46 Replies to “Greta, The Magical Retard”

    1. Wonder how she would be at breastfeeding young’un’s and working with the Tump Line. FFS shut the fuck up about that GloBull Warmin Bullshit and go get me another sammich and a cold beer

      1. Well, you should have come to the first party. We didn’t get home ’til around four in the morning. I was blind for three days!

    1. Check out Super Nova Tactical, almost as much fun for a quarter of the price and still unrestricted. Pistol grip, ghost ring, extended mag all the goods… although stick to 2.75 shells.

      1. Yeah, the price point on the M4 is exactly why I canā€™t/wonā€™t do it. Thanks for the tip!

      2. Two thumbs up!
        I’m saving up for a Springfield SBR, which can still be got in the States, with an eight month wait for ATF approval.

        1. Sadly all M-14 clones have been verbotten in Bananada since May 2020 (same for ARs, Mini-14s and few others). People have until May 2022 to turn theirs in. They were unrestricted (formally not registered) so unless RCMP will trace those from points of sale, people will probably hang on to them even if they cannot take them to range or hunting anymore. Prior to the ban, we could buy one of a few guns not available in US, a Norinco M-14s chambered for 7.62×39.

      1. Well half of Alberta’s population voted in favor of equalization payments so it really wouldn’t surprise me at this point.

          1. I stand corrected. Still an unfathomably large percentage. Similar to how this magical retard flaunts her obvious grift and her support base just shovels more money at her.

        1. Didn’t Alberta vote to reject equalization payments by a margin of 61.7%?
          You might be thinking of Edmonton , in which 52% voted to keep the equalization payments.

  1. Kate summarily deleted the comment Iā€™m about make a couple of years back but now that I see sheā€™s 18, Iā€™m suggesting that someone run an updated version of Frank Magazineā€™s infamous ā€œDe-flower Caroline Mulroneyā€ sweepstakes centered on Dear Greta. Of course, Iā€™m being semi-facetious but you just KNOW that her nude Vanity Fair cover (ā€œGreta in Natureā€ or whatever) is coming soon, cooked up by whatever team of highly-paid PR flacks is behind this dingbat.

    1. “Naked and Afraid, of Everything.” Given that climate change causes warming, cooling, drought and precipitation.

      1. I’ll bet the Vanity Fair caption writers are already working overtime on this one. I like your suggestion, although someone at VF’s likely already thought of it. It – and several others – are probably being focus-grouped as we speak!

    2. Let’s see if Greta’s father is man enough to respond like ol Brian did back in the day, by threatening to pay a visit to Frank Magazine’s offices and pull a Charlie Hebdo.

      Somehow, I doubt it…

  2. We have stolen her dreams and her childhood! Well, she shouldn’t leave that stuff lying around.

    1. Hasnā€™t she ā€œidentifiedā€ as an asexual neuter? She wouldnā€™t want to actually USE those eggs and womb Gaia gave her, how would she? Ohhhhhhhh Mommmmmaaa … there are too many people loading-down Gaia. And Lord knows … too many white Scandinavian Leftists.

  3. Yeah, sure, “my dreams”. How’d ya like to take a peek inside that head? Clowns juggling knives.

  4. I bet the guitars on the wall ainā€™t cheap, either.
    What a pathetic photo of little Greta on mommyā€™s lap.
