28 Replies to “The Latest Woke News”

  1. If you’re a lesbian, wouldn’t having some bloke in a wig waving his dick at you be worse than being called a TERF? Grow a spine, girls.

    The proper response to being pressured into having sex with a former man is a smart smack between the eyes with a cosh. Tell ‘em it’s a love tap from Uncle Smart.

  2. So, the dykes are afraid to have sex with a man (pretending to be a chick) because they might like it? Worse yet…they realize they prefer sex even with a mentally unstable man over scissoring…LMAOF!!!

  3. Creepy trolls now use “transitioning” as a way to get what they want without having to lose weight or bathe.
    Got it.

  4. I guess a better response to these lesbians than the one I gave above would be, “remember, you asked for this.“

    If the entire focus of your life is your group identity, you’re going to have a lot of arbitrary (and possibly even repulsive) rules imposed on you by the group. Maybe you should try developing an individual identity and break from the herd. Yeah, thinking is hard, but it’s also worth it. The added bonus is you get to hang with people like me instead of cloned robots programmed to bore the tits off you. 🙂

  5. I’m so old that I remember that calling a man a “fairy” was considered offensive. Now, it seems, it can be included in a children’s storybook.

  6. Don’t have a dog in this fight. Female queers thought there’d be strength in numbers by adding another layer or two to the “I’m hard done by” club, problem was their new members have some rather profound mental issues and are vicious to the nth degree… now they want to become really, really good friends with you.
    Yeah, that’s gonna be a problem.
    LOL…reminds me of The Rolling Stones hiring California’s Hell’s Angels to provide security at Altamont thinking the Hell’s Angels in California were the same kind of John Oliver types who tooled around with scooters on the weekends in Britain and whose biggest crime was not properly disposing their Fish and Chip wrappers in gov’t approved waste bins.
    Sadly, Mick is responsible for the biggest concentration of certifiable psychopaths in rock history.

  7. Of course a lesbian (just like a hetero man) would be attracted to real women, and would definitely not be attracted to men pretending to be female.

    But then, the lesbians have been rather active in trying to upset the natural order of male/female standards for years, and now it’s come round and bit them in the ass.

    Can’t say I feel sorry for them.

  8. “To that end, the staff of satire site The Babylon Bee has put together a glossary of all the words you’ll need to know if you want to sound smart while hanging out with your other woke friends. ”
    Wait a minute…I thought The Babylon Bee was supposed to be satire! Those are the actual definitions already in use by the woke!

  9. Fuck these clowns.
    It’s all about genitals and identity and resentment of everything.
    Shut up, and keep your stinking hands off of the kids.

  10. So as lesbian I can’t refuse to have sex with you because you’re a trannie and that would be transphobic? How about this then – I’m not going to have sex with you because you’re ass ugly. My God, look at yourself. You look like a man in a dress. Hideous.
    Is that something you understand?

  11. News item: “racist,” “sexist,” “homophobic” and “transphobic” jokes are funny because they’re true for the most part.

    Black American men have their flaws. A willingness to humour sissies is not one of them, thank goodness.

  12. So after reading all of those I realize I am an asshole in the eyes of the woke, and damn proud of it!!
    The lesbian and homosexual are now as primitive as the straight for keeping it simple with a single gender selection. Bi-sexuals must be animals to limit themselves to only 2 genders. Am I am absolute piece of $#!T for refusing to F@ anyone because I am simply just tired of the BS? Better just lay down and take it irregardless of gender, morals, religion, race, culture, preference of any kind. I guess soon enough rape will be legal if we are condemned for having selective attraction thanks to free will.

    1. At least we know what the sweethearts of our resident trolls look like.

    2. Holy shit…ug-a-LEE! Not even bothering to get fem hormones to get rid of the beards. Just “let me doink you, cuz I’m a trans lesbian.”

      I’m right back to the cosh between the eyes. In fact I volunteer.

    1. Whenever Justin Trudeau can get Seamus O’regan’s dick out of his mouth long enough to make a phone call, that guy at the Red Star is toast.

  13. The last I heard is that everyone has a choice in who/whom/what one has sex with.
    Did this change?
    Was Bob Hope right all those years ago about getting out before it became compulsory?

  14. Well – I guess we have to accept the CBC’s opinion on Chappelle; they’ve been experts in what isn’t funny since at least the mid-sixties.

  15. Except for hockey night in Canuckstan I havent watched CBC since i was a kid becuase that was the only channel we could get. I still have nightmares of Rainbow Country.
