Postcard from Switzerland

SWI- Switzerland Today

Health workers may be on the frontline when it comes to dealing with Covid pandemic but they are not quite at the forefront when it comes to vaccination rates. In some Swiss cantons the rate is only 50% among nurses. Too much knowledge could be to blame. First-hand observation of the side effects of the vaccine, as well as worry about long-term consequences, are some of the reasons listed for vaccine reluctance among healthcare professionals.

Too. Much. Knowledge.

(You have to hit the drop down button by “Swiss health and safety is not as great as you would think.” in the link to see the quote.)


12 Replies to “Postcard from Switzerland”

  1. “Imagine a vaccine so safe you have to be threatened to take it for a disease so deadly you have to be tested to it know you have it!”

    Wife just asked….”has anybody in the U.S. or Canadian, really important class, died of Covid?”

    I bet they have access to the forbidden drugs.

    1. There is a claim out there that many members of Congress and thrir families have been using Ivermectin. Anyone would if you could actually get it. Interestingly, some in the States are able to order it through something called River Pharmacy, which I believe is in Winnipeg, but their services are not available to Canadians. Canadians will have orders directly from India stopped at Customs by Heath Canada. I would call it medical tyranny.

  2. So much for knowledge is strength. I guess it has to be the acceptable knowledge.

    I knew a health care worker twenty odd years ago who was required to take a flu shot. She quickly became ill and took almost a year to recover. She swore that she would never have another.

    Some HCWs can see what can happen seemingly at random in not insignificant frequency and are not prepared to take a risk. I can’t blame them. With Covid vaccines the unknown knows are too serious for some to take the chance.

    1. Article from 9 years ago, pretty good actually, annual flu deaths are anywhere from 1 to a few hundred. And for that we inject about a third of the population every year?

      But wait – the computer models say 2,000 to 8,000 deaths from flu every year! But wait again – about 250,000 Canadians die each year, and those who die from flu were often pretty close to expiring anyway, so…

      So we’re being manipulated.

      1. Well duh. If people were actually dropping like flies, we’d notice it.
        At least the Krauts in the Weimar Republic had an excuse, because we don’t.
        6 degrees of separation, and all that.

      2. That isn’t an article that would be published by today. It doesn’t follow the choir book does it?

        It speaks to how weak the field that is public health. It is dominated by medical practitioners who wouldn’t be able to run a private practice if their lives depended on it and by public health and epidemiology grads who have little practical real world experience.

        Covid symptoms include a long shopping list of nonspecific symptoms. These lead people to go get tested for Covid. Only 1-2% come back as positive using a now questionable test. What is causing all of these symptoms in negative tests.

        The whole thing is GIGO; garbage in, garbage out.

    2. Likewise I was very incapacitated by a flu shot 20 years or so ago. Took me 5 months to get over it. I will never have a flu shot again and I won’t be having a Covid booster

  3. I quit having the flu shot thirty years back. Every time I got the shot, I would get a mild flu about two weeks later. After I quit, I’ve had the flu once in March of 2001. Initially, this was my reason to not get the Whuflu shot. Now, armed with reams of negative data, and the extreme pressure they continue to apply, trying to manipulate us into getting that shot!!!! I think only a fool would even think about taking it. The extra insanity of offering free fries or some such, as a persuasive coercion, show’s me how low and ignorant they must think we all are. If they were serious, they would offer vacays in Hawaii or somewhere 🙂
    ivbinconned at 10.12 above, with his wife asking if anyone important had died…. that’s a really good question eh! Tom Hanks, his wife, and Joe Rogan got it, but they all survived, of course, they’re famous not important. So yeah, that question has me wondering now.
