20 Replies to “Get Out Of Jail Card”

  1. Good Timing Ontario John…
    I was remembering back in the day, we creamed the Americans in Military training games in Artillery.
    They individualized each person for a job. Like our current politicians are doing in society.
    You take away one individual and that Artillery gun couldn’t fire as no one knew the other person’s job.
    We in the Canadian Military were trained on every other person’s job and could continue into a fire mission to the last person.

    This so much reminds me of today where our governments laws and restrictions individualized everything that failure is imminent. Today Ontario is hiring 140 inspectors for Long-term care and should have used this to hire much more needed staff instead. This will add to more Long-term fines and closures.
    That’s how my employment was lost due to more safety inspections instead of looking into problems and class everything under one restrictions or regulations.

    Our governments don’t listen anymore, they just impose more laws and restrictions.

    1. “I was remembering back in the day, we creamed the Americans in Military training games in Artillery.
      They individualized each person for a job. Like our current politicians are doing in society.
      You take away one individual and that Artillery gun couldn’t fire as no one knew the other person’s job.
      We in the Canadian Military were trained on every other person’s job and could continue into a fire mission to the last person.”

      Huh. Have an old & dear friend (we started grade 1 together) I connect with a couple 3, 4 times a month for brewskies. Over the years we’ve covered nearly every topic on the planet and solved every problem known to man, I’m sure. This past Sunday’s conflab turned to the military (as it often does) and one of the things we discussed was precisely what you mention in the above quote. I was unaware of the Canuck military broad-based training and found it very interesting. He noted that with limited human resources it just made sense.

    2. I have a retired Canadian artillery guy in my golf group. He is the most abysmally slow sob I have ever seen try to hit a golf ball 50 yards.

      Nobody wants to play with him.

      Maybe his head is full of other shzt.

    1. Carl – THIS IS what the charter of rights and freedoms looks like!! Section 15 to be specific.

      We are all equal under the law…
      15. (1) Every individual is equal before and under the law and has the right to the equal protection and equal benefit of the law without discrimination and, in particular, without discrimination based on race, national or ethnic origin, colour, religion, sex, age or mental or physical disability.

      Except some are more equal than others… I presume this was what Trudeau Sr. had envisioned and is not an amendment.
      (2) Section (1) does not preclude any law, program or activity that has as its object the amelioration of conditions of disadvantaged individuals or groups including those that are disadvantaged because of race, national or ethnic origin, colour, religion, sex, age or mental or physical disability.

      In 2021, would white folks be disadvantaged because of race? Amelioration means to make better for those who were not sure.

  2. I have no problem with the Judges decision … so long as the only weapon in question is a hand-hewn bow, arrow, or spear. Don’t confuse the white man’s armaments with Native heritage. No free passes for appropriating the white man’s culture … or his weapons.

  3. So being an Indian automatically makes you not guilty. Perhaps they will start an assassination service. Cash only with no tracing to the customer. Could be a lucrative business.

  4. I must have said this at least a half-dozen times, but once again, must be repeated yet again. There is nothing more divisive in a society than having two separate legal standards based solely on race, where one benefits from a less harsh discipline simply because of his heritage.

    Ultimately, this leads to resentment, and loss of faith of a fair and impartial legal system.

    If people begin to realize that the system will no longer protect them from criminal acts perpetrated by someone from the favored race, and in fact may find him or her self on the wrong end of prosecution as a result, this will ultimately lead to resentment, and will encourage people to “take the law into their own hands”, as it were.

    Unless things change, this resentment will escalate. You can then forget about good will, and reconciliation. Instead we may find ourselves on the brink of a civil war. If you think it can’t happen, then recall the rail blockades of 2019.

  5. Not advocating (that’s the correct thing to say, right?), but both he and the judge should have their brains blown out. Just saying for a friend. 🙂

  6. four legs good , two legs better, white skin good , brown skin better

    watching TV and commercials , never realized that every family is now mixed race. at least we dropped the useless white , effeminate husband who bumbled everything. wish we could drop the one at the head of the country .

    1. @cal2:
      I am increasingly irritated by those frequent ‘woke’ commercials. Jeez, a white blonde wife, a jet black guy and a Chinese adopted child, that covers a lot of bases. Then there are the commercials with homo pairs with family.

  7. Sick and twisted. Not only do you not do the person any favours by coddling them, you also insult every person who hasn’t turned into a shitbag because…they’re inferior due to their lineage?
    Carl is 100% correct. This is systemic racism and it insults everyone of every colour and culture.
    Save the world, throw a judge off a bridge.

    1. Given a fair few crimes in the native community involve violence against the womenfolk, this type of sentencing minimized the harm done to the women as the offender is given the “healing lodge” treatment and then is released back into the community to re-offend with impunity.

  8. If one can choose his ‘sex du jour’, then I see no reason why I cannot identify as native.
