of the company is a Trump supporter.

  4. Nelson is an easy one. Places just have to indicate that their street/ town is named for a different Nelson. Nelson is a common name, so I am pretty sure there are many black Nelsons. Pick one. In fact, you could have a black Nelson contest: If you are black and your name is Nelson, tell us why our town should be names after you.

    1. There used to be Notre Dame University of Nelson but like almost all religious universities it betrayed Christ for silver. Not long after Caesar took it over he shut it down. Loyola and Sir George Williams of Montreal, Waterloo Lutheran of Ontario, and Augustana and Concordia of Alberta plus many others, I’m sure, have gone pagan.

      1. I think the story behind Waterloo Lutheran is similar to that of Augustana. WLU decided to open itself to a larger pool of students but, in order to do so, took government funding and, thereby, had to change its affiliation.

        Augustana was originally Camrose Lutheran College. (I’m an alumnus, so I know some of the history.) Some 50 years ago, it did the same thing as WLU and, upon taking government funding, it had to reduce its association with the church.

        A few years after I finished my undergrad year there in 1974, it underwent a major expansion of its facilities, something which I opposed. Then, in the early 1980s, it decided to start offering university degrees. It changed from a high school/university transfer college to an unaccredited university and, along with it, its name became first Camrose Lutheran University College and then Augustana University College.

        That’s where its problems really began. Eventually, it was acquired by the University of Alberta for a token dollar, if one reads between the lines of the press releases. Although nobody would admit it, it sounded like AUC got in hock over its ears and the U of A’s takeover bailed it out.

        In my opinion, its demise began with its needless expansion in the mid- to late 1970s.

  5. This is good news. Throughout the city at the center of the universe, Toronto, the City of Light, streets will be given hobbit names. Streets named after vegetables: turnip, tomato, and carrot. Hopefully, Yonge street will be renamed Potato street.

    1. The potatoe was a new world import into europe obtained by the conquest and genocide of the native inhabitants. Even vegetables are not safe, as seen by the sock puppet’s cabinet.

  6. Once again proving that you should never name streets after people (such as Judy Sgro), because one day they won’t be fashionable any more…

  7. I want to add Montauk to the list of names that need to be cancelled. Why? Because the namesake Montaukett tribe sided with the Settlers in the Pequot War in Connecticut. They sold out their native brethren to keep peace with “the settlers”. Ohhhhhhhh mo’mmaaaaaaaaaa … Settlers baaaaad mmmkay!? And the tribes that helped them should all get cancelled. Right?

  8. Just saw an article that says Disneyland is racist.

    I only read one paragraph, threw up a little, nauseated by the imbecility and the anti-white racism of the article, and stopped reading.

  9. I guess I went to a racist school in London, ON. Lord Nelson public school. I wonder if the school board will waste their time addressing this issue.

    1. I wonder if the school board will waste their time addressing this issue.

      I think we know the answer to that.

  10. Once they have packed us all off to the slaughterhouse to be turned into cheap pork dumplings to feed hungry Chinese settlers, they can call the streets and highways of Chinada Province whatever they like.

  11. Back in the day, a very long time ago, they opened a high school in Scarborough, Ontario, and called it David and Mary Thompson Collegiate, after a couple of settlers who first farmed the area. It was just down the road from Winston Churchill C.I., so if we are going to go ahead with all of this name change where exactly do we stop and what exactly do we change the name to. Isn’t it about time that we tell all these idiots that are unhappy about OUR heritage and want to change it to blast off to another planet and create their Utopia there instead of forcing us to change the things that we
    are happy with.

    Same thing with this land acknowledgement charade. When in the name of all that is Holy did we start apologizing for helping advance a stone age culture? The first time I was aware of this practice was Ms. May’s testimony at the National Press dinner a few years back. Perhaps Ms. May along with Greta and their Green movement will get their wish this winter when everything comes crashing down and we can all go back and start living once again in the Stone Age. Then we wont have to change any names.

    1. “Isn’t it about time that we tell all these idiots that are unhappy about OUR heritage and want to change it to blast off to another planet and create their Utopia there instead of forcing us to change the things that we
      are happy with.”

      If that deal doesn’t grab them, tell them they’re welcome to stay if they’re content with permanent residence in the part of Canada starting six feet under the ground.

      Let them lie in unmarked graves, their names never spoken again, except as a warning to anybody following in their footsteps.

      We’d have been spared a lot of problems if we’d actually been as monstrous as they claim.

      1. In Progressive Nirvana, everyone hates everyone else, and together they all enjoy equality of misery.

    1. Love Haydn. But you know, classical music has already been declared racist, so his Lord Nelson Mass is just a glaring example.

  12. In honour of Lord Nelson, we are watching Peter Weir’s “Master and Commander” tonight.

  13. Yes, he is. We really enjoy watching the movie.

    I’ve visited HMS victory on a trip to Portsmouth. Wonderful visit.

    We have a fine dining establishment nearby named after the Admiral and we’ve dined in the Lady Hamilton Room. If the Wu Flu doesn’t eventually put them out of business I’m sure the Wokerati will take care of it.

    1. Yes, he is. We really enjoy watching the movie.

      I have a DVD copy in my collection. Movies like that are a good reason to buy a wide-screen TV.
