83 Replies to “Stay Home This “Holiday” Season”

    1. This wench specifically cautions against travel to … certain … American States where COVID is “very, very” out of control? Florida … Texas ? And this wench is supposed to be a “scientist”? A “medical professional”? Puhleeze.

      Pure politics. Not a speck of science.

      The Left have found their means of control … “health and safety”. Stripping you of Freedom and Liberty is … in your best interest. And esp. in the interest of “society”. These people are sick in the head.

      1. And this wench is supposed to be a “scientist”? A “medical professional”? Puhleeze.

        The joke is that she has no scientific background whatsoever. She’s originally a–get this!–graphic artist, so she knows what colour the virus should have in her PowerPoint presentations.

        She got to be a “scientist” because of Prinz Dummkopf’s anatomically-tinged declaration of “Because it’s 2015”.

        Prinz Dummkopf out-Bidening Biden before Biden illegally Bidened he way into the White House…..

        1. From an historical perspective everything is exactly as it should be. Traditionally, the most emotionally overwrought Climate Nutters (like Al Gore) have all had liberal arts degrees. They know nothing of science, but are thoroughly in touch with their feelings. Thus when president Joe Houseplant issued his oft-quoted blunder, “We choose truth over facts,” he was parodying his own tribe.

          1. What!? You don’t carrrreeeeee about the environment? The planet is dying … spoken in Jacques Cousteau’s voice.

          2. “How dare you?” at 140 decibels.

            “You’ve stolen my childhood.”

            That one needs a diaper at both ends.

    2. And she know the majority of sheep will not check out the facts.

      Population of Ontario (approx) 14,800,000
      # of Covid positive approx (591,000) Let’s use this stat from StatsCan even tho many were false positive.
      Do the math: 4% of all of Ontario were “positive” most asymptomatic, not hospitalized if ill.
      Slim chance of getting sick, great chance of recovery.

  1. All you whos down in Whoville are annoying the Grinch. His myocarditis means his heart is 10 times too small.

  2. If you read the article in it’s entirety you’re left with the impression our Web Designer Health Minister seems to be putting the focus on international travel as opposed to domestic. If it was a blanket advisory she should’ve just come out and said it but she chose not too, purposely done of course to make sure she doesn’t get shit from the boss.
    I noticed as well that Bryan Passifiume who broke the Tofino story was “unsubscribed” from the PM’s office update page, a site used by journalists to see what our PM is doing on any particular day. Call it coincidental all you want…but I ain’t buying it.

  3. Why is this? Does she mean to suggest that the vaccines are not working? These people have no credibility.

  4. “Liberal Health Minister Patty Hajdu claimed in the House of Commons on Thursday that Vitamin D supplementation as an additional preventive measure against COVID-19 infection was “fake news.”

    Hajdu made the comments in response to a question posed to her by Independent MP Derek Sloan on why Health Canada is not actively recommending Canadians to take the supplement.”

    It looks like a parody but it isn’t.

    I think I know why they aren’t telling people to take the supplement.

    1. Sure… Place our trust into Hell-th officials like Bonnie Henry, who values their position as a government technocrat over the interests of the public the government is supposed to serve.

      I wonder just how many Bonnie Henry’s there are in this insipid excuse of a country… devoted to government instead of the people.

      Oh, and Min. Hajdu… well you can just FOAD.

      1. fc

        I don’t wonder at all. I’m thinking it should be blindingly obvious to even the most obtuse in our country (unfortunately fully 75+%), that ANYONE who takes a taxpayer provided paycheque is 100% in favour of this Totalitarianism. The entire Canadian Body Politic, Mayors on up, the Entire Civil service, Provincial and Federal and last but not least the, RAT FUCK Filth in the MSM + you can add in the ~1/2Million screeching PLUTS aka Karens…

        (Randy Hillier, Todd Lowen, Derek Sloan notwithstanding)

        de-facto NAZI’s the lot.

    2. If this “plague” is as serious as we’re supposed to believe, shouldn’t one consider each and every feasible solution to deal with it? So, if medications such as ivermectin and hydroxocloroquine show that they can cure the symptoms, shouldn’t they be used as well as the witch’s brew that is being injected?

      Sure sounds fishy, doesn’t it?

      1. Said Witches Brew is a BIO WEAPON in the guise of a Vaxxine.
        No One Can tell me that Pfizer nor Moderna had “no idea” as to what would happen when a human ANIMAL is injected with their version of Zyklon B. I guess they just didn’t believe the test results with rhesus monkeys (300), & horses that all 100% of them Died.

        “Nah, couldn’t be the wonder vax now could it.??”

        They Fucking well knew and knew long long ago….as did those who patented the SARS virus in Apr 2002. Yea, Patented and one needs to keep in mind: You CANNOT patent a naturally Occuring organism. Note the date….that my friends was an early trial run.

      2. As I have said many times BA, show me the bodies and the autopsy results, every fucking one of them.

        1. Didn’t you know that the lack of bodies is an “opinion”, “fake news”, “alt-right conspiracies”?

          The emperor, though buck naked in reality, is adorned in the finest apparel because the state tells you he is.

          1. *
            and 800 million dollars worth of ventilators, sole-source contracts
            awarded to friends of the liberal party are currently sitting in
            warehouses gathering dust.

            not everybody is suffering under this so-called pandemic.


        2. show me the bodies and the autopsy results

          My elderly aunt in Nanaimo called me a few minutes ago. She’s convinced that Edmonton has been devastated, partly because she hadn’t heard from me for a few days. When I told her that I have yet to see dead bodies all over the place, her answer was that they had all been cremated.

          I’ve given up trying to convince her about what’s really going on.

    3. Stan, the is no treatment for covid, nor is there natural immunity; if there were, then the government would have told you about it. The government is infallible. Ergo, there is no treatment otherwise the government would have told you about it. Instead, it wants to shirk its responsibility for ruining the economy, destroying your freedoms and many thousand unnecessary deaths. You wouldn’t want to hold the government responsible for that now, would you. Now just go home and stay there and do as we say; and if you’re good, we may let you see an outdoor movie in January.

    4. How embarrassing for Hajdu. She should be ashamed to be do transparently attempting to deceive people.

      1. Uh, didn’t Prinz Dummkopf promise in 2015 that his government would be “the most transparent in history”? I don’t think too many people figured that he was referring to its corruption and ineptitude.

      2. Agreed LindaL, She should be trying to hide that deceit a lot better than she is. It just shows us the lack of quality in current politicians for they lack the ability to lie without showing it! They just don’t seem to care anymore eh?

        1. They just don’t seem to care anymore eh?

          They don’t care any more because they know they can get away with it. If we had a viable parliamentary opposition, that might not be the case.

  5. A part-time Drama Queen for a PM. An ex-journalist & relative of a Nazi as Deputy PM, A former wanna-be artist Graphic Designer as Un-Health Minister. What the hell could possible go wrong?
    Want some rock solid advice? Whatever these incompetent dolts tell to to do, do exactly the opposite and you’ll be fine.

  6. Merry Christmas Mohammad. And a happy New Year.

    Any New Years resolutions … other than killing us all first chance you get?

    How about no one travel until the airlines beg us to come and fly with them, maskless, lest they go broker than they are.

  7. The same woman who billed taxpayers so that she could see her family (even flying on planes that were empty save her, her many carry-ons and the pilot) is now telling everyone not to go anywhere.

    If Canadians had the b@lls, they would travel for the fun of it.

    1. One reason I stopped flying was that I got tired of running the gauntlet of the various–and moronic–JBTs in the airport system. The tattooed soyboys and purple-haired bulldykes masquerading as check-in security were the worst and the most abusive.

      1. I began my total and complete boycott of commercial air travel in 2016. Airlines would use cattle prods on their customers, if they thought they could get away with it.

        1. Air Canada thinks it’s still a Crown corporation. WestJet thinks it’s Air Canada.

    2. For the fun of it? I travel on a motorcycle, or in a canoe. I can’t believe flying will be fun unless I become a pilot, and then, not an airbus pilot.

    1. If they bring that hunk of plastic and rubber back to life, that will be the scary part.

      Maybe it’s one of those new sex dolls.

      1. Maybe it’s one of those new sex dolls.

        UnMe’s girlfriend can catch Covid?

        Maybe they ran out of real people and borrowed some civil servants.

    2. The patient is dead, Jim. As stiff as a mannequin. Have the run out of live people in the IOCU in Edmonton?

  8. Indians living on reserve in Saskatchewan: 79,596
    Indian Registry System

    Confirmed cases of COVID-19 on Saskatchewan Indian Reserves: 11,643

    …As of September 28:

    the rate of reported active cases of COVID-19 in First Nations people living on-reserve was going down since mid-January 2021 and reached its lowest point during the first week of August at 84.2 per 100,000. Since then, it started to rise again and is currently 415.1 per 100,000 or 3.5 times the respective rate in the general Canadian population…

    It looks like the vaccine isn’t working.

    1. When does the Canadian Government roll out the Ivermectin? It’s worked in other poor countries.

        1. If those fucking NDPs were in power in Sk or Alberta, those 2 provinces would be locked down tighter than Australia. Those NDP clowns are lethal and they have the media on their sides. (Need I mention the unions??)
          Alberta is the big prize at present and there is no changing the minds of the clowns on talk radio in either jurisdiction. I listened to the S’toon – 650 guy a few weeks back and the jerk in Winnipeg as well, and sold on injections or what!!
          Corus in Edmonton and Calgary has no hope since Danielle Smith exited.
          The hosts repeat the Corus narrative ad-naseaum. No news, just preaching.

      1. OL

        I would be very surprised they roll it out for just anyone…
        I have a sneeking suspicion, “they” have known all along of its excellent capability with the Vid and are actively using it in Hospitals – but only for Vaxx related “injury”

        Gotta keep Big Pharma’s Cash Cows alive no..??
        Booster after Booster after Booster ad nausea.
        Their Prime Directive.

      2. And admit to criminally negligent patient care? I’m looking up the symptoms of scabies in case I get covid. In fact, I may already have had it. How does one tell when most people have the meagerest, if any, symptoms?

    2. the other Larry, your indian post shows that BOOZE does not stop the WooHoo flue:-))))

      Oh, and ivermevtin will be rolled out as soon as BIG PHARMA quits their bribes to the Low IQ dimwitt we call the TurD’Oh

      1. BIG PHARMA quits their bribes to the Low IQ dimwitt we call the TurD’Oh

        Those aren’t bribes. They’re “donations” to his piggy bank/slush fund–ooops!–I mean, foundation.

    3. Covid is simply the flu rebranded. Adverse reactions to the vaccine are now called covid cases.

  9. Poor thing, she never had a chance. One day you have dreams of being in a Neiman Marcus display window the next you’re lying in an ICU fighting for your life.
    Life’s cruel.

  10. Does this mean Patty Hairdo will set an example by not flying to Thunder Bay?

    Thought not.

    1. “Hairdo” is a good play on her name. I prefer “Hoodoo” myself because she brings bad luck. Maybe “Whodo” would also be appropriate, as in “Who do you think you’re kidding, Patty?”

  11. Really folks, who knows a damned thing about this whole mess? Cow Patties to Patty Hiho and her boss the Little Potato. It seems neither one of them or anyone involved seem to be able to have anything definitive to say, changing the narrative from day to day. Now we are told we will be needing a booster shot and then stay home for “Holidays”, AKA Christmas.
    Really rich, it can barely be celebrated anyway because it may offend some people.

  12. If you have to be vaccinated to fly on an airplane then what is the issue with flying on airplanes?

    Safe and effective, the vaccine science is settled…

  13. She can form immediately behind Juthdin to kiss my HUA. I expect the line to be long & distinguished.

  14. We will be holding some epic Christmas parties in several red states, if any y’all care to join us.

  15. Official vaccine brainwashing guide for doctors.


    A veritable haystack of strawmen, among other blatant lies.

    The ‘Specific vaccine hesitancies’ resource doesn’t mention anything about the long term safety record of RNA vaccines, it does talk about people concerned about there being chips in the vaccines.

    More dishonest garbage from garbage people.

    “Avoid lengthy debates about facts, and stress the ease of access and high safety profile of vaccines.”

  16. Well, if I want to be somewhere and I am not there, travel will be absolutely necessary, because it’s the only way to get somewhere. I’ll send you a postcard, Patty.

  17. Dystopic Doctrine Rule #9.
    Belief is Science.

    Some simple math.

    From the article, 88% of population has one vaccination, so some immunity, most shielded from serious illness and hospitalization.
    Cases are now roughly 4% of the population, a few of whom got sick, less in hospital and some who died. Now we’re 92% immunized.
    With the lie of weak natural immunity exposed, add asymptomatic cases which would put the number well over 95% if not higher.
    Even if you only consider double vaccinated, we are well past herd immunity. The goalpost movers are falling into their old holes.
    We can dispense with “more infectious new variants,” despite the establishment propaganda equating transmission and infection.
    Cases to illness seems important, like hospitalizations to deaths. Not today; they move the goalposts to what about <12 year olds?

    That they're 10% of the population, so herd immunity still crashing through 90%, studied scientific certainty clearly showing healthy children with no measurable covid risk – despite collectivists unsuccessfully scouring Europe and North America for even one dead but healthy covid child, one that didn't weight 400 pounds or have leukemia – doesn't deter them because we the people won't deter them by punishing them with the withdrawal of our votes for their duplicitous incompetence, since "they're all the same.&quot, which makes us all the same in the end. Those who don't vote are all the same – impotent.

    Children and young adults have a higher risk from vaccine injury than covid itself. But exceptions are rules in dystopia land so any possibility, however miniscule, even one in a million, becomes certainty because politicians are too jaded to consider context or risk.

    As vaccination rates rise, deaths fall, yet these fools panic. Now watch them assert their power through teachers' union lackeys.
    Who are sure to protect their teachers from termination by abusing children with masks all day, petri dishes of bacteria they be.

    Government attempts to be perfect when like the rest they should try to be approximately right, and so end being precisely wrong.

      1. I know, propagandists gotta propagate. Same crew, different faked narrative.

        “In an article published by New York Times reporter Apoorva Mandavilli on Wednesday, Times readers were told that “nearly 900,000 children have been hospitalized with COVID-19 since the pandemic began.” A correction issued on Thursday notes that the correct number is 63,000 between August 2020 and October 2021, which means Mandavilli exaggerated the number of child hospitalizations by 837,000 cases. Approximately 500 American children have eventually died from the disease. The exaggeration was included in a report on the debate surrounding whether and how to vaccinate children.”

        Mandavilli has been a controversial figure at the Times for her ideologically-colored pandemic coverage. In May, she tweeted that “Someday we will stop talking about the lab leak theory and maybe even admit its racist roots. But alas, that day is not today.” She later deleted the tweet but not before adding “a theory can have racist roots and still gather reasonable supporters along the way. Doesn’t make the roots any less racist or the theory any more convincing, though.”

        Actually, falsifying data is exactly what radicals, collectivists and racists do, have done and continue to do.


  18. So my family got together for Thanksgiving. I sat it out for reasons having nothing to do with the experimental mRNA treatment but because of some of my family. One of the family members I prefer to avoid announced she hopes every person who refuses to accept the experimental mRNA treatment dies of COVID. One of the other relatives replied she hoped this relative’s breast cancer comes back because the experimental mRNA treatment suppresses her immune system. This is why I don’t attend family events where certain members are present. Some people are just not nice to be around.

    1. L – The Sask. Health Authourity Conspiracy depends being viewed as High Priests(esses) of a religious cult; who orders any heretic, especially one using the scientific method, tossed into the nearest volcano. The Soviet style public show trial modus operandi is an archetype of evil.

      A rational government could simply order, scientific trials on the use of Ivermectin, in order to settle the question(CDC approves such), whereby viral loads can be measured and recovery time. Trials commensurate with the information from India, Mexico, U.S. clinical trials, Japan et al. The truth would be obvious. Clinicians could reclaim their professional status and go about successfully treating those vulnerable to C-19.

      The internet access to published data from both clinical and research results steadily builds. Only the bought and paid for MSM can keep the charade going via their campaign against blasphemy… for a limited time.

      Moe has been set up to take a fall by a hostile, ideological driven bureaucracy… where else has that happened? Now, he can see it coming like a deer in the Cult. Marxist B train headlights.
