30 Replies to “Programable Money”

  1. I know a kid who’s got a side hustle cleaning vehicles. Same thing he doesn’t want cash. Says its too much hassle.

    1. does he do barter?

      or just doing his “patriotic duty” to collect and pay taxes on behalf of a government?

  2. Hard currency: instant revenue, readily negotiable almost anywhere, and no PIN required. I get lots of things done quickly and easily using only cash.

    1. I recently started going to a certain dental clinic. It wants only debit or credit card. I once forgot my wallet at home as I went there on my bike, and it had all my cards in it. That’s when I found out it won’t take cheques.

      Fortunately, I was able to go home, get my wallet, and return to settle the account in about half an hour.

  3. I take cash still, always have “some” on hand, I do appreciate the anonymity of it … and do believe in the future of crypto currencies, I actually hope it upsets the entire apple cart when those who’ve fully bought into fiat currency realize they’re holding gazillions of worthless “notes” which become impossible to trade for items of value.

    Currently in Canada there is no incentive to save as inflation wipes out those holdings.
    Invest in something which offers a return. Tools for example…

  4. Why do governments and banks hate cash?
    The odd time with cash I paid no sales tax and the other person paid no income tax, and the banks collected no fees from either of us.

    1. They pretend because it’s to take out the underground economy, the one they created with their taxation policies of statism.
      But, we all know it’s really about getting their mitts on our dough that they haven’t already confiscated by collectivist coercion.
      If all our funds are held electronically, a Greek style fiscal haircut – actually thievery of deposit accounts – is a keystroke away.
      That will be but the beginning of the financial oppression citizens will be subjected to by profligate, power lusting, corrupt collectivists.

  5. A former stockbroker of mine once wondered about this. Many businesses are afraid of cash because it might encourage theft. Yet, those same businesses feel comfortable about electronic transactions, where theft is just as easy, if not easier.


  6. Cash has functionality during natural disasters, power outages, simple network outages, as well as it’s quite useful for very small transactions (including simple acts of charity). Take away cash, and you take away people’s ability to respond/trade in all of the above scenarios.

    Have they really thought this through?

    1. Garth

      “Have they really thought this through?” Yes they have for with digital they have control. Once your account is frozen by the state you are done. I remember a time when cash deals were the norm. Some even reduced the price of labour or goods if cash was used. I’m afraid I thinks it’s the next step of induced government serfdom.


    1. Absolutely right and if they can stop you from purchasing essential goods and services, then they can enslave, imprison or kill anyone that they see as being a threat. You will own nothing and you will appear to be happy or else.

  7. The reference to what is happening in China is accurate. It is all digital over there. H&M stores were wildly successful there (500 stores) until the CCP blacklisted them for speaking out in support of the Uighurs. Citizens were afraid of getting there H&M purchases tracked to the point that the person I heard this from started calling the chain H&MT.

  8. Government wants to track every transaction to tax it. Controlling how you spend is a bonus for commie bureaucrats.

    Solution? Barter goods and services. Too hard for bureaucrats to figure it out. Keep in mind that bureaucrats will make bartering illegal for that very reason.

    1. Just wait until they implement the notion of graduated taxes based on ‘social good’. Bad items get taxed at a higher rate than good items

  9. Just today I read that Walmart has purchased 200 Bitcoin ATMs for installation in ‘selected stores’!

    1. Meanwhile, El Salvador recently became the first country to recognize Bitcoin as legal tender.

  10. Imagine having plenty of money in your bank account going out to buy groceries with your debit card, but the clerk says all of your purchases were approved except the Ice Cream. Government says you’re too fat and they aren’t allowed to sell you snacks anymore.

    1. They will do this with gas, oil, propane, meat. To save you by saving the planet you know. Of course you will know, they will tell you constantly about it.

    1. prog-RAM-able

      They are planning to RAM through anything they want. Protect your various openings.

  11. After 30 years in the finance world, I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been told how the government wants to eliminate cash, so that they can tax every single transaction in the economy. The Bank of Canada has often waxed effusively about how great a cashless society would be (great for politicians and bureaucrats, that is). My reply then was the same as now: there will never be a cashless society as long as politicians are still taking bribes. So, basically, it’ll never happen.
