Rona Rodeo Continues

Martin Kulldorff goes over a pair of dueling studies.

There’s no Delta-specific booster coming to save you — what we have is good enough

Over in Ireland, they now have the highest number of patients in hospital with Covid-19 since March, despite over 91% of the population over-12 being vaccinated – the highest jab rate in the EU.

According to the Irish Times, Dr. Anne Moore, who is a vaccine specialist at UCC, said cases would increase until there was a “transmission-blocking vaccine,” as whatever protection from transmission the current vaccines offered had already begun to wane.

Remember we’re all in this together and some animals are more equal than others.

Meanwhile in New York- 9000 unvaccinated city workers are on unpaid leave.

Manitobans who tuned in to the local top 40 bubble gum pop radio station this morning, while on their way to the salt mines, were treated to 24 minutes of “we need to jab the kids” propaganda from the provinces top vaccine salesman.

More vaccinated Rock’n Rollers get the rona. 

35 Replies to “Rona Rodeo Continues”

  1. “If we simply use what we have to “boost people, boost people, boost people, maybe we can swamp the variants,”…

    Yeah, “maybe” indeed. These people truly don’t know, do they?

    1. In order to get a transmission blocking vaccine you have to have a virus and the virus has to be present in the vaccine. What people are taking is not a vaccine.

  2. The vaxxed can get C-19 and increasingly transmit it. The unvaxxed an get it and transmit. Am I missing something here? Is there a difference? Those who take Vit D and C as well as zinc are almost immune to C-19. Ivermectin taken at the onset will destroy C-19 with no side effects.

    Why are we still fooling around with a vax that is ineff3ctive and has lots of side effects?

  3. I am vaccine hesitant but as a retired person have no strong economic incentive to get the jab. It’s my desire to travel by road to the USA and to continue to visit pubs and restaurants that might spur me to change my mind and go against my better judgement. I wonder how many have done so. But seeing how many working people especially in the USA have continued to hold out even knowing they might suffer financially tells us that the resistance to vaccination is not just casual, as in “would rather not” but is determined as in “over my dead body.”

    I suppose that is exactly the reason behind the hesitation too.

    It becomes a bit of a math exercise. If I think the vaccine gives me a 10% chance of a better COVID outcome but a 30% chance of an unwanted side effect that won’t happen in its absence, then I have to weigh the benefit of the 10% against the 30%, and of course if the percentages are different, as in -30% for COVID outcome (could be more likely to get it) or zero per cent for side effects (no worries about them at all) then it might influence the decision too.

    At the moment in my case, I think I may have had a mild bout with COVID earlier (but during severe forest fire smoke episode so not sure if COVID or smoke-induced lung problems), and I don’t wish to dignify the circus by getting a test that I don’t trust anyway, so I will never know if I had it (and easily recovered) or not. I know that I had the HK flu in Jan 1970 and spent a week in bed as a healthy athletic young adult then. And I don’t remember anything like this pandemic nonsense with that, half of my college residence was sick at one point.

    1. Similar boat as far as road travel to the US and pub visits being missed, but……….

      wait, wait, wait. The jab is not safe, winter weather will largely prevent travel, and the side effects of these horrible jabs will reveal themselves further.

      Deny the nonsense we see from the MSM, as they try and portray that this is almost over. It’s the calm before the storm.

      Ireland is Canada +4 months. Ask yourself how insane the sheep will be here when cases are double then, what they are now! The jabs cease to work, and in fact, are worse than no jab at all, as they maim the immune system

      Dr Malone
      Dr Zelenko
      Dr Yeadon
      Dr Fleming
      These are the experts looking in, with no corrupt ties to Big Pharma, and have been speaking freely.

      Letter to a Holocaust Denier. A MUST READ.

      1. Dan, that letter sums it all up nicely. Have I mentioned that the average person is intellectually challenged.

    1. Actually it looks like you’re worse off after 7 months having been vaxxed versus not. Basically you need a booster forever and probably every booster makes it worse.

      1. At the beginning of summer the president of Pfizer said that they were prepping production for a booster every six months ad infinitum. For those that don’t like needles they were developing a pill that you’ll have to take every day for the rest of your life.

  4. It will be interesting to see how pharmacists deal with poisoning children with the experimental goo. It’s one thing to ignore how many adults you send to hospital with adverse reactions because they came in asking you for it. I would think it would be quite another to every day see kids being wheeled away from your store by paramedics and realize your part in it.

    1. They’ve all convinced themselves it’s for the greater good. Cue the quote about our tormentors doing so with the approval of their own conscience.

      CDC just voted 14-0 to authorize the kids vaccines in the States. Unanimous. After the FDA did the same. Not one dissenter in either group. Combination of being completely bought, and convinced they are doing this for our own good.

      Canada will do the same. Each province will do the same. By Christmas at the latest I expect. It will be 100% on parents to resist the shots for their kids, and knowing how docile most Canadians are, you’ll see 65+% of the 5-11 crowd fully jabbed by Valentines. Possibly / probably higher than that.

      I’d say God help us all but I think He’s washed His hands of us by now.

  5. In Saskatchewan we are probably at the point where the vaccinated will need to be prescribed Ivermectin to lower their viral loads.

    Total case numbers are down, but the share of vaccinated cases is really starting to rise (in a sustained way). Shortly, there will be a need to give Ivermectin to manage the virus amongst the vaccinated. Otherwise we will see needless deaths amongst the vaccinated.

    Oh, and don’t take the Johnson & Johnson vaccine. Too many blood clots.

    1. Whoa. The unvaxxed are being denied many things. And you just stumbled on a potential doozy, forsooth – “We are seeing studies that show Ivermectin does work when used early against the virus, but due to supply issues we are reserving it to treat only vaccinated COVID patients.”

      I speak from the horrible future…

      1. I heard “rumors” that (in Saskatchewan) if you were unvaccinated and developed COVID, you were treated in the standard way. If you were vaccinated, you were getting Ivermectin. It will be interesting to see if there really are any different treatment protocols for the vaccinated and the unvaccinated.

  6. According to the latest from CJAB, 49 of 127 cases in Manitoba today were among the fully vaccinated.

    1. So Ivermectin, Hydroxychloroquine, etc. should now be called vaccines – they help the body to produce protection. Gimme some of that vaccine.

  7. “Internal CDC emails Show Why They Changed the Definition of “Vaccines” and What it Means to be “Vaccinated”
    November 2, 2021 | Sundance | 121 Comments

    TechnoFog submitted a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request to see what was happening inside the CDC, as they discussed needing to change the definitions of “vaccine” and “vaccination” in order to get passed the problematic issue of their supported products not actually providing immunity from the COVID-19 virus or any variant thereof.”

    More at

  8. I think you should all take a look at today’s Ticker:

    What’s happened is Karl has run a SQL query against the VAERS data and discovered that adverse events (including death) vary wildly based on manufacturing lots. But this happens for ALL THREE manufacturers that are producing clot shots for the US.
    What that means is there’s a problem with the premise of the clot shots itself.
    The premise that it is safe to, utilizing a genetic hack, get the body to manufacturer a substance that is itself pathogenic, in order to stimulate an immune response, is FALSE. It is NOT SAFE AT ALL. And since the effectiveness of said hack is only a few months at best, IT SHOULD BE STOPPED IMMEDIATELY.

    1. Edward Teach

      Thank you for posting the link to MT. Long time follower of Mr. Denninger.
      His site and those who comment are brilliant.


  9. There is an answer to Peter O’Donnell’s dilemna here:
    Scroll down to ‘COVID-19 vaccines are not safe:’
    Conclusion: “Results of the BNT162b2 mRNA COVID-19 phase III clinical trial clearly demonstrate at the highest level of evidence that the risks associated with the BNT162b2 mRNA COVID-19 vaccine outweigh the risks of COVID-19 in healthy adults, and do not support claims about the safety of these products, in this or any other population, and regardless of antibody levels.”

  10. “If the natural tendencies of mankind are so bad that it is not safe to permit people to be free, how is it that the tendencies of these organizers are always good? Do not the legislators and their appointed agents also belong to the human race? Or do they believe that they themselves are made of a finer clay than the rest of mankind?”
    ― Frédéric Bastiat, The Lawson

    Yes they do.

  11. Surrey BC School Board has voted against a Vax mandate for their teachers, great news.

  12. The problem with Martin Kulldorff’s analysis of the two studies is that both the studies and he ignore the vital question – namely how much risk are the Jabs themselves?

    Let me put the argument slightly flippantly – Percentage of ‘Adverse Event’ sufferers who were completely ‘un-vaccinated’? ZERO.

    Here in Oz we have the TGA admit to over 70,000 reported ‘Adverse Events’ related to The Jab. In context the total number of cases in Australia since Covid was invented is about 100,000. This figure however needs to be taken into the context of NSW and Victoria going very aggressively with their Testing programmes which may have inflated the numbers somewhat. Go back only a few months and the numbers of Adverse and Cases were both around the 50,000 mark.

    So, observation, a lot of people have been placed in ‘discomfort’ in order to prevent them from being told they have Corona in later testings.

    Yes, some of these ‘Adverse’ events are minor. Headaches. Sore arm. Stuff like that. However some of these have been life threatening. A workmate’s boyfriend (age 30ish) was forced to have angiogram after complications after his first jab. My friend is utterly distressed that this was NEVER MENTIONED as a possible complication.

    This is the point. We are sidetracked by discussions on how effective the Jabs are in preventing you suffering from Fauci Flu, but are discussed in complete isolation to any medical complications that have resulted from the Jab itself.

    As I said, percentage of people reporting Adverse Events who are completely ‘non-vaccinated’? ZERO. The question is not ‘Will I still get the virus if I have the jab?’ it is ‘Will I possibly get life threatening complications… and then still get the virus if I have the jab?’

    Risk reduction is Big Picture. Assume you make cars. The brakes don’t work. But you have seat belts and air bags that exceed international test standards. You still think you can market that car?

  13. CominRaty (pfizers mRNA Jab), is a fucking BIO WEAPON.

    It still amazes me that many even here STILL cannot see the Forest for the trees…LITERALLY..!!
    Everything that has happened since Jan 2020 and its still a “deadly virus – you must get your jab”…???

    THE CABAL that put this Plandemic together have been working on it for at least 35 years (specifically the Bacterial/Viral File)….and Centuries on a Plan for Global Govt and complete Money Control by the Elites. I wont delve into the
    Rothschilds from the 16th Century on…but KNOW they are CENTRAL to every machination since those times (Global Masonary).

    CovSars is nothing new…the Cold, common Flu, INfluenza and others are ALL Corona Viruses found throughout the ANIMAL KINGDOM…Let that sink in.

    Said Cabal has since the 1990’s wanted to use something to gain power….it came in 1999. the First mRNA Vax – for canine Covsars. But it seems all the test animals they used DIED: Horses, Dogs, Rhesus monkeys & prolly a few lab techs too…!!…all dead.
    Imagine dat eh.??

    So here we are with literally the identical formula 22 years later and all kinds of SEVERE Adverse reaction from instant Death, to delayed death (2-3 weeks), to Myocarditis, Brain Prions, Blood Clots, Infertility, misCarriages and the list goes on. And ya needed two shots……………..that wear off in 4-5 months. It appears to me that at this point, ones Immune system is now near Destroyed…and along comes what was a year ago, a mild flu like virus..?? With you now being completely wide open to attack..?? you become deathly ill.

    And right on CUE come the BOOSTER Shots….how convenient. Such Timing
    This was 100% PLANNED PEOPLE…since at least 20 yrs ago
    And once you’re on the Booster Coaster….theres NO Getting off….EVER.

    It is the most DIABOLICAL scam one could ever dream of.
    Publicly TRASH and DEMONIZE any actual & effective treatment using re-purposed drugs (Fraudulently)
    All to direct the entire population towards their Seeming SALVATION …. a 7 Month “Wonder Vaccine..!!” That will in effect was like being told you’re going into the showers (1942), to get clean….all the while YOU are Lining up & paying for it yourself.

    How much do you think is at stake here money wise hmmm…??
    Whats a Syringe full worth….?? Can we say $50.00 USD

    So let’s conservatively multiply that by say 3 Billion.
    Then lets Calculate that at least 50% will need Boosters 3-4 timers a year.
    So Initial take for 2 shots 300 Billion.
    and ~200 to 300 Billion Annually for who knows how long…?

    Pretty good Business model eh..??
    At the same time you have created a SLAVE CLASS who will do whatever the Fuck you tell them to do cause…No worky..?? – No boosty..??

    Next up will be vaxxing the kids – & I can just see every vacuous stupid PLUT KAREN rushing to get their loved ones vaxxed.
    However, When the kids start having STROKES and start dropping (and sure as shit they will), I think I wanna be out in the Bush far far away.

    I noted earlier that a London, Ont Children’s Hospital has set up an “Emergency Paediatric Stroke Team”.
    Seems they are not even hiding their foreknowledge or intentions at all….
