Aspiration Update

Why the standard procedure around giving the shots ignores basic common sense good practices is both infuriating and perplexing.

Then there’s all the adverse reactions around the shots themselves. A few days ago the UK put out an official 100 page paper cataloging what’s been reported in their  “Yellow Card” system for a little over a year now.

17 Replies to “Aspiration Update”

  1. Do they have a total number of Pfizer poison jabs that can be compared to number of reactions?
    Deaths resulting from reactions – thus far – are about 0.16% of the total reactions. About the same percentage as deaths from contracting COVID itself.

    1. So we should have had 800 deaths in Vermont from the vaccine, and you think that Vermont could hide that number of deaths? That all of the medical people are pod people in on some conspiracy?

      1. Damn, Vermont has a lot more people these days than I recall, like over a 100x times more. Must be all those biden immigrants.

      2. I thought about this — are the medical people in on it? Mostly they just toe the line and don’t rock the boat. I think many are just turning a blind eye. Public heath people just do what the person above them tells them to do. They are locked into a system that is pretty tightly controlled. If Health Canada tells you not to use Ivermectin, you don’t go out of your way to investigate or thwart their directive. Doctors don’t want to know that they are working for a corrupt system.

      3. Tim, you took 0:16% of the people in Vermont, not the number who had reactions. I.suspect it is a very small number.

  2. I didn’t check all the other diseases but I still had my shots. Six monthsGot the Chinese kung fubar for about a month now, I now have problems with my thyroid. What’s good about it is I lost about 70 pounds, but you take good with the bad.
    I now have Thyroid hypofunction disorder or hypothyroidism10 as I know it won’t kill me but I just feel like s***

    1. I hope per kyle’s comment on his vaccine injury video that the same holds true for the thyroid as for the heart – after 9 months your thyroid gets better

  3. It doesn’t matter if they give the “vaccine” properly or not if the aim is to kill everyone.

  4. I’m not up on this story or this doctor, by after the earlier thread I was wondering if there was a subtext here, viz., the injections are fine; problems have to do with faulty methodology.

    1. He makes a good point. The vaccine reduces long COVID in only 22%. Disappointing.

  5. I was interested in the Canadian covid-19 numbers but never could find the correct page, fortunately yesterday Laura-Lynn had a guest on from Ontario outlining where to find it on the Health Canada page. There are 197 reports with an outcome of death but for all of them they have an excuse like insufficient information or still under investigation. Wondering what the age was of those that unfortunately died? My condolences to the loved once.

  6. It would help if we even knew what was in those jabs. I don’t think we do. Does Health Canada know? Perhaps people should be informed of the ingredients before being forced to take the shots.

    1. Seems there are two issues. The ingredients of the mRNA and the delivery mechanism. The latter is a mist of fat and that is causing many reactions. The former seems to be a secret but is not graphene oxide. Google has turned into a bag of shit so good luck.

  7. I would think that over 17, 000 deaths reported in the U S would be sufficient to sink any drug program.
